Applied Mechanics


The graduate of the study programme Applied Mechanics in the 3rd stage of higher education has knowledge in the field of modelling, simulation and optimization of machines and machinery. They can analyse the physical processes taking place in machines and equipment and evaluate their behaviour using both theoretical and experimental methods. Can apply modern computer procedures to simulate the behaviour of a product or process. The graduate has competences in the field of analysis, modelling and simulation of machines, equipment, processes and systems in the context of digital industrial engineering and reverse engineering. He/she is able to creatively and systematically approach the solution of problems of industrial practice (i.e. analyse, synthesise, deduce, induce individual elements of a system).

Learning Objectives

The graduate has a systematic, coherent and comprehensive body of knowledge in a specialised area, including knowledge and understanding of the relationships to other parts of the discipline and to related disciplines, and has a deep understanding of the theories, sophisticated methods and practices of science and research at a level appropriate to international criteria, can actively acquire new knowledge and information, critically analyse and review it and use it in theory and practical applications for the development of the field, can apply and creatively refine and develop theories and research, development and innovation practices in the field and create new ones, can identify global scientific and innovative developments in the field and in related fields and use them in the direction and development of the field, integrating knowledge from different fields, can plan and initiate the solution of complex problems/projects, including the formulation of objectives, means and methods in the field of development in the field, can assess and modify own professional activities in a broader context, in relation to the long-term impact in the field and in terms of social, ethical, environmental and other criteria, is prepared to formulate information on the outputs and conclusions of scientific, research and development work at the international level, and to manage large-scale research tasks and teams.
The graduate of the program:
- Demonstrates a systematic understanding of the field of study and has mastered the skills and methods of scientific research associated with the field appropriate to the current state of knowledge in the field.
- Demonstrates the ability to conceive, construct, conduct, and modify substantial research with scientific integrity.
- Contributes scientific research to the extension of the frontiers of scientific knowledge through the completion of an extensive body of work, some of which is worthy of peer-reviewed publication at the national or international level.
- Is able to critically analyze, evaluate, and synthesize new and complex concepts.
- Is able to communicate his/her area of expertise to colleagues, the broader scientific community, and the general public.
- Is able to promote technical, social, or cultural progress in a knowledge-based society in an academic and professional context.The study is aimed at preparing highly qualified experts in scientific research, development and practice in all fields and workplaces where the scientific knowledge of mechanics is applied. Their scientific erudition is mainly related to the following areas of mechanics: Development and improvement of analytical and numerical computational methods (finite element method, boundary element method, meshless methods), theory of modelling and analysis of mechanical systems and structures, constitutive relations with emphasis on linear and non-linear material behaviour, limit state conditions of materials and solids, mechanics of composites, smart and MEMS materials, analysis of stress, coupled deformation and dynamic response of selected classes of solids including composite solids, inverse problems of solid mechanics and identification of material, technological and other parameters, modelling of stress and deformation of selected technological processes (e.g., inverse problems of solid mechanics and identification of material, technological and other parameters, modelling of stress and deformation of selected technological processes (e.g. The analysis of stress-strain and strain models, such as sheet metal forming, forging, extrusion, welding, change of state, stability of structures), optimization and contact problems, interaction of structures and environment, expert systems, mechanics of micro- and nano-systems, dynamics of interactive and mechatronic systems, dynamics of vehicles and machinery, solution of selected vibroacoustics problems, stability and dynamics of building structures, biomechanics, application of numerical methods to radiation and propagation of light, solution of coupled electro-thermo-mechanical problems, fracture mechanics, durability and reliability of structures, etc.
Experimental mechanics: development and application of existing methods and development of new methods, mechanical, optical and acoustic methods for verification of physical characteristics of materials and structures, in situ testing of mechanical models and structures, interactive diagnosis of mechanical phenomena by experimental and numerical methods, development of experimental methods for verification of protection of man and structures from noise and vibrations from transport and technology.

Prospects of graduates

Learning Outcomes

The graduate is proficient in the scientific methods of Applied Mechanics research and development. The study is oriented to graduates of engineering or master's degree, inclined to solve theoretical engineering-scientific problems in the fields of applied mechanics and engineering. The prerequisite for successful completion of the study is the doctoral student's ability to think abstractly, his/her interest and ability to apply the knowledge of various disciplines in solving engineering problems, mastery of modern analytical and numerical methods and methods of mathematical modelling.
The PhD student will learn to characterize and understand physical phenomena and experimental knowledge of these phenomena, to search for adequate models and new applications in specified disciplines, in science, research and practice.
The PhD studies will enable the PhD student to acquire comprehensive theoretical knowledge and practical experience and to master the methodologies of scientific work, and will prepare him/her for independent scientific work in the areas of calculation of structures in a wide range of activities.

