
Prospects of graduates

Application of graduates in the economic study programme Management:

For graduates of the Faculty in the economic study programme Management, this study creates educational prerequisites for the possibility of applying in the labour market in enterprises and other organisations in specific economic positions and economic activities of organisations and, in the case of other personal and experiential prerequisites, also in managerial areas of varying degrees, depending on these abilities. The profile of a graduate of the economic study programme Management is determined by compulsory subjects such as macroeconomics, microeconomics, finance and currency, accounting, calculations and budgets, business planning, operational management, financial-economic analysis, computer science, IT in management and management information systems, business economics, corporate finance, entrepreneurship in small and medium-sized enterprises, control and controlling, marketing, management, human resource management, national economy, world economy and international economic relations, psychology, social psychology, law, methods and methodology of social research, statistics, etc. (details of the curricula in the accredited study programmes are published on the faculty's website: In addition to such compulsory (and the same for all) subjects, the student can choose from five compulsory elective blocks of subjects which deepen the curriculum and specialise the student for either "Human Resource Management", "Business, Marketing and Business Psychology", "Tourism and Hospitality Management", "Digital Marketing" or "Environmental Management" (see detailed study plans). The faculty is also preparing blocks of compulsory elective courses for other areas.

The study creates the prerequisites and opportunities for graduates to become catalysts for successful change in companies and other organisations. At the same time, they are also qualified to create new other businesses (and thus other new jobs). (Naturally, the macroeconomic environment, the situation of the country, economic crises and other environmental influences have a strong and undeniable impact on the possibilities of graduates of all fields of higher education to apply themselves and place increased demands on all the attributes and qualities of the graduate as a personality). In addition to the basic economic and managerial education, other abilities, personal prerequisites, aptitudes and experience have an impact on the possibility of achieving various managerial positions. The aim and ambition is to contribute to increasing the competitiveness of enterprises on the basis of qualifications, knowledge and demonstrated skills.

