Civil Engineering

Prospects of graduates

The study programme Civil Engineering is a traditional technical study programme pre-requisite for the follow up study at the second level of university education in study programmes focused on engineering and transport structures. Successful completion of the study programme enables a smooth transition to the master´s degree studies. The graduates can apply in the construction industry in the design and manufacture of bearing structures of engineering and highway constructions and in selected professions of building construction. The graduates are employable in the state administration, local governments, in environmental offices and in organisations executing engineering construction management and administration of transport structures. By successful completion of the undergraduate study the student acquires basic preconditions for his/her qualification for exercise of a regulated profession after completing master´s degree study.

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Conditions of admission

No entrance exams

  • ·    For study in bachelor´s study programmes the Faculty of Civil Engineering UNIZA will admit the applicants on the basis of their previous study results without any entrance examination. The number of applicants admitted without entrance examination will be determined in a way so that it does not exceed the planned capacity of the admitted students in the first year of respective study programme.


2.   Selection Procedure

  • ·    selection procedure is carried out in a form of an interview in order to ensure that the accepted candidates dispose of the necessary skills and abilities,
  • ·    selection procedure is carried out without personal participation of the candidate.


Rules of Selection Procedure

The Faculty of Civil EngineeringUNIZA does not accept candidates who have already studied in any of the bachelor´s study programmes at the Faculty of Civil Engineering UNIZA and have failed twice so far. Moreover the Faculty does not accept those students who have been excluded from the study at the Faculty of Civil Engineering UNIZA under disciplinary proceedings under Art.2 of the Disciplinary Regulations for students of the University of Zilina.

The study in the bachelor´s degree study programme Civil Engineering (tuition in English) will be opened in its full-time form of study only if there are at least 5 candidates who meet the admission requirements.

The study in the bachelor´s degree study programmes in the part-time form of study will be opened only if there are at least 5 candidates who meet the admission requirements in the respective study programme.

The Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering is authorised to meet the final decision on the outcome of the admission procedure based on the proposal of the admission committee of the Faculty of Civil Engineering UNIZA. It is the responsibility of the dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering UNIZA to complete the number of admitted students for the study programmes in the first year of bachelor´s study up to the anticipated number of candidates from those candidates who:

• meet the conditions for acceptance in another bachelor´s study programme but were not accepted due to the full capacity of the initially chosen study programme,

• meet the conditions for acceptance in another bachelor´s study programme that is not going to be opened due to the fact that there are less than 5 candidates who have met the admission requirements.

Those applicants for study have to meet the admission requirements stated for the replenishing study programme, too.

In selected study programmes of the bachelor´s degree study programmes, in the case of vacant places, there will be the second round of the admission procedure organised as well.  The list of bachelor´s degree study programmes for the second round of the admission procedure will be published by June, 21, 2019.

The terms, conditions and the form of admission procedure for undergraduate study are the same as in the first round of the admission procedure.


If the applicant wishes to apply for more than one undergraduate study programme provided at the Faculty of Civil Engineering UNIZA, it is satisfactory to indicate their order of preference in one application form submitted. If interested in both forms of study (full- and part-time forms), it is necessary to submit two application forms and to cover two admission procedure fees.

Applicants have to fill in the formPrihláška na vysokoškolské štúdium - 1. stupeňor they can also use an electronic application form that can be found on the university website: or on the education portal: https:// 

Even in case of electronic application form, it is required to print it, sign it, enclose other required documents including the proof of payment of the fee and send it to the addressof the Faculty of Civil Engineering UNIZAwithin the stipulated deadlines.

Incomplete study application or application sent after the deadline will not be accepted.

If an applicant wants to take part in entrance exams at more faculties of UNIZA, the application forms have to be sent separately to each faculty and the respective admission procedure fees paid separately to each faculty.


Enclosures for the bachelor´s degree programmes (to be sent with application forms):

  • Curriculum Vitae,
  • proof of payment of the admission fee,
  • copies of annual secondary school certificates.


After passing the final secondary school exams, the applicants will send the copy of the final exam certificate as well as the copy of the last annual secondary school certificate. The deadline for sending these documents will be announced to all applicants individually by mail.


Additional information

The same terms and conditions of admission are applicable as for the applicants from abroad as for the applicants from Slovakia.

Foreign students who study in a foreign language(i.e. not Slovak), pay the tuition fee as stated in § 92 Subsection 8 (Higher Education Act). The tuition fee is specified by the UNIZA directive for the respective academic year, which can be found on the university website.