Third degree graduates of the Applied Mechanics programme in Mechanical Engineering:

- are able to analyse, optimise, design, construct and maintain large-scale engineering solutions covering a broad area of engineering,
- carry out research with a high degree of creativity and independence,
- have a deep knowledge of engineering enabling them to manage teams of workers in this area, lead even large projects independently and take responsibility for complex solutions,
- are able to take a scientific approach to the problems they are solving. They have experience in hypothesis formulation, experimental design, hypothesis testing and data analysis,
- they apply modern methods and techniques of design and development in the field of engineering,
- they find and present their own solutions to problems in research, development, design, construction and production in engineering and in the use of engineering products,
- they creatively apply the acquired knowledge in practice,
- they critically analyse and apply the whole range of concepts, principles and practices of the discipline in the context of loosely defined problems, demonstrating effective decision making in relation to the selection and application of methods, technologies and resources,
- are able to implement complex engineering solutions, using advanced methods and resources in problem solving,
- demonstrate a thorough understanding of the supporting areas of knowledge and theory of engineering systems design, together with the ability to make critical judgements across the full range of problems associated with these systems,
- are able to analyse and understand design, technological and other processes in engineering with application to particular branches of engineering,
- are able to specify, design, implement and maintain large-scale integrated solutions involving engineering manufacturing for a variety of applications,
- are able to manage technology change processes in terms of technology development, adaptation and implementation of progressive engineering,
- are able to work in projects, that involve problem identification, analysis, design and implementation of large-scale solutions to engineering systems and activities, together with testing and appropriate documentation, applying individual quality considerations as well as their environmental impact,
- are able to work effectively as an individual, as a member and as a leader of a team,
- keep abreast of modern developments in their discipline,
- follow appropriate practices in accordance with the professional, legal and ethical framework of the discipline.

Graduates of the programme have found employment in the following companies:

- Automotive industry: Volkswagen Bratislava, Hyundai/KIA Žilina, PSA Peugeot Citroën Trnava, or in downstream subcontracting companies, Getrag Ford Transmissions, Molex, Gilbos Kechnec, Yazaki Michalovce

- Heavy engineering: VSS Košice, Tatravagónka Poprad, Strojárne Piesok, SES Tlmače

- Metallurgical production: US Steel Košice, ZSNP Žiar nad Hronom, Železiarne Podbrezová

- Energy enterprises: SE Vojany, Vodné elektrárne Trenčín, Tepláreň Košice, SPP Nitra, Veľké Kapušany, Jablonov nad Turňou

- Enterprises producing household appliances: Whirlpool Poprad, BSH Siemens Michalovce

- Manufacturing industry: SCP Ružomberok

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Conditions of admission

The basic conditions of doctoral studies (III. degree of higher education) are regulated by § 54 of Act No.131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts, as amended.

Admission to doctoral studies at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Technical University of Košice is carried out on the basis of the Internal Regulation of the Technical University of Košice pursuant to Article 49(4)(c) of the Statute of the Technical University of Košice - Principles of the organisation, evaluation and termination of doctoral studies and the principles of the establishment of expert committees of doctoral studies at the Technical University of Košice.

The basic condition for admission to doctoral studies is the completion of the second cycle of university studies and successful completion of the admission procedure.

Application is submitted in electronic form - e-application.
In the application form it is necessary to indicate the name of the study programme, the title of the topic of one dissertation (written in the relevant study programme in the given academic year) together with the name of the supervisor, the form of study (full-time, part-time) and the language of study (Slovak, English). Knowledge of at least one foreign language should also be indicated.

Additional information

Conditions for international students

Fees for studying a full time study program in a non-national language are € 7,000.

Fees for studying an external study program in a non-national language are € 5,000.

Coordinator for students with specific needs

Barrier-free centre:

Prof. Eng. Alena Galajdová, PhD.
Tel: +421 55 602 2377

General information on the admission exam

The completed application form for doctoral studies must be accompanied by:

  • resume
  • certified copies of documents certifying completion of studies (university diploma, state examination certificate, diploma supplement)
  • statement of results of studies
  • proof of payment of the admission fee (postal order, bank statement)
  • list of professional and scientific works published so far.

Form of entrance exam

Written, oral


Foreign language (English)

  • Apply the application for study


  • Performance of the entrance exam

    13.06.2025 - 13.06.2025

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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

  • CV (electronic form)
  • kópia dokladu o zaplatení poplatku za prijímacie konanie (výpis z účtu, poštová poukážka) (electronic form)
  • overené kópie dokladov o absolvovaní štúdia (VŠ diplom, vysvedčenie o štátnej skúške, dodatok k diplomu) (electronic form)
  • výpis výsledkov štúdia (electronic form)
  • zoznam doteraz publikovaných odborných a vedeckých prác (electronic form)

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 500 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 50 €
E-application form: 30 €

Billing information

The fee can be paid by transfer order or by U-type postal order.

IBAN: SK41 8180 0000 0070 0015 1492


Variable symbol: 9

Address: Technical University of Košice,

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,

Letná 1/9,

042 00 Košice-North

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Detail of the study program

Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. More information

Detail of the study program


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Responsibility for content: prof. Ing. Ján Slota, PhD. –
Last update: 30.12.2024 17:03

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