Film and Television Directing and Script-Writing

Doctoral studies with specialization in documentary film production and film dramaturgy and screenwriting take place in the full-time form of study with a standard length of 3 years. It is completed by a dissertation examination and a dissertation defence. After graduation, the graduate receives the degree "Doctor of Arts" ( ArtD.).

Prospects of graduates

The graduate of the doctoral study programme Film and Television Directing and Screenwriting can apply in practice in terms of complexity and psychological burden of the most demanding creative activities in the field of artistic creation and research, management, education, development of long-term strategies, and shaping cultural policy or media space.
According to individual talent, personal aptitude and optional specialization, he/she is prepared to work mainly in the following positions:
- director, scriptwriter and dramaturg
- creative and cultural manager
- university teacher in the field of arts and media
- professional publicist,
and in particular in the following areas:
- film, audiovisual, creative and cultural industries,
- cinema, television, media,
- advertising, PR, communication systems,
- production, distribution, cinemas, festivals,
- artistic, cultural and educational institutions, boards and commissions

The PhD graduate demonstrates the ability and readiness for independent creative and artistic activity in the field of film and multimedia communications. He/she publishes his/her results in the context of the basic developments in communication and is ready to discover original solutions to practical and theoretical problems of current scriptwriting and directing and thus to shape trends in this field.

Defining the level of quality of a graduate

The programme of study is fully compatible with the requirements placed on a graduate of the third level of higher education.

Person responsible for the implementation, development and quality of the study programme (OHSP):
Prof. PhDr. Jiří Voráč, Ph.D.

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Conditions of admission
  • The requirements set for applicants for the study of the doctoral degree of the study programme Film and Television Directing and Screenwriting are directed
    towards the identification of the basic prerequisites for successful completion of the doctoral studies, which include, above all, the successful completion of the
    master's degree, the knowledge acquired by it, acquired knowledge, skills and practical experience in screenwriting or directing in the field of
    fiction or documentary film, or at least a related field of production, appropriate personal maturity , as well as a demonstrable interest in film, culture
    and the arts, which the student has confirmed through previous studies and life experience.
    In the age of available technologies that allow the media transmission of information and artistic character - photography, video production - it is natural
    that the applicant confirms his/her talent with his/her own works. The successful completion of a master's degree in film arts and
    multimedia or a related field of study is the most basic prerequisite for admission to doctoral studies.
    The decisive criteria, however, are the quality of the submitted research concept for the artistic and theoretical part of the study and the talent and personality of the applicant to successfully develop and implement this concept, which can be judged on the basis of his/her artistic profiling and the results of his/her previous creative efforts and submitted realised artistic works.

Additional information

Electronic application for studies:
A candidate for studies at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts of the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica applies for studies by completing the electronic application form and sending it to the faculty by the deadline.
To fill in the electronic application form it is necessary to log in on the website:
The applicant: fills in the electronic application form, confirms the electronic application form, prints out the electronic application form, sends the signed application form with the necessary attachments by post to the faculty.
For more information, please visit the website (for applicants - application forms)

  • In the application form for doctoral studies, the applicant shall indicate:
    a/ the selected study programme and the selected dissertation topic,
    b/ the selected form of doctoral studies (full-time)
    c/ the current e-mail address

    Delivery of the framework project according to the selected topic at the same time as the application.

Conditions for international students

The admission conditions for foreign applicants are identical to those for Slovak applicants

Coordinator for students with specific needs

Mgr. art. Soňa Kočanová, ArtD.
phone:+421 48 4320 304

General information on the admission exam
  • The assignments of dissertation theses, as artistic - research tasks, whose focus reflects the social order and the current state of artistic practice in the field of film art and multimedia and the real need not only theoretical, but also practical, experimental validation of new theoretical postulates projecting the possibilities of artistic modelling of reality and the possibilities of their practical effective application in artistic creation, is announced by the Dean of the Faculty on the basis of the recommendation of the Departmental Committee, which assesses the proposals of the assignments of the two Departments. The assignments are published in accordance with the applicable regulations.
  • The dean shall announce, at the latest two months before the deadline for the submission of applications for doctoral studies, the topics of the dissertations that may be applied for in the admission procedure. The title of the programme of study, the name of the supervisor, the form of study, the deadline for applications and the date of the admission procedure shall be indicated for each topic announced. Dissertation topics and other information are published on the Faculty's website. Dissertation topics that are eligible for the admission procedure are submitted by the heads of individual departments or directly by teachers who are qualified to act as dissertation supervisors to the departmental committee, which assesses them and forwards the proposal to the dean.

The specific requirements for the entrance examinations and how they are to be conducted are published on the website

Form of entrance exam

The entrance examination consists of a discussion of the submitted project (2-4 standard pages) of the dissertation (defending the concept of the assignment and the concept of the study)

  • Apply the application for study


  • Performance of the entrance exam

    11.06.2024 - 11.06.2024

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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

  • CV (paper form)
  • verified copy of the degree for applicant of other universities (paper form)
  • certified copy of certificate to candidates from other universities (paper form)
  • photocopy of the Diploma Supplement to candidates from other universities (paper form)
  • rámcový projekt k téme dizertačnej práce (v rozsahu 2-4 strany), súpis umeleckej, publikačnej alebo inej odbornej činnosti v odbore divadelné umeni, alebo príbuznom odbore, príp. posudky o týchto prácach a činnostiach (paper form)
  • súpis umeleckej, publikačnej alebo inej odbornej činnosti v odbore divadelné umenie, alebo príbuznom odbore, príp. posudky o týchto prácach a činnostiach (paper form)
  • kópiu dokladu o zaplatení poplatku za prijímacie konanie (paper form)

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 1200 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 50 €
E-application form: 40 €

Billing information

Akadémia umení v Banskej Bystrici, FDU, Kollárova 22, 974 01 Banská Bystrica
Banka: Štátna pokladnica
Account: 7000067813/8180
IBAN: SK50 8180 0000 0070 0006 7813
Variable symbol: 501
Message for the recipient: first and last name

Administrative fee is to be paid by the applicant by postal order type U or by wire transfer from the account.
On the back of the postal order - information for the recipient please mark: PP FDU

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Detail of the study program

The first three years of your studies could be funded by a scholarship of up to €9,000. More information

Detail of the study program


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Responsibility for content: PhDr. Silvia Kováčiková –
Last update: 27.02.2024 11:21

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