Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies

Study programmes
informatika ( full-time 3 roky ) |
informačná bezpečnosť ( full-time 2 roky ) |
informačná bezpečnosť (konverzný) ( full-time 3 roky ) |
inteligentné softvérové systémy ( full-time 2 roky ) |
inteligentné softvérové systémy (konverzný) ( full-time 3 roky ) |
aplikovaná informatika ( external 4 roky ) |
Applied Informatics ( full-time 3 roky ) |
informatika ( full-time 3 roky ) |
aplikovaná informatika ( full-time 3 roky ) |
aplikovaná informatika ( external 4 roky ) |
Faculty profile
Coordinator for students with special needs
Ing. Ján Lang, PhD.
e-mail: jan.lang@stuba.sk
Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies (FIIT) is one of the seven faculties of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (SUT). FIIT SUT covers the very area of informatics and information technologies (IIT) in both research and education. FIIT is the first faculty in the Slovak Republic with such mission. In spite of the fact, that FIIT is a new faculty, SUT has long-term experiences in the area of IIT and has achieved several substantial results in this area. A base for the FIIT formation was the place of work, which guaranteed education and research in IIT at the Slovak University of Technology till origination of the Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies.
Admission procedure
Applied Informatics PhD., full-time
Accommodation and boarding
Students admitted to the 1st year of bachelor studies immediately after graduation from secondary school who do not live in Bratislava and its surroundings may be accommodated in the Mladost School of Secondary Education, in the case of insufficient capacity of accommodation places, the results of the admission procedure will be taken into account. Other students are accommodated according to the approved criteria, where the main emphasis is placed on the academic performance achieved in the previous academic year. Students may take their meals in the school cafeteria or the school canteen.
Students can eat in the student canteens in the faculty premises or in the student house.
Responsibility for content: Ing. Mgr. Katarína Herzogová (katarina.herzogova@stuba.sk)
Last update: 17.03.2022 13:29