Theatre Art

Doctoral studies with specialization in acting and theatre dramaturgy and directing takes place in an external 5-year form. It consists of an individual study plan.

It culminates in a dissertation examination and a dissertation defence. After graduation, the graduate receives the degree of "Doctor of Arts" ( ArtD.).

Prospects of graduates

The graduate of the doctoral study programme Theatre Arts is prepared to work in various positions in the environment of professional artistic bodies of established and non-established theatre, cultural centres and institutions, in the media environment (radio, television, dubbing, production companies).

- independent original theatre production at a high professional level,
- leadership of a creative team in artistically demanding activities and projects;
- pedagogical activity at art colleges and conservatories;
- in leading positions in the field of theatre, which require, in addition to organizational and managerial skills, theoretical knowledge in the field of theatre arts, for example, in the organization of major cultural events, festivals, etc.
- professional activity in departmental institutions (e.g. Theatre Institute, National Centre for Enlightenment, etc.);
- editorial activity in professional periodicals and publishing houses;
- in central state administration bodies dealing with management in the field of performing arts and arts education;
- in third sector organisations focusing on the field of theatre and performing arts.

- in the field of theatre and the performing arts.

Evaluation of the employability of graduates of the study programme:

The graduates of the doctoral study programme Theatre Arts are mainly applied as performers (actors, directors, dramaturgs, stage designers), in leading positions of cultural and educational institutions, in pedagogical practice (teachers at different levels and stages of artistic education), in documentary and research positions (curators of theatre collections, researchers).

The graduates of the doctoral study programme Theatre Arts are mainly applied as performers (actors, directors, dramaturgs, stage designers), in leading positions of cultural and educational institutions, in pedagogical practice (teachers at different levels and stages of artistic education), in documentary and research positions (curators of theatre collections, researchers).Person responsible for the implementation, development and quality of the study programme (OZŠP):
doc. Mgr. art. František Výrostko, f.m. prof.

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Conditions of admission

The prerequisite for PhD studies is the completion of the second cycle of higher education in Arts or a related field (mainly in the field of humanities, arts and cultural sciences, some social sciences).

  • The applicant must meet the requirement of demonstrating artistic activity/activities (outputs) and have the ability to reflect theoretically and critically on issues in the performing arts. He/she must demonstrate excellent knowledge of theatre arts issues in all their components in the admissions process. The applicant must also demonstrate a talent disposition and a readiness for independent creative activity.
  • In addition, the applicant must have a working knowledge of one of the world languages (English, German, French, Spanish or Russian). For some of the topics listed, the faculty may list additional refining restrictions (e.g., a singing exam for the topic of musical theatre acting, etc.).
  • Previous creative work documented by the applicant to the committee (DVDs, photographs, newsletters, reviews and testimonials, publications and testimonials, etc.) is required.

Additional information

Electronic application for studies:
A candidate for studies at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts of the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica applies for studies by completing the electronic application form and sending it to the faculty by the deadline.
To fill in the electronic application form it is necessary to log in on the website:
The applicant: fills in the electronic application form, confirms the electronic application form, prints out the electronic application form, sends the signed application form with the necessary attachments by post to the faculty.
For more information, please visit the website (for applicants - application forms)

  • In the application form for doctoral studies, the applicant shall indicate:
    a/ the selected study programme and the selected dissertation topic,
    b/ the selected form of doctoral studies (full-time/external)
    c/ the current e-mail address

    Delivery of the framework project according to the selected topic at the same time as the application.

Conditions for international students
  • conditions of admission of foreign applicants are identical to the conditions of admission of Slovak applicants

Coordinator for students with specific needs

Mgr. art. Soňa Kočanová, ArtD.
phone:+421 48 4320 304

General information on the admission exam

Prior to the start of the admission procedure for doctoral studies, FDU AU announces the topics of dissertations for which it is possible to apply during the admission procedure. A supervisor is appointed for each of the announced topics. The PhD candidate applies for one of the topics.

The applicant shall submit to the admissions committee a draft of his/her doctoral thesis prepared in advance.

In the admission procedure, the committee takes into account the applicant's ability to orient himself/herself in the issues of theatre arts (theory, history, creators, productions), the ability to present his/her dissertation project in a convincing and informative manner, to describe its originality and contribution to artistic/scientific/educational practice, the degree of orientation in the theoretical literature of the field, the interest in new trends and tendencies in artistic practice, and the ambition to discover and put into practice new methods of theatre creation and its reflection.

The specific requirements for the entrance examination and how to take it are published on the website

Form of entrance exam

The entrance examination consists of a discussion of the submitted dissertation project (2-4 standard pages)

  • Apply the application for study


  • Performance of the entrance exam

    25.05.2023 - 25.05.2023

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  • verified copy of the degree for applicant of other universities (paper form)
  • certified copy of certificate to candidates from other universities (paper form)
  • photocopy of the Diploma Supplement to candidates from other universities (paper form)
  • rámcový projekt k téme dizertačnej práce (v rozsahu 2-4 strany), súpis umeleckej, publikačnej alebo inej odbornej činnosti v odbore divadelné umeni, alebo príbuznom odbore, príp. posudky o týchto prácach a činnostiach (paper form)
  • súpis umeleckej, publikačnej alebo inej odbornej činnosti v odbore divadelné umenie, alebo príbuznom odbore, príp. posudky o týchto prácach a činnostiach (paper form)
  • kópiu dokladu o zaplatení poplatku za prijímacie konanie (paper form)
  • CV (paper form)

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: 1000 €
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 1200 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 50 €
E-application form: 40 €

Billing information

Akadémia umení v Banskej Bystrici, FDU, Kollárova 22, 974 01 Banská Bystrica
Banka: Štátna pokladnica
Account: 7000067813/8180
IBAN: SK50 8180 0000 0070 0006 7813
Variable symbol: 501
Message for the recipient: first and last name

Administrative fee is to be paid by the applicant by postal order type U or by wire transfer from the account.
On the back of the postal order - information for the recipient please mark: PP FDU

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Detail of the study program

The first three years of your studies could be funded by a scholarship of up to €9,000. More information

Detail of the study program


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Responsibility for content: Ing. Marta Bakaljarová –
Last update: 14.05.2024 10:30

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