Propagácia a média

We help students choose an university. In one place you will find all universities in Slovakia. We would like to help even more students every year and we therefore welcome your support.

How can you do that?

Je to jednoduché. Stačí zverejniť naše logo, video alebo banner na svojej webovej stránke.
Banners are funny and will definitely not disrupt your site. You will show students this way, where you can clearly find all the information about universities in a few minutes.
All you have to do is choose a banner and paste the code into your website to ensure that you always have the latest version on your site. If you prefer a video for your site, copy the link and paste it into your website.

Do you want information about the University Portal in a paper version so that you can distribute it to graduates?

Order leaflets with which you can inform students about where they can easily find information about all universities in Slovakia. If you are interested, order them for free via our form.

Navštívte aj naše sociálne siete : fb instagram

Code per page:


If you have questions when ordering flyers, please write to


Vážení maturanti, dovoľujeme si Vás osloviť so žiadosťou o vyplnenie krátkeho anonymného dotazníka. Výsledky prieskumu budú slúžiť na skvalitnenie poskytovania informácií uchádzačom stredných škôl prostredníctvom Portálu VŠ, ako i na skvalitnenie procesu prihlasovania sa na vysoké školy.

Vyplniť dotazník