Found 250 study programmes
Ekonómia a právo
(full-time, Bc.)The joint study programme Economics and Law (hereinafter referred to as "EaP") represents a unique study programme in the field of education in the Slovak Republic. It is aimed at preparing…
Management and Law
(full-time, Bc., Anglický)The study field of law and management combines theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the orientation in the legal order and its interpretation, in the creation, implementation and application…
(full-time, PhD.)Graduate of the Doctoral study by obtaining university education of the third level in the programme of Management Masters scientific methods of analysis, research, development and optimization of…
Informačný manažment
(external, Ing.)Graduates of the study programme Information Management in the Master´s degree have comprehensive knowledge, skills and competences in selected areas of economics, management, marketing and…
(external, PhD.)Graduate of the Doctoral study by obtaining university education of the third level in the programme of Management Masters scientific methods of analysis, research, development and optimization of…
(full-time, Bc.)The study programme Management is an excellent combination of Management with Informatics, Marketing and Economics. This combination helps to gain useful skills to problem solving in all areas of a…
(external, Bc.)The study programme Management is an excellent combination of Management with Informatics, Marketing and Economics. This combination helps to gain useful skills to problem solving in all areas of a…
Information Management
(full-time, Ing.)Graduates of the study programme Information Management in the Master´s degree have comprehensive knowledge, skills and competences in selected areas of economics, management, marketing and…
Management of Public Policies
(full-time, Bc.)Absolvent študijného programu Manažment verejných politík disponuje vedomosťami z oblasti manažmentu a verejných politík. Dokáže kriticky analyzovať vybrané segmenty verejnej politiky, identifikovať…
Applied Economics
(full-time, Bc.)Absolvent bakalárskeho študijného programu Aplikovaná ekonómia pracuje na odborných pozíciách v súkromnom a verejnom sektore, ktoré vyžadujú ekonomické vedomosti, analytické zručnosti, ako aj…
Business Economics and Management
(full-time, Bc., Anglický)The graduate of the bachelor's study programme „Business Economics and Management“ is qualified to hold professional economic positions in the business sphere, managerial positions at lower and…
Economics and Law
(full-time, Bc.)Spoločný študijný program ekonómia a právo predstavuje jedinečný študijný program v oblasti vzdelávania v Slovenskej republike. Zameraný je na prípravu odborníkov širokého profilu. Absolventi tohto…
Applied Economics
(full-time, Bc., Anglický)Absolvent bakalárskeho študijného programu Aplikovaná ekonómia pracuje na odborných pozíciách v súkromnom a verejnom sektore, ktoré vyžadujú ekonomické vedomosti, analytické zručnosti, ako aj…
Finance, Banking and Insurance
(full-time, Bc., Anglický)Absolventi študijného programu Financie, bankovníctvo a poisťovníctvo na prvom stupni štúdia získajú počas štúdia kvalitné teoretické základy z oblasti financií, bankovníctva a poisťovníctva ako aj z…
Finance, Banking and Insurance
(full-time, Bc.)Absolventi študijného programu Financie, bankovníctvo a poisťovníctvo na prvom stupni štúdia získajú počas štúdia kvalitné teoretické základy z oblasti financií, bankovníctva a poisťovníctva ako aj z…
Investment Planning in Industrial Enterprise
(full-time, Bc.)Absolvent dokáže riešiť čiastkové problémy priemyselných podnikov, ktoré sa týkajú najmä odborných manažérskych, technických, ekonomických, informačných, právnych a ďalších otázok podnikových…
International Management
(full-time, Mgr.)The Master's degree programme in International Management in the field of study Economics and Management includes a system of education that is oriented towards management in the international…
(full-time, Bc.)The Bachelor's degree at the Faculty of Management Comenius University is a first-degree university study and is completed by a state examination. During the bachelor's studies, students acquire…
Applied economy
(full-time, Bc.)WHAT WILL I LEARN? Why is butter so expensive? What is the difference between Orange and Potraviny u Jožka? Answer gives the subject Microeconomics, which provides insight into economic phenomena…
Applied economy
(full-time, Mgr.)The master's study programme Applied Economics is accredited in the field of study 3.3.24 Quantitative methods in economics. It is a continuation of the bachelor's degree in applied economics at the…
(external, Mgr.)External Master's studies - implemented by a combined method (a combination of full-time and distance methods - with lectures/consultations based on personal contact, using a computer network and…
Management of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship
(full-time, Bc.)V študijnom programe Manažment malého a stredného podnikania ponúkame študijné zamerania: MANAŽMENT ZAČÍNAJÚCICH FIRIEM (START UP), CESTOVNÝ RUCH a MARKETINGOVÝ MANAŽMENT. MANAŽMENT ZAČÍNAJÚCICH…
Public Administration
(full-time, Bc.)V študijnom programe Verejná správa ponúkame študijné zamerania: VEREJNÉ OBSTARÁVANIE, DIGITALIZÁCIA VEREJNEJ SPRÁVY a ZDRAVOTNÍCTVO A SOCIÁLNE SLUŽBY. VEREJNÉ OBSTARÁVANIE Študijný program so…