University of Presov in Presov

Faculty of Management and Business

Logo univerzity

Study programmes

Business Management and Marketing ( full-time 3 roky )
Business Management and Marketing ( external 3 roky )
Management ( full-time 3 roky )
Management ( external 3 roky )
Tourism, Hotel and Spa Indrustry ( full-time 3 roky )
Tourism, Hotel and Spa Indrustry ( external 3 roky )

Faculty profile

The motto of the faculty: „Talent - Education - Success“


     1. Main facts about the faculty’s development

The Faculty of Management and Business of the University of Prešov in Prešov (formerly the Faculty of Management) is currently the only faculty of an economic type at a public university in the Prešov Self-Governing Region.

The faculty has long been one of the largest faculties of the University of Prešov in Prešov and one of the largest faculties of economic type in Slovakia. It is a university leader in research activities and educational activities in the field of economics and management in the region. The faculty provides university studies in the study field of economics and management in study programmes in management, economics, business, marketing and in field of tourism.

The first university master’s degree in the field of management in Prešov was established during the Velvet Revolution in the academic year 1989/1990 at the then Prešov part of the P. J. Šafárik University, which later became the University of Prešov in Prešov. This study was founded in the summer semester of 1990 by the current guarantor and dean of FMB UP in Prešov, prof. Ing. Dr. Róbert Štefko, Ph.D. and was provided by the then newly established Department of Management of the Faculty of Arts of the UPJS University. Eventually, two other departments were established - in 1994, the Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management of the Faculty of Arts UPJS, and in 1997 the Department of Public Administration of the Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences UP.

After seven years after the establishment of the study, all three departments became departments of the successor University of Prešov in 1997. At that time, they provided accredited master’s degrees in Personnel Management, Tourism and Hospitality Management and Public Administration Management. During the first 14 years of its existence, with the help of all three successively emerging departments, the Management studies at the master’s level in all fields of study and their specialisations underwent significant positive developments in all academic areas.

The year 2004 became a significant turning point when the integration of the three departments mentioned above created the Faculty of Management of the University of Prešov in Prešov, and its first dean became Professor Róbert Štefko, who also became the guarantor of all study programmes of the faculty and subsequently also of habilitation and inauguration procedures. Extremely high dynamics and acceleration of the faculty’s development were manifested by the fact that already during the first year of its existence, the faculty obtained accreditation of new bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programmes in the field of management and immediately afterwards, in March 2007 also habilitation and inauguration procedures. At the same time, according to statistics and statements of the Ministry, presented in the press, the faculty was for several years the most in-demand faculty in the Slovak Republic (expressed on the basis of the annual ratio of the number of applicants to the number of admitted students, which was limited by capacity). For several years in the strongest population years, the faculty had as many as about 2500 students, with total student numbers determined and then corrected by capacity constraints. During the whole period of its existence, the faculty has been highly attractive, which is reflected in the high numbers of applications to the first year of the programme each year (currently about 1300 applicants).

The faculty has evolved rapidly in terms of both quality and quantity of personnel. It has grown from an initially small team of a few to the current team of nearly 130 scientific and teaching staff, internal and external PhD students and technical and economic staff.

The faculty has become an “Excellent research workplace” (Excelentné výskumné pracovisko) based on its demonstrated top level of scientific activity. This status was assigned to the faculty by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic on the basis of a detailed assessment of its results in scientific research activities (for more details, see the paragraph evaluating science and research). 

A significant event in 2005 was the establishment of the Expert and Business Board as an advisory body of the faculty. The Board helps to link the faculty with practice closely, consisting of almost 40 successful entrepreneurs, managers, and regional actors, especially from the Prešov and Košice Regions, who, in many cases, are later employers of graduates of the faculty. These are several spheres of cooperation, research and professional practice in areas such as business and marketing, information technology, tourism, hotel, spa, environmental management, construction, engineering, automotive industry, and service companies, as well as regional development, local government and others. In addition, a number of lectures by well-known personalities from the field of management, the world of business and public life also contribute to a more intensive connection between education and practice.

Since 2010, the faculty network of the current 69 “Centres of Student Practice and Research Transfer” in the Slovak Republic and 7 other such centres abroad has been gradually expanded.

