Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Study programmes
Automobile production ( full-time 3 roky ) |
Biomedical Engineering ( full-time 3 roky ) |
Business Management and Economics ( full-time 3 roky ) |
Computer aided engineering production ( full-time 3 roky ) |
Industrial Engineering ( full-time 3 roky ) |
kvalita a bezpečnosť (Quality and Safety) ( full-time 3 roky ) |
Mechanical engineering ( full-time 3 roky ) |
Prosthetics and Orthotics ( full-time 3 roky ) |
Quality and Safety ( full-time 3 roky ) |
Technology, Management and Innovation Engineering Production ( full-time 3 roky ) |
Automobile production ( full-time 2 roky ) |
Biomedical Engineering ( full-time 2 roky ) |
Business Management and Economics ( full-time 2 roky ) |
Computer aided engineering production ( full-time 2 roky ) |
Energy Machinery ( full-time 2 roky ) |
Industrial engineering ( full-time 2 roky ) |
Industrial mechatronics ( full-time 2 roky ) |
Mechanical engineering ( full-time 2 roky ) |
Mechanical Technologies ( full-time 2 roky ) |
Robotics and robototechnology ( full-time 2 roky ) |
Security Technical Systems ( full-time 2 roky ) |
Transport technology and logistics ( full-time 2 roky ) |
Applied Mechanics ( full-time 4 roky ) |
Applied Mechanics ( external 5 roky ) |
biomedicínske inžinierstvo ( full-time 4 roky ) |
biomedicínske inžinierstvo ( external 5 roky ) |
časti a mechanizmy strojov ( full-time 4 roky ) |
časti a mechanizmy strojov ( external 5 roky ) |
energetické stroje a zariadenia ( full-time 4 roky ) |
energetické stroje a zariadenia ( external 5 roky ) |
Kvalita a bezpečnosť ( full-time 4 roky ) |
Kvalita a bezpečnosť ( external 5 roky ) |
Priemyselná mechatronika ( full-time 4 roky ) |
Priemyselná mechatronika ( external 5 roky ) |
Priemyselné inžinierstvo ( full-time 4 roky ) |
Priemyselné inžinierstvo ( external 5 roky ) |
strojárske technológie a materiály ( full-time 4 roky ) |
Strojárske technológie a materiály ( external 5 roky ) |
Výrobná technika (Production technique) ( full-time 4 roky ) |
Výrobná technika (Production technique) ( external 5 roky ) |
automobilová výroba ( full-time 3 roky ) |
Industrial engineering (Priemyselné inžinierstvo) ( full-time 3 roky ) |
Industrial engineering (Priemyselné inžinierstvo) ( full-time 3 roky ) |
Industrial mechatronics (priemyselná mechatronika) ( full-time 3 roky ) |
Mechanical Engineering ( full-time 3 roky ) |
Prosthetics and Orthotics ( full-time 3 roky ) |
Prosthetics and orthotics (Protetika a ortotika) ( full-time 3 roky ) |
Automotive production ( full-time 2 roky ) |
Biomedical Engineering ( full-time 2 roky ) |
Industrial mechatronics (priemyselná mechatronika) ( full-time 2 roky ) |
Inndustrial Engineering ( full-time 2 roky ) |
Mechanical Engineering ( full-time 2 roky ) |
Robotics and robototechnology (robotika a robototechnológie) ( full-time 2 roky ) |
aplikovaná mechanika (Applied mechanics) ( full-time 4 roky ) |
aplikovaná mechanika (Applied mechanics) ( external 5 roky ) |
biomedicínske inžinierstvo (Biomedical engineering) ( full-time 4 roky ) |
biomedicínske inžinierstvo (Biomedical engineering) ( external 5 roky ) |
Industrial mechatronics (priemyselná mechatronika) ( full-time 4 roky ) |
Industrial mechatronics (priemyselná mechatronika) ( external 5 roky ) |
Quality and Safety (kvalita a bezpečnosť) ( full-time 4 roky ) |
Quality and Safety (kvalita a bezpečnosť) ( external 5 roky ) |
strojárske technológie a materiály (Mechanical engineering technologies and materials) ( full-time 4 roky ) |
strojárske technológie a materiály (Mechanical engineering technologies and materials) ( external 5 roky ) |
Faculty profile
22 study programs of the Faculty of mechanical engineering TUKE belong to the TOP 100 of the most promising study programs in Slovakia
Within the implementation of the activities of the National project Universities as engines of development of the knowledge society there was an assessment of study programs of universities outside Bratislava processed about the viability of the application of their graduates in the corporate sector, especially in sectors with high competitiveness and added value for the national economy.