Students from abroad who study in the Slovak language do not have to pay the tuition fee. The applicants from the Czech Republic who want to apply and study in Žilina can use the application form available in the Czech Republic. The applicants who do not actively speak Slovak or Czech are required to attend the language training. (It is possible to attend the Slovak for Foreigners courses at UNIZA).

For foreign applicants who were accepted on the basis of international agreements or Slovak government grants, terms and conditions stated in respective agreements are applicable.

Conditions for international students
  1. The fundamental prerequisite of being accepted to the undergraduate study program (first degree) is full completion of secondary education (Higher Education Act, n.131/2002 Coll.).
  2. Language competence – written and oral command of Slovak or Czech (level B1) is required for study in the study programmes that the Faculty provides in the Slovak language.  Mastering of at least one of the world languages (English, German, French) is welcome; for the study in study programmes that the Faculty provides in English written and oral command of English is required at least at the B1 level.
  3. Health certificates – the faculty does not require any health certificates and accepts all the applications without any health certificates for all degrees of the university studies.

Coordinator for students with specific needs

doc. Ing. Mária Kúdelčíková, PhD., Vice-dean for Education of the Faculty of Civil Engineering

tel.: 041/513 6273


General information on the admission exam

One application is sufficient for studying at the Bachelor's degree at the Faculty of Science of UNIZA, indicating the sequence of study programmes according to the applicant's interest. In case of interest in both forms of study (full-time and part-time) it is necessary to submit two applications including two admission fees.

Applicants should complete the Application for Undergraduate Studies - 1st Degree form or use the electronic form. The electronic application form can be filled in via the UNIZA website or the HEI portal All required attachments can be submitted electronically as scanned documents.

If the application form is incomplete, the applicant will be asked to complete it. Applications submitted after the deadline and electronic applications without the required attachments will not be accepted.

In case of non-participation or failure in the admission procedure, the faculty will not refund the admission fee.

If a candidate wishes to participate in the admission procedure at more than one faculty of UNIZA, the application must be submitted separately to each faculty with payment of the appropriate fee.

Attachments to the application form for Bachelor studies:

  • resume,
  • receipt of payment of the admission fee,
  • certified copies of the end-of-year report cards and high school diploma,
  • scan of the application form signed by the applicant (in case of electronic submission),
  • in the case of graduation - the result of the National Comparative Examination (SCIO) in mathematics or in the general academic prerequisites,
  • confirmation of successful participation in Olympiads or corresponding knowledge competitions (regional or higher round)

After passing the matriculation examination, candidates shall send to the faculty address, or upload electronically, a certified copy of the matriculation certificate and the end-of-year certificate from the last year of secondary school studies by a deadline to be announced to each candidate in writing.

Form of entrance exam

The admission procedure will be carried out in the form of a selection procedure in order to ensure that applicants with the necessary abilities and prerequisites will be admitted to the study,

The selection procedure will take place without the personal participation of the applicant.

  • Apply the application for study


  • Performance of the entrance exam

    - 11.06.2024

  • Send certificate to


  • Submit additional application form

    15.06.2024 - 15.08.2024

  • Performance of the additional entrance exam


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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

  • CV (electronic form)
  • leaving certificate (electronic form)
  • potvrdenie o zaplatení poplatku za prijímacie konanie (electronic form)
  • overené kópie koncoročných vysvedčení zo strednej školy (electronic form)
  • podpísaná prihláška (v prípade elektronického podania) (electronic form)

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: 900 €
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 900 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 35 €
E-application form: 35 €

Billing information

Send 20 € to:                                                      Žilinská univerzita, Univerzitná 1, 010 26 Žilina

                                                                        Bank: Štátna pokladnica

                                                                        IBAN:SK59 8180 0000 0070 0026 9896

                                                                        const. symbol: 0308

                                                                               variable symbol:                10431 - bakalárske štúdium

Payment method:                                           payment can be paid by bank transfer or postal order to the account above.

Proof of payment:                                           proof of payment is to be sent to the Faculty with the application form.


Tuition fees -in accordance with the Higher Education Act, information about the amount of tuition for the respective academic year will be announced on the website of the University of Žilina.


With payment of the admission fee from the EU member states, the EES countries, territories that are considered a part of the EU (Treaty of Rome, Section 299) and SEPA countries,  it is necessary to use BIC: SPSRSKBAXXX, IBAN: SK59 8180 0000 0070 0026 9896.

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Detail of the study program

The first three years of your studies could be funded by a scholarship of up to €9,000. More information

Detail of the study program


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Responsibility for content: Mariana Hírešová –
Last update: 22.09.2023 08:19

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