In 2021, the name of the faculty was extended to better and more accurately reflect its overall profile and the wide range of education and research in the field of study “Economics and Management” and its individual areas. Therefore, the original name has been extended to the current name of the Faculty of Management and Business of the University of Prešov in Prešov.

In particular, the pursuit of excellence in all academic areas is seen as a key determinant of faculty development. According to the evaluations so far, it has been successful in this endeavour.

     2. Education at the faculty and the current offer of study programmes

The faculty offers a total of 14 accredited study programmes in the study field “Economics and Management”. The faculty has accredited study programmes at all levels of study (bachelor, master and doctoral), while all are accredited in full-time and part-time forms. The master’s and PhD study programmes are accredited in Slovak and English. The faculty is also granted the right to conduct habilitation procedures and procedures for the appointment of professors in the field of “Management”.

Of the 14 individual study programmes, 6 are bachelor, 4 master and 4 doctoral programmes. The following study programmes are part of the bachelor’s degree:

Bachelor’s study programmes (Bc.):

  • Study programme Management in the field of study Economics and Management, a full-time form of study in the Slovak language
  • Study programme Management in the field of study Economics and Management, a part-time form of study in the Slovak language
  • Study programme Business Management and Marketing in the field of study Economics and Management, a full-time study form in the Slovak language
  • Study programme Business Management and Marketing in the field of study Economics and Management, a part-time form of study in the Slovak language
  • Study programme Tourism, Hotel and Spa Industry in the study field of Economics and Management, a full-time study in the Slovak language
  • Study programme Tourism, Hotel and Spa Industry in the study field of Economics and Management, a part-time form of study in the Slovak language

Master’s study programmes (Mgr.):

  • Study programme Management in the field of study Economics and Management, a full-time form of study in the Slovak language
  • Study programme Management in the field of study Economics and Management, a full-time study in the English  language
  • Study programme Management in the field of study Economics and Management, a part-time form of study in the Slovak language
  • Study programme Management in the field of study Economics and Management, a part-time form of study in English

Each student has the opportunity to choose an in-depth trajectory of their studies by selecting related compulsory electives. Among the most demanded trajectories at our faculty for a long time are the following:

  • Business, Marketing and Business Psychology,
  • Human Resources Management,
  • Digital Marketing,
  • Tourism and Hotel Management

Rigorous doctoral proceedings (PhDr.) in the field of study of Economics and Management

Doctoral study programmes (PhD.):

  • Study programme Management in the field of study Economics and Management, a full-time form of study in the Slovak language
  • Study programme Management in the field of study Economics and Management, a full-time form of study in the English language 
  • Study programme Management in the field of study Economics and Management, a part-time form of study in the Slovak language
  • Study programme Management in the field of study Economics and Management, a part-time form of study in the English language


The personnel and qualification structure of the faculty is very favourable, and all internal assistant professors have PhD degress. The faculty consists of 7 departments (Department of Economics and Economy, Department of Finance, Accounting and Mathematical Methods, Department of Marketing and International Trade, Department of Management, Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, Department of Managerial Psychology, Department of Intercultural Communication) and consists of a team of almost 80 lecturers (in-house teachers, in-house PhD students and scientific researchers)and 19 technical-economic staff and 30 external PhD students, icluding the international ones.

The entire guarantee environment of the faculty, including 30 full-time professors and associate professors, gives the faculty and its students a stable guarantee of permanent maintenance of all accredited study programmes.

Education of students and research takes place in the complex of buildings FMB UP on ul. Konštantínova 16 with a number of seminar classrooms and a modern, technologically equipped auditorium with the largest capacity among the university premises of UP.

In developed countries, university courses and programmes of this type are among those that create the prerequisites and opportunities for their graduates to become catalysts for successful change in companies and other organisations. Naturally, the macroeconomic environment, the situation of the country, economic crises, etc., have an undeniable impact on the employability of graduates in all fields of higher education.

Regarding students and graduates, the faculty reinforces its motto “TALENT - EDUCATION - SUCCESS”. Therefore, the faculty tries to attract TALENTED candidates for studies (including international ones) to provide them with QUALITY EDUCATION (especially in the field of economics, management, business, marketing and related areas), which gives them the prerequisites to be SUCCESSFUL (naturally with the contribution of their personal qualities, skills and experience).

