Ekonómia a právo

The joint study programme Economics and Law (hereinafter referred to as "EaP") represents a unique study programme in the field of education in the Slovak Republic. It is aimed at preparing professionals of a broad profile. Graduates of this study programme will obtain a first cycle university degree in economics and management and in law with the academic degree of Bachelor of Laws. (Bachelor). They will not only acquire knowledge of the general economic basis, but will also receive a sufficiently deep legal training and master the legal methods of applying economic knowledge in the organisation of economic life. Graduates of the EaP study programme will acquire a high-quality professional theoretical foundation in both the economic and legal fields during their studies. This includes the basics of economics, finance, banking, insurance, economic or social policy, as well as Roman, constitutional, European, administrative or commercial law in close connection with the latest knowledge of practice. The knowledge acquired during the study enables graduates to link economic and legal knowledge more effectively and comprehensively and to apply it in practice.

The knowledge acquired during the study enables graduates to link economic and legal knowledge more effectively and comprehensively and to apply it in practice.

Graduates of the EaP joint degree programme:

- simultaneously acquire knowledge of general economic and legal basis, while mastering legal methods of applying economic knowledge in the organization of economic life,

- acquire knowledge of general economic and legal basis, while mastering legal methods of applying economic knowledge in the organization of economic life,

- acquire the ability to analyse and understand economic and legal processes taking place in the macro- and micro-spheres, to assess theoretical and practical problems at different levels of the national economy in state and local administration, in public and private institutions, in the field of international relations,

- acquire the ability to analyse and understand economic and legal processes taking place in the macro- and micro-spheres, to assess theoretical and practical problems at different levels of the national economy in state and local administration, in public and private institutions, in the field of international relations

- can understand the substantive and procedural problems of legal practice, knows the basics for providing legal advice in the field of administrative law and partly civil and commercial law,

- the theoretical background of teaching the study field of law is the basis for acquiring skills in interpreting the law and in using legal reasoning, whereby the attained Bc. education enables the graduate to correctly navigate the frequent changes in legal regulations and the wide range of legal opinions,

- acquire the prerequisites for analytical skills and the ability to synthesize legal ideas and legal texts, logically navigate the legal system and correctly apply legal norms, while assessing the issue at hand comprehensively and taking into account all economic and legal aspects,

- efficiently processes and uses information from scientific and professional literature, knows how to work with case law, is guided to acquire the latest knowledge and trends of current developments in the field of economics and law,

- is able to formulate all acquired knowledge into a coherent oral and written expression,

- finds application in practically every area of the national economy and in management structures of all levels - in enterprises, offices, banking and other financial institutions, in central and local government bodies, in national and international companies.

The study programme continues vertically at the second level of study, where it focuses on providing more comprehensive knowledge intended for graduates and for key professions focused on the issues of economics and law at the same time.

Graduates of the EaP study programme with an economic and legal foundation are able to work successfully in various areas of the national economy and in management structures at all levels - in enterprises, offices, banking and financial institutions, in central government bodies, in national and international companies.

Prospects of graduates

The main educational objectives of this study programme include:

- the ability to understand and develop basic knowledge and understanding of economics as well as law

- the ability to relate the acquired knowledge and understanding in the context of economics and law

- the ability to relate the acquired knowledge and understanding in the context of economics and law

- the ability to apply critical thinking and analytical skills and to form basic hypotheses in economic and legal theory using modern information technology

Main learning outcomes include:

- acquire the basic knowledge to practice key professions with an aspect of linking economic and legal approaches

- to identify and link the basic economic and legal conceptual apparatus, to understand the principles and connections of economic and legal theory to practice

- apply theoretical economic and legal knowledge in practice in order to design their own complex solutions to economic and legal problems

- think analytically and critically in practical procedures using information technology

A graduate of the EaP programme is able to work independently but also within a wider professional team, is able to think analytically and critically. He/she is prepared to prepare new proposals for solving economic and legal problems in the form of written as well as oral presentations, focusing on the issues of finance, corporate economy, accounting in close connection with the legal substance. The graduate is able to prepare complex economic and legal solutions to problems in public and private administration.

During the studies the graduate will acquire both theoretical and practical skills. He/she is able to link economic and legal approaches in solving complex as well as partial problems. He/she will be able to identify basic deficiencies and problems of an economic and legal nature. At the same time, he/she will be able to continuously expand his/her knowledge of economics and law, in particular by using modern information technology. After graduation, as part of his/her professional development, he/she will be able to continue his/her studies at the second cycle of studies within the law and economics programme, as well as within a wide range of purely economic and purely legal study programmes respectively.

He/she will be able to

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Conditions of admission

Have an adequate general knowledge of social studies, history and logical reasoning, a foreign language (English or German) and mathematics

Acceptance to the course is subject to successful completion of the admissions procedure.

Admission assessment: 100 % mark in the entrance exam

Additional information

The applicant fills in the electronic application form for studies through the Academic Information System of the University of Economics in Bratislava.

Coordinator for students with specific needs

Prof. JUDr. Margita Prokeinová, PhD.

telephone +421 2 9012 2006

e-mail: margita.prokeinova@flaw.uniba.sk

Form of entrance exam

Written test


- written verification of logical thinking assumptions;

- a knowledge test in basic economics and economics, history, social studies and a foreign language of the candidate's choice from the options provided, within the scope of the secondary school curriculum.

  • Apply the application for study


  • Performance of the entrance exam

    01.06.2023 - 30.06.2023

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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 60 €
E-application form: 60 €

Billing information

The following information is required for the payment of the admission fee for the Economics and Law study programme:

* the name of the faculty to which the applicant is applying, in the following format NHF EP EUBA

* IBAN: SK47 8180 0000 0070 0008 0671

* variable symbol:

-birth number of the applicant (without slash)

for applicants without a birth number, date of birth in the form ddmmrr (e.g. for 2.5.1996 - 020596)

* specific symbol:

-Faculty of National Economy - 1010013

For reimbursement from abroad, the following identifiers shall be used:

IBAN: SK47 8180 0000 0070 0008 0671

Banking connection for payment from EU countries:


Bank: Štátna pokladnica, Radlinského 32, Bratislava

Bank connection for reimbursement from third countries

Bank of the beneficiary:


Radlinskeho 32

810 05 Bratislava



Beneficiary's intermediary bank**:

Vseobecna uverova banka, a.s.

Mlynske Nivy 1

829 90 Bratislava



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Detail of the study program

The first three years of your studies could be funded by a scholarship of up to €9,000. More information

Detail of the study program


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Responsibility for content: doc. JUDr. Ing. Ondrej Blažo, PhD. – ondrej.blazo@flaw.uniba.sk
Last update: 30.04.2023 15:25

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