Found 76 study programmes
Building Technology
(full-time, Ing.)The study programme is oriented towards the education of a civil engineer, a university-qualified expert in the field of civil engineering and technological preparation and implementation of civil…
Theory and Structures of Civil Engineering Works
(external, PhD.)Študijná časť študijného programu TKIS je zameraná na osvojenie si vedeckých metód a získanie vedomostí v predmetoch špecializácií študijného odboru IKDS na vedeckej úrovni. Študijný program obsahuje…
Water Constructions and Water Management
(full-time, Bc.)Acquisition of professional education in the design and operation of water management structures and water management in the country necessary for the exercise of the profession or for advancement to…
Structural and Transportal Enginineering
(full-time, Bc.)Acquisition of professional education in the field of design and implementation of civil engineering structures necessary for the exercise of the profession or for advancement to the engineering…
Structures of Buildings
(full-time, Ing.)The graduate will find employment as an independent and managerial team worker in the design and construction or reconstruction of load-bearing structures of civil engineering structures, will be…
Vodné stavby a vodné hospodárstvo
(full-time, Ing.)The study programme Water Structures and Water Management prepares civil engineers in the field of design and operation of water structures, water management in the countryside, in water management…
Technical equipment of building
(full-time, Ing.)Acquisition of professional education in the field of design and operation of technical equipment of buildings necessary for the exercise of the profession or for advancement to the doctoral level of…
Civil engineering
(full-time, Ing., Anglický)Acquisition of professional education in the field of design and construction of various buildings necessary for the exercise of the profession or for advancement to the doctoral level of study.
Building Structures and Architecture
(full-time, Bc.)Acquisition of professional education in the field of design and implementation of civil engineering structures necessary for the exercise of the profession or for advancement to the engineering…
Building Technology
(external, PhD.)Študijný program je zameraný na vedecké metódy bádania v oblasti technológie stavieb, na vývoj nových metód a zdokonalenie existujúcich metód modelovania stavebných procesov. V tomto študijnom…
Civil engineering
(full-time, Bc., Anglický)Acquisition of professional education in the field of design and implementation of various types of construction necessary for the exercise of the profession or for advancement to the engineering…
Building Technologies and Management
(full-time, Bc.)The study programme is oriented to the education of graduates in the field of construction technology of civil and civil engineering structures, technology of production of construction materials and…
Building Technology
(full-time, PhD.)Študijný program je zameraný na vedecké metódy bádania v oblasti technológie stavieb, na vývoj nových metód a zdokonalenie existujúcich metód modelovania stavebných procesov. V tomto študijnom…
Theory and Structures of Civil Engineering Works
(full-time, PhD.)Študijná časť študijného programu TKIS je zameraná na osvojenie si vedeckých metód a získanie vedomostí v predmetoch špecializácií študijného odboru IKDS na vedeckej úrovni. Študijný program obsahuje…
Building Structures and Architecture
(full-time, Ing.)Získanie odborného vzdelania v oblasti projektovania, realizácie a riadenia výstavby a prevádzky pozemných stavieb potrebného pre výkon povolania alebo na postup do doktorandského stupňa štúdia.
Architectonic Constructions and Design
(full-time, Ing.)Architektonické konštrukcie a projektovanie vychádza zo 70-ročnej tradície výučby v odbore pozemné stavby. Nadväzuje na bakalársky štvorročný študijný program pozemné stavby a architektúra. Študijný…
Construction Management
(external, PhD.)Graduates are highly qualified experts in the field of civil engineering with a major focus on the theory of construction technology and management. They master scientific methods of research and can…
Theory and Construction of Engineering Structures
(external, PhD.)Graduates are highly qualified experts in the study programme Theory and Construction of Civil Engineering Structures with a major focus on the theory of design and analysis of engineering structures…
Theory and Construction of Building Structures
(external, PhD.)Graduates of the doctoral study are highly qualified experts in the study programme Theory and Construction of Building Structures with the main focus on the theory of designing architectural…
Building Engineering
(full-time, Ing.)pozemné staviteľstvo špecializácia: - pozemné staviteľstvo - nosné konštrukcie budov
Construction Management
(full-time, PhD.)Graduates are highly qualified experts in the field of civil engineering with a major focus on the theory of construction technology and management. They master scientific methods of research and can…