The aim and ambition is to contribute to increasing the competitiveness of companies, consequently to the growth of the country’s gross domestic product and thus to increasing resources for many areas of the public sector, such as the social sphere, public education, public health, etc., to increase the well-being of society and the quality of life of its citizens.

The result of the intensive interconnection between higher education at the faculty and the needs of the practice is the constantly expanding the above-mentioned, faculty 69-member network of “Centres of Student Practice, Practical Training and Research Transfer” in the Slovak Republic and another 7 such centres abroad based on mutually advantageous conditions enshrined in the contract for each centre thus created. These countries are Spain, Greece, Italy, Cyprus, the USA, Ireland, Czech Republic.

Thanks to all these centres, the faculty enables students to have intensive contact with companies and other organisations of the practice, to verify the use of their knowledge in practice, and to confront the knowledge acquired during their studies with the practice. These centres also offer a variety of themes for bachelor and diploma theses. When students solve these theses, the transfer of research results into practice in the companies or organisations concerned occurs naturally. The interest of companies in such a form of cooperation confirms the appropriate knowledge potential of the faculty’s students.

The study creates educational prerequisites that lead, in the case of individual abilities, to opportunities for employment on the labour market, especially in the fields of economics, management, business, marketing, finance, tourism, hotel management, spa and related areas.

      3. Science and research at the faculty and its status as an “Excellent Research Workplace” (Excelentné výskumné pracovisko)

In the field of science and research, the faculty achieves creative activity outputs at the level of top international level of quality (based on evaluations). The excellent results in science and research are confirmed by the faculty’s status as a “centre of research excellence” since 2022.

This designation was awarded by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic on the basis of an exact methodology (regression model) evaluating indicators such as excellent publishing activity and excellent performance in obtaining research grants from external grant agencies. Out of all 72 social science faculties or units of public universities across the country, the faculty ranked 3rd best.

The assessed excellent publication activity of the faculty is published mainly in the highest categories - in scientific journals registered in the world’s most prestigious databases, Current Contents Connect and Web of Science, especially in journals in the top quartiles of WoS. But these are also other high-quality journals in databases such as Scopus, as well as foreign and domestic monographs in renowned publishers such as Springer, Elsevier, IGI Global, Nova, etc. Publications by teachers at top prestigious international conferences are also valuable.

As part of the excellent high success rate in obtaining scientific grants, the faculty has so far received 116 domestic and foreign scientific research grants from external scientific grant agencies (mainly from scientific grant agencies APVV, VEGA, KEGA, INTERREG, MVTS APVV, NORWAY GRANTS, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, as well as other foreign schemes).

Since 2009 the faculty has been publishing a scientific journal, “Journal of Management and Business: Research and Practice”. Since 2010 the faculty has also been operating an internal scientific grant agency GAMA for PhD students and young researchers (Grant Agency for Research in Management).

Another important achievement of the faculty is the implementation of the “Neuromarketing Laboratory of the Faculty of Management and Business of the University of Prešov in Prešov”. The main reason for the establishment of the laboratory is the implementation of neuroscientific research and research on consumer behaviour, as well as the expansion of scientific research at the faculty in the combination of social sciences and natural sciences, namely business-management sciences and neurosciences.

An important contribution of the laboratory is increasing the possibilities of practical “equipment” of students in the field of management, business and marketing for future employment in practice. At the same time, the Neuromarketing Laboratory will enable another area of faculty and business linkage and transfer of knowledge into practice for increased success in business.

The faculty also operates the “Centre for Technology Transfer and Research Results“ in cooperation with the “Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (SCSTI)”, which builds on the work of the already functioning Neuromarketing Laboratory. 

     4. International relations of the faculty

The faculty also achieves excellent results in the internationalisation of studies, as evidenced by the fact that international students make up more than 20% of the total number of students. The faculty has students from 9 countries (Ukraine, Austria, Poland, Belarus, Moldova, Hungary, the Russian Federation, the Czech Republic and Romania), with international students represented at all three levels of study.