Faculty of mechanical engineering of Technical University in Košice proudly endorses to the historical legacy of the Mining Academy founded by Maria Theresa in 1762. During its existence, the faculty significantly strengthened its position in significant scientific- esearch institutions in the field of engineering in Slovakia and abroad. The role of the faculty is education of professionally and linguistically skilled graduates who are able to provide spiritual and economic development of Slovakia and are prepared to accept the challenges that are part of the integration and globalization processes in the world. Graduates from all fields of study has been successfully applying themselves not only at home but also on the European and global labor market. Faculty of mechanical engineering TU in Košice provides education at all levels of study, not only in Slovak, but also in English (especially for foreign students).
Full-time students can study in a given academic year at foreign university. The study within the ERASMUS program, individual fellowships and grants (www.saia.sk). A student may study abroad from 3 to 12 months within the ERASMUS program.
• tradition – FME TUKE is the founding faculty of TU in Košice, which is historically the second technical university in the modern history of Slovakia;
• uniqueness – faculty offers unique study programs with broad scientific and technical foundation, shaped to the needs of practice;
• quality – preparation of graduates with knowledge of information technologies and computer support tools in the construction and technological preparation of production, planning and management of mechanical engineering, capable of working in international teams;
• foreign language teaching
• top equipped laboratories, lecture halls and computer labs with the most advanced software and usage of high-tech technologies;
• use of modern information and educational training methods of e-learning and learning by doing types;
• applications – graduates are knowledgeable, flexible and wanted at the labor market by domestic and foreign companies from the industrial and social practice in a wide range of corporate, public and state sector;
• education of talents – the best students are involved in scientific research process of the faculty;
• foreign stays with the possibility of spending a period of the study in foreign universities;
• accommodation in student residencies with meals and sport activities.
Faculty of mechanical engineering of Technical University in Košice proudly endorses to the historical legacy of the Mining Academy founded by Maria Theresa in 1762. During its existence, the faculty significantly strengthened its position in significant scientific- esearch institutions in the field of engineering in Slovakia and abroad. The role of the faculty is education of professionally and linguistically skilled graduates who are able to provide spiritual and economic development of Slovakia and are prepared to accept the challenges that are part of the integration and globalization processes in the world. Graduates from all fields of study has been successfully applying themselves not only at home but also on the European and global labor market. Faculty of mechanical engineering TU in Košice provides education at all levels of study, not only in Slovak, but also in English (especially for foreign students).
Full-time students can study in a given academic year at foreign university. The study within the ERASMUS program, individual fellowships and grants (www.saia.sk). A student may study abroad from 3 to 12 months within the ERASMUS program.
• tradition – FME TUKE is the founding faculty of TU in Košice, which is historically the second technical university in the modern history of Slovakia;
• uniqueness – faculty offers unique study programs with broad scientific and technical foundation, shaped to the needs of practice;
• quality – preparation of graduates with knowledge of information technologies and computer support tools in the construction and technological preparation of production, planning and management of mechanical engineering, capable of working in international teams;
• foreign language teaching
• top equipped laboratories, lecture halls and computer labs with the most advanced software and usage of high-tech technologies;
• use of modern information and educational training methods of e-learning and learning by doing types;
• applications – graduates are knowledgeable, flexible and wanted at the labor market by domestic and foreign companies from the industrial and social practice in a wide range of corporate, public and state sector;
• education of talents – the best students are involved in scientific research process of the faculty;
• foreign stays with the possibility of spending a period of the study in foreign universities;
• accommodation in student residencies with meals and sport activities.
22 study programs of the Faculty of mechanical engineering TUKE belong to the TOP 100 of the most promising study programs in Slovakia
Within the implementation of the activities of the National project Universities as engines of development of the knowledge society there was an assessment of study programs of universities outside Bratislava processed about the viability of the application of their graduates in the corporate sector, especially in sectors with high competitiveness and added value for the national economy.
Admission procedure
Automobile production Bc., full-time
Business Management and Economics Bc., full-time
Prosthetics and Orthotics Bc., full-time
Biomedical Engineering Bc., full-time
Prosthetics and Orthotics Bc., full-time
Industrial engineering (Priemyselné inžinierstvo) Bc., full-time
Industrial Engineering Bc., full-time
Computer aided engineering production Bc., full-time
Industrial mechatronics (priemyselná mechatronika) Bc., full-time
Accommodation and boarding
Other services
Erasmus+: https://erasmus.tuke.sk/
Ulysseus: https://ulysseus.eu/sk/
Bezbariérové centrum: https://accesscentre.tuke.sk/
Responsibility for content: prof. Ing. Peter Frankovský, PhD. (peter.frankovsky@tuke.sk)
Last update: 17.12.2024 10:20