104 study programms - Art
(full-time, Bc.)A graduate of the BSc Design study programme can creatively understand the artistic, technical and cultural relations of simple products in their design. The graduate's knowledge makes him capable…
(full-time, Mgr. art.)Magisterské štúdium v študijnom programe dizajn je koncipované tak, aby absolvent získal čo najrozsiahlejšie teoretické a praktické vedomosti z oblasti dizajnu. Tieto poznatky sú založené na štúdiu…
(external, ArtD.)The third level of study enables the deepening of artistic and methodological specialization of graduates of the design department, or related disciplines in contemporary directions and types of…
(full-time, ArtD.)The third level of study enables the deepening of artistic and methodological specialization of graduates of the design department, or related disciplines in contemporary directions and types of…
Performing Arts
(external, ArtD.)Study in the Doctoral Program in Musical Arts is focused on the individual development of talent and creativity in the field of musical interpretation and composition, which is represented by a work…
Performing Arts
(full-time, ArtD.)Study in the Doctoral Programme in Musical Arts is focused on the individual development of talent and creativity in the field of musical interpretation and composition, which is represented by a…
Film and Television Directing and Script-Writing
(full-time, Mgr. art.)degree program specializing in Film Documentary Production and Film Dramaturgy and Screenwriting
Film and Television Directing and Script-Writing
(full-time, ArtD.)Doctoral studies with specialization in documentary film production and film dramaturgy and screenwriting take place in the full-time form of study with a standard length of 3 years. It is completed…
Theatre Art
(external, ArtD.)Doctoral studies with specialization in acting and theatre dramaturgy and directing takes place in an external 5-year form. It consists of an individual study plan. It culminates in a dissertation…
Theatre Art
(full-time, ArtD.)Doctoral studies with specialization in acting and theatre dramaturgy and direction take place in a full-time 4-year form. It ends with a dissertation examination and a dissertation defence. After…
(full-time, Mgr. art.)The study programme Composition has a standard length of study of 2 years in the 2nd cycle of higher education in the field of study Art. The study programme is implemented only in full-time form by…
Free Fine Art
(external, ArtD.)Doctoral studies take place in an external 4-year form. It consists of an individual study plan. It is completed by a dissertation examination and a dissertation defense (ArtD.). Doctoral studies at…
Free Fine Art
(full-time, Mgr. art.)Master's studies at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences focus on the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge based on the current state of science and art and on the development of skills,…
Free Fine Art
(full-time, ArtD.)Doctoral studies take place in a full-time 3-year form. It consists of an individual study plan. It is completed by a dissertation examination and a dissertation defense (ArtD.). Doctoral studies at…
Performing Arts
(full-time, Mgr. art.)The goal of education in the Performing Arts program is to prepare future graduates of the program in their chosen field of study for professional careers in the performing arts through the…
Theatre Arts
(full-time, Mgr. art.)New study programme specialising in: Acting theatre dramaturgy and directing
Theatre Arts - Puppet directing and dramaturgy
(full-time, Bc.)Cieľom štúdia je vzdelávať mladých tvorcov a tvorkyne v oblasti scénického umenia, skúmajúceho vzťah človek — herec a neživý objekt — bábka.Okrem osvojenia si základných bábkarských techník a…
Theatre Arts - Theatre dramaturgy and playwrighting
(full-time, Bc.)Dobrý dramaturg či dramaturgička je pre inscenáciu skutočný poklad. Hoci táto osoba väčšinou stojí v úzadí a nezožne toľko slávy ako režisér či herci, je neodmysliteľnou súčasťou tvorivého procesu –…
There are days left until the submission of a later application. -
Theatre Arts - Acting
(full-time, Mgr. art.)Hlavným zmyslom magisterského stupňa štúdia v študijnom programe herectvo je prehlbovať, využívať (aplikovať) vlastné poznanie, vedomosti, zručnosti a kompetentnosti z oblasti techník a praktických…
Theatre Arts - Theatre dramaturgy and playwrighting
(full-time, Mgr. art.)Magisterské štúdium študijného programu divadelná dramaturgia a dramatická tvorba prehlbuje schopnosť teoretickej analýzy dramatického textu, schopnosť jeho komplexnejšej interpretácie a predpoklady…
Theatre Arts - Puppetry
(full-time, Mgr. art.)Cieľom štúdia na magisterskom stupni je prehlbovať vzdelávanie mladých tvorcov a tvorkýň v oblasti scénického umenia, ktoré skúma vzťah človek – herec a neživý objekt – bábka. Komplexné zvládnutie…
Theatre Arts - Theatre Management
(full-time, Mgr. art.)Štúdium študijného programu divadelný manažment v magisterskom stupni umožňuje na základe ponúkaných teoretických predmetov, ako i možnosťou realizovať vlastný magisterský projekt, zvoliť si vlastnú…
Theatre Arts - Puppetry
(full-time, Bc.)Cieľom štúdia je vzdelávať mladých tvorcov a tvorkyne v oblasti scénického umenia, skúmajúceho vzťah človek — herec a neživý objekt — bábka.Okrem osvojenia si základných bábkarských techník a…
Theatre Arts - Theatre management
(full-time, Bc.)Divadelná inscenácia, performancia, festival, event či koncert sú výsledkom spoločnej umeleckej a organizačnej snahy viacerých ľudí, preto aj príprava a vzdelávanie budúcich umelcov a umelkýň a…