Found 17 study programmes
Food, Nutrition, Cosmetics (Remedial)
(full-time, Bc., Anglický)Bachelor's degree program prepares graduates to perform basic professional activities in the production and evaluation of food and cosmetic products while respecting the rules of rational nutrition…
Food, Nutrition, Cosmetics (Remedial)
(full-time, Bc.)Bachelor's degree program prepares graduates to perform basic professional activities in the production and evaluation of food and cosmetic products while respecting the rules of rational nutrition…
Food, Nutrition, Cosmetics
(full-time, Bc.)Bachelor's degree program prepares graduates to perform basic professional activities in the production and evaluation of food and cosmetic products while respecting the rules of rational nutrition…
Food Science and Technology
(external, PhD.)Study program provides post-doctoral deep specialized knowledge of selected areas of chemistry, physics and food analysis, unit processes in the food industry, food microbiology, cosmetology, hygiene…
Food Science and Technology
(full-time, PhD., Anglický)Study program provides post-doctoral deep specialized knowledge of selected areas of chemistry, physics and food analysis, unit processes in the food industry, food microbiology, cosmetology, hygiene…
Foodstuffs, Hygiene and Cosmetics
(full-time, Ing.)Our study program provides graduates of theoretical and practical knowledge of food microbiology, food engineering, food preservation and packaging, as well as basic knowledge of each technology in…
Food Science and Technology
(full-time, PhD.)Study program provides post-doctoral deep specialized knowledge of selected areas of chemistry, physics and food analysis, unit processes in the food industry, food microbiology, cosmetology, hygiene…
Food Safety and Control
(full-time, Ing., Anglický)The graduate is proficient in the principles of microbiological and chemical food safety both horizontally and vertically, applying an integrated farm-to-table and table-to-farm approach. Ensures and…
Food Technology
(full-time, Ing.)Graduates of the Food Technology study programme use knowledge from the current state of scientific knowledge in the field of analytical methods for the evaluation of raw materials and food quality,…
Safety and food control
(full-time, Ing.)The graduate is proficient in the principles of microbiological and chemical food safety both horizontally and vertically, applying an integrated farm-to-table and table-to-farm approach. Ensures and…
Safety and Food Control
(external, Bc.)The graduate is familiar with the general hygiene requirements for the conditions that must be met by food processing enterprises, warehouses and stores, special hygiene requirements for the hygiene…
Safety and food control
(external, Ing.)The graduate is proficient in the principles of microbiological and chemical food safety both horizontally and vertically, applying an integrated farm-to-table and table-to-farm approach. Ensures and…
Food technology
(external, PhD.)The graduate is prepared for independent creative scientific activity and related activities in the field of agri-food research, development and education. He masters the latest scientific methods of…
Safety and food control
(full-time, Bc.)The graduate is familiar with the general hygiene requirements for the conditions that must be met by food processing enterprises, warehouses and stores, special hygiene requirements for the hygiene…
Food and Technologies in Gastronomy
(full-time, Bc.)Graduates of the professional study programme Food and Technology in Gastronomy know the principles of good manufacturing practice and good hygiene practice at all stages of production, catering and…
Food technology
(full-time, PhD.)The graduate is prepared for independent creative scientific activity and related activities in the field of agri-food research, development and education. He masters the latest scientific methods of…
Chémia a technológia požívatín
(external, PhD., Anglický)Študijný program poskytuje absolventovi doktorandského štúdia hlboké špecializované poznatky zo zvolených oblastí chémie, fyziky a analýzy potravín, jednotkových procesov v potravinárstve,…