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Study programmes

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Faculty profile

The Faculty of Health of the Slovak Medical University in Bratislava, based in Banská Bystrica, is based on the mission and goals of the Slovak Medical University in Bratislava.
The Faculty provides education in full-time and part-time form in four accredited fields of study and programmes: nursing, physiotherapy, emergency health care and laboratory investigation methods in health care. Graduates receive a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in physiotherapy. In the long-term development plan of the Faculty, it is a priority to respond to the needs of health care practice and thus to prepare professionally competent health care professionals who will be employed in health care institutions.

Admission procedure

Accommodation and boarding


Multifunctional facility of the SMU in Banská Bystrica

The first three years of your studies could be funded by a scholarship of up to €9,000. More information

University detail


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)



Responsibility for content: Danica Čapková (danica.capkova@szu.sk)
Last update: 21.11.2023 14:32

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