Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences

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Study programmes

Applied Biology ( full-time 3 roky )
Applied Biology ( external 3 roky )
Safety and food control ( full-time 3 roky )
Safety and Food Control ( external 3 roky )

Faculty profile

Since its establishment, the Faculty's development strategy has primarily emphasized the orientation towards science directly related to the creation and use of knowledge in the educational process and social practice. It is a scientific institution that carries out research in the complex food axis from the soil, the stables to the table, using the knowledge and effects of classical and modern production technologies, with agro-biotechnology being an organic part of this process. In the creation and selection of research problems we base on the possibilities of application of future results in increasing the level of study, the development of the personality of the teacher and the student and possible practical implementation. It is positive that the results of the research work so far are interesting for a wide national and international scientific and professional community, users and confirm the validity of the existence and reputation of the faculty.

The existence of the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Science has brought a lot of new things. It is due to the daily activities of the staff collectives at all stages of their work in symbiosis with the students. At the same time, the results achieved oblige us to continue to work qualitatively and creatively, not to lose our reputation, to maintain and improve quality education, science, research and relations with food and agricultural practice. Further development and social application of our faculty in domestic and foreign space means finding ways for cooperation, bilateral and multilateral mutually beneficial activities, with a targeted orientation to the realization and promotion of domestic food commodities and innovative technological products, as a result of sophisticated science in knowledge and practice.

The Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Science trains experts in the field of evaluation and processing of plant and animal raw materials, food preparation technology, biotechnology - not only in the field of molecular biology, in plant and animal biotechnology, but also in the use of these methods and procedures in food preparation, in applied biology and experts capable of assessing and controlling the quality and safety of foodstuffs.

As a result of the quality pedagogical work of the individual departments, which were able to prepare and provide teaching of necessary, modern and attractive subjects, the accreditation of study programmes within the individual fields of study at all levels of study was successful.

Admission procedure

Applied Biology Bc., external

Deadline for applications: 30.04.2025
Deadline of examination:

Safety and Food Control Bc., external

Deadline for applications: 30.04.2025
Deadline of examination:

Safety and food control Bc., full-time

Deadline for applications: 30.04.2025
Deadline of examination:

Applied Biology Bc., full-time

Deadline for applications: 30.04.2025
Deadline of examination:

Applied Biology Ing., external

Deadline for applications: 13.07.2025
Deadline of examination:

Safety and food control Ing., external

Deadline for applications: 13.07.2025
Deadline of examination:

Food Safety and Control Ing., full-time

Deadline for applications: 13.07.2025
Deadline of examination:

Safety and food control Ing., full-time

Deadline for applications: 13.07.2025
Deadline of examination:

Food Technology Ing., full-time

Deadline for applications: 13.07.2025
Deadline of examination:

Applied Biology Ing., full-time

Deadline for applications: 13.07.2025
Deadline of examination:

Accommodation and boarding


The Slovak University of Agriculture offers accommodation in student houses with a total capacity of more than 2600 beds. Students have at their disposal television and computer rooms, study rooms, kitchenettes, laundry rooms. For sporting activities, they have playgrounds in the student houses, gyms and table tennis rooms.

ŠD Mladosť, Štúrova ulica 3

The student home is located close to the city centre, not far from the university campus. Block A has an accommodation capacity of 158 beds with a 2+1+1 cellular system with shared bathroom facilities. There is a health centre on the ground floor. Block B is the entrance area where there is a porter's lodge, lounge, dining room and cafeteria. In the common room with a capacity of 150 seats cultural and social events, exhibitions, student balls, discos are organized. Block C has an accommodation capacity of 1008 beds with a 3+2 cellular system with shared bathroom facilities.

SD Anton Bernoláka, Trieda A. Hlinku 38

The student home is situated on the university campus, near the Agrokomplex exhibition centre. Accommodated students have a study room and a kitchen on each floor, several TV rooms, laundry and drying rooms. For sports activities they have gyms, table tennis room, volleyball and tennis court. In addition, there is a new computer room. The accommodation is divided into three blocks. Block A is a newly built part with a capacity of 304 student beds. The rooms are designed in a 2+2 cellular system with shared bathroom and refrigerator.

Block B and C (part of New Times) with a capacity of 738 beds offers accommodation in 2- and 3-bed rooms, with shared bathrooms on one floor. Double rooms have balconies.

ŠD Akademická 1755

The student house is located on the school campus. Accommodation is provided in 2-bed student rooms of the cellular system.


Students and PhD students of SPU can eat in the canteens, which are part of the student houses Mladosť and Anton Bernoláka. They log in to the catering system by means of identification chip cards, which are made by the ID card issuing department (Hall Z). They can order their lunches in advance from a choice of five types of food or choose from the current menu of meat, meatless and vegetarian dishes directly at the food service. Dinners are served without prior order. There are snack bars in each student house.

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Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. More information

University detail


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)



Responsibility for content: Ing. Katarína Gurčíková (
Last update: 12.10.2023 12:57

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