Found 325 study programmes
Architecture and Urban Design
(full-time, Bc.)The Architecture and Urban Design study programme is primarily aimed at preparing the graduate for the same engineering study programme (MSc degree study) or for related study programmes within the…
(full-time, Bc.)A graduate of the BSc Design study programme can creatively understand the artistic, technical and cultural relations of simple products in their design. The graduate's knowledge makes him capable…
(full-time, Ing. arch.)Absolvovaním študijného programu absolvent získal: vedomosti z teórie a dejín architektúry a umenia; súbor technických vedomostí z oblasti konštrukcií a technického vybavenia budov; primerané…
Investment Planning in Industrial Enterprise
(full-time, Bc.)Absolvent dokáže riešiť čiastkové problémy priemyselných podnikov, ktoré sa týkajú najmä odborných manažérskych, technických, ekonomických, informačných, právnych a ďalších otázok podnikových…
Architecture and Urban Design
(full-time, Bc., Anglický)Field of study: Architecture and Urban DesignStudy programme: Architecture and Urban DesignLevel of study: first (BSc.)Form of study: full timeStandard time of study: 4 yearsAcademic title after…
(full-time, Mgr. art.)Magisterské štúdium v študijnom programe dizajn je koncipované tak, aby absolvent získal čo najrozsiahlejšie teoretické a praktické vedomosti z oblasti dizajnu. Tieto poznatky sú založené na štúdiu…
(full-time, Bc.)Absolvent je vybavený poznatkami pre zvládnutie manažmentu priestorovo - plánovacích činností, analytické práce a manažment v oblasti priestorového rozvoja, poznatkami z oblasti prírodných,…
Priestorové plánovanie
(external, PhD., Anglický)Absolvent študijného programu priestorové plánovanie v III. stupni štúdia študijného odboru priestorové plánovanie ovláda vedecké metódy inventarizácie, analýzy a hodnotenia krajinného priestoru z…
Mechatronické systémy
(full-time, PhD., Anglický)The Mechatronic Systems study programme is designed to provide the knowledge and skills necessary for independent research and scientific work in the field of Mechatronics with a narrower focus on…
Biochemistry and Biophysical Chemistry for Pharmaceutical Applications (Remedial)
(full-time, Bc., Anglický)The graduate obtains wide knowledge in natural science and a technical view on the use of acquired knowledge in industrial, medical, pharmaceutical and laboratory practice. A key outcome of the…
Chemistry, Medical Chemistry and Chemical Materials (Remedial)
(full-time, Bc., Anglický)Bachelor's degree program prepares qualified and creative chemists with the basic knowledge of chemistry, biochemistry, physics, informatics and chemical technologies. During the study students are…
(full-time, PhD.)Graduates from this study programme are trained in scientific methods of description, analysis and evaluation of settlement systems and landscape areas from the point of view of spatial planning,…
Biotechnology (Remedial)
(full-time, Bc., Anglický)The bachelor’s degree study program provides to students fundamental knowledge and laboratory skills in chemistry, biology, biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology, genetics, bioanalytical…
Chemical Engineering (Remedial)
(full-time, Bc., Anglický)The study program Chemical Engineering provides students with knowledge in the field of chemical engineering that enables capability to manage, control and intensify complex production processes…
Food, Nutrition, Cosmetics (Remedial)
(full-time, Bc., Anglický)Bachelor's degree program prepares graduates to perform basic professional activities in the production and evaluation of food and cosmetic products while respecting the rules of rational nutrition…
Food, Nutrition, Cosmetics (Remedial)
(full-time, Bc.)Bachelor's degree program prepares graduates to perform basic professional activities in the production and evaluation of food and cosmetic products while respecting the rules of rational nutrition…
Chemical Engineering (Remedial)
(full-time, Bc.)The study program Chemical Engineering provides students with knowledge in the field of chemical engineering that enables capability to manage, control and intensify complex production processes…
Chemistry, Medical Chemistry and Chemical Materials (Remedial)
(full-time, Bc.)Bachelor's degree program prepares qualified and creative chemists with the basic knowledge of chemistry, biochemistry, physics, informatics and chemical technologies. During the study students are…
(full-time, Bc.)The bachelor’s degree study program provides to students fundamental knowledge and laboratory skills in chemistry, biology, biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology, genetics, bioanalytical…
Building Technology
(full-time, Ing.)The study programme is oriented towards the education of a civil engineer, a university-qualified expert in the field of civil engineering and technological preparation and implementation of civil…
Theory and Structures of Civil Engineering Works
(external, PhD.)Študijná časť študijného programu TKIS je zameraná na osvojenie si vedeckých metód a získanie vedomostí v predmetoch špecializácií študijného odboru IKDS na vedeckej úrovni. Študijný program obsahuje…
Geodesy and Cartography
(external, PhD.)Študijný program je zameraný na riešenie vedeckých a výskumných problémov v oblasti geodézie, geodetickej kartografie a katastra. Študijná časť programu je orientovaná na prehĺbenie teoretických…
Geodesy and Cartography
(full-time, PhD.)Študijný program je zameraný na riešenie vedeckých a výskumných problémov v oblasti geodézie, geodetickej kartografie a katastra. Študijná časť programu je orientovaná na prehĺbenie teoretických…