The faculty is constantly expanding its rich network of international partner universities where students can complete part of their studies abroad, for example, through the Erasmus+ programme. Currently, the Faculty has more than 50 inter-institutional agreements with universities in 20 countries across Europe: France, Canary Islands, Norway, Latvia, Lithuania, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Slovenia. The Erasmus+ programme is also regularly used by the faculty staff for their mobilities. At the same time, the faculty regularly hosts foreign staff and students through this grant scheme and other grant schemes such as SAIA.

The scientific and pedagogical staff of the faculty cooperate with international colleagues from countries all over the world, for example, with partners from Italy, Norway, South Africa, Greece, Poland, Spain, and the Czech Republic, as well as many other countries.

Among the most significant events are the international scientific conferences organised by the faculty. Among them, the long-standing tradition of holding regular international scientific conferences organised by the faculty, which have been held every other year since 2006 (with the exception of the blackout caused by the Covid-19 pandemic), is of particular significance. These conferences are regularly attended by scientific and pedagogical staff from 4 world continents, most recently in 2018 from 22 countries around the world, most of whom have become regular participants in our conferences. Their regular participation is also reflected in collaboration on other joint international projects.

In less than 18 years since its establishment, the Faculty of Management and Business has become a popular place to work thanks to its professionally competent, hard-working, loyal scientific, teaching and non-teaching staff, where a friendly environment has accelerated performance to achieve high academic standards in all areas of its core activities.

Admission procedure

Management Bc., full-time

Deadline for applications: 31.03.2025
Deadline of examination:

Manažment Mgr., full-time

Deadline for applications: 31.03.2025
Deadline of examination:

Tourism, Hotel and Spa Indrustry Bc., full-time

Deadline for applications: 31.03.2025
Deadline of examination:

Management Mgr., external

Deadline for applications: 31.03.2025
Deadline of examination:

Management Bc., external

Deadline for applications: 31.03.2025
Deadline of examination:

Management Mgr., full-time

Deadline for applications: 31.03.2025
Deadline of examination:

Business Management and Marketing Bc., external

Deadline for applications: 31.03.2025
Deadline of examination:

Business Management and Marketing Bc., full-time

Deadline for applications: 31.03.2025
Deadline of examination:

Tourism, Hotel and Spa Indrustry Bc., external

Deadline for applications: 31.03.2025
Deadline of examination:

Manažment Mgr., external

Deadline for applications: 31.03.2025
Deadline of examination:

Accommodation and boarding


Students halls of residence and the canteen

Nowadays, the total capacity of the Students Halls of Residence is as follows: total number of places amounts to 1918 -  873 places at the Students Hall of Residence in Ul.17 November no. 11,  685 places at the  Students Hall of Residence in Ul. 17 November  no.13, 183 places at Námestie mládeže no. 2 and  177 places in  Exnárova no. 36.

In 2009 11th  floor  of the "A" block was rebuilt followed by reconstruction of the "B" block in 2010. The rooms are completely renovated with modern facilities and bathrooms. Each room has a fridge, and an internet connection. Both parts are fully equipped with kitchen appliances as well as washing machines and dryers.

Catering for students and staff of University of Presov in Presov is provided by Magister, ltd. Presov. Its priority was to extend the range of meals for lunch and dinner. Currently it offers a menu of three soups and six main dishes for lunch, and two meals for dinner. The canteen is divided into two parts - the employees’ part with capacity of  60 seats  and students’  part  with  capacity of 200 seats.

After undertaking its operation, Magister, ltd. Prešov expanded its supplementary services and  established a fast food buffet with a wide range of hot dishes, desserts and cold food products. This food service operator is planning to offer products of healthy diet as a part of its daily menu. In addition, it also operates three buffets, the buffet “Bachelor” in the main building, “Rector” in the building of the Rectorate and “Student” in the students hall of residence. The buffets offer a wide range of cold meals and confectionery, as well as soft drinks and coffee.

Beside these essential services in the canteen area  there are 2 stylish lounges where various social events can  be organized. Student balls, graduations, academic conferences, etc. are held there every year.

Študentský domov a jedáleň PU
Ul. 17. novembra 13
080 01 PREŠOV

Other services

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Responsibility for content: Mgr. Marcela STRÍŠOVÁ (
Last update: 03.04.2024 17:49

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