Applied Biology

The graduate of the study programme Applied Biology has knowledge of the genetic, structural and molecular basis of biosynthetic processes of production and reproductive abilities of organisms. He/she is proficient in biochemical, analytical and microbiological methods, genetic engineering techniques in the targeted construction of new high-yielding varieties, breeds, including genetically modified organisms for special applications. He has knowledge in the field of environmental protection and creation. Can independently and creatively implement molecular and cellular techniques for mapping, characterising and targeting genome editing, including methods and techniques for identifying molecular markers of economically important traits in organisms.

Prospects of graduates

Graduates of the Applied Biology study programme are prepared to work primarily in research and educational institutions focused on the field of molecular biology and the environment. He/she can creatively apply the acquired professional knowledge in the state administration in the protection and creation of the environment. He/she will find application in breeding practice when dealing with the targeted creation of new genetic material at the level of molecular genetics. He will also find his self-realization in the food industry, where he is actively involved in the innovation of healthy and functionally harmless foods, or foods that support the health of the consumer. He can communicate in a world language and is proficient in information and communication technologies.

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Conditions of admission

Basic conditions of admission to the II. degree of higher education at FBP SPU in Nitra

1. The admission procedure for the 2nd degree of higher education studies at the FBP SPU in Nitra is carried out in accordance with §55, §56, §57 and §58 of Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education and in accordance with the Study Regulations of the SPU in Nitra and the Statute of the FBP SPU in Nitra.

2. The basic condition for admission of a student to engineering studies is the completion of the first degree study programme in the same or a related field of study and its successful completion by a state examination.

3. The admission procedure for the second degree of university studies at the FBP SPU in Nitra will be carried out without entrance examinations.

4. The application fee is non-refundable.

Other conditions of admission to the II. degree of university studies at FBP SPU in Nitra

1. One of the priorities of the FBP SPU in Nitra is to ensure that applicants who demonstrate the highest level of knowledge and aptitude for studying are admitted to study and to support such study programmes where there is a significant demand for graduates on the labour market.

2. Applicants for study programmes at the second level of study who have successfully completed the bachelor's degree will be admitted on the basis of the results achieved at the first level of higher education and the results obtained at the state examination.

3. Candidates for the study programmes at the second level of study will be included in the waiting list on the basis of the points obtained according to the admission criteria ( ), while the condition for admission to the second level of study will be obtaining at least 5 points.

4. Applicants who have completed their bachelor studies at a faculty (or university) other than the FBP SPU in Nitra will be specified the study plan of the relevant study programme they are interested in studying.

5. Those interested in studying should send an electronic application form.

Additional information


The main mission of the faculty is to prepare qualified, university-educated professionals based on knowledge and mastering the latest developments in biological sciences focused on modern methods of construction, evaluation and processing of food and specific products of biotechnology. The aim is to achieve technological and biological integrity of the system, starting and ending agricultural products food. During the course the student will acquire knowledge for the production and evaluation of quality and safe food.

Studentscan beaccommodatedin the studio.A.Bernolákahomes,Youth,FarmerandPribina.Studentseatin thecanteenandhostelYouthA.Bernoláka.

Conditions for international students

Foreign applicants from Member States of the European Union or States that are contracting parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area or citizens with permanent residence in a Member State will be admitted under the same conditions as citizens of the Slovak Republic. Foreign applicants from other countries may apply to study at FBP SPU in Nitra after successful completion of the Slovak language studies (for self-payers + concluded contract).

Foreign applicants (the exception is applicants from the Czech Republic) who will study at SPU in Nitra a study programme provided in Slovak language, must compulsorily pass an online test aimed at determining the level of their linguistic competence in the Slovak language. The testing is provided by the SPU Languages Centre in Nitra in two dates: 28.5.2024 and 23.7.2024.

On the basis of the test results, the applicant will be issued with a certificate of his/her language proficiency level (levels according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). The test and the certificate are subject to a fee (test: EUR 20,-, certificate: EUR 10,-).

If the applicant's level of linguistic competence is below A1, the applicant will not be admitted to the course.

If the applicant's language proficiency level is A1, the applicant has fulfilled one of the conditions for admission to the study, but will be obliged to attend a 30-hour paid Slovak language course organised by the Centre of Languages of the SPU in Nitra (course fee: 120,- EUR). The course will take place on 26.8.2024 - 6.9.2024. Upon completion of the course, the applicant will be issued with a certificate of completion.

If the applicant's level of language proficiency is A2 or above, the applicant has fulfilled one of the conditions for admission to the course.

Detailed information about the test and the course can be found on the Language Centre website:

International applicants are required to attach an Application Form ( ) with all attachments to their application form.

Decision on recognition of a document of education issued by a foreign higher education institution is issued by a higher education institution in the Slovak Republic, which conducts a study programme in the same or a related field of study as the one indicated on the document of duly completed higher education.

The decision, in the absence of a higher education institution with the same or similar field of study in the Slovak Republic, is issued by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic, Centre for Recognition of Education Documents, Stromová 1, 913 30 Bratislava.

Coordinator for students with specific needs

Ing. Eva Ivanišová, PhD.,

tel.: 037/641 4421,


General information on the admission exam

*Graduates ofbachelor degreeprogram,sendapplicationtoengineeringdegree programs(
     * The application is necessary to confirm medical fitness to higher education (for other applications).
    *Applicantsforengineeringcurriculavitaeattached,a certifiedphotocopy ofa bachelor's degree,certifiedphotocopies ofcertificatesandcertifiedextractof testscompletedat the primarystudy.

  • Apply the application for study

    16.02.2024 - 07.07.2024

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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

Current number of filed applications:

  • verified copy of the degree for applicant of other universities (electronic form)
  • certified copy of certificate to candidates from other universities (electronic form)
  • photocopy of the Diploma Supplement to candidates from other universities (electronic form)
  • doklad o úhrade prijímacieho konania (electronic form)
  • CV (electronic form)
  • medical certificate (electronic form)

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free

The fee for admission procedure
E-application form: 40 €

Billing information

Invoicing data:

The fee must be paid by wire transfer from your account or by internet banking. The billing details for the payment method are given on the last page of the e-application form.

1)Method of payment of application fee:

Name and address of the payee:

Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra

Bank account number: 7000066247/8180

IBAN: SK40 8180 0000 0070 0006 6247

Name and address of the bank: State Treasury, Radlinského 32, 810 05 Bratislava

constant symbol (KS) 0558

variable symbol (VS) application number

specific symbol (SS) 105900721

2) Additional details for remittance of payment from abroad:

The following details are also required for payment from other EU countries:


NOTICE: please fill in the payment order carefully to avoid any problems with the identification of your payment.

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Detail of the study program

The first three years of your studies could be funded by a scholarship of up to €9,000. More information

Detail of the study program


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Responsibility for content: Ing. Katarína Gurčíková –
Last update: 16.07.2024 02:53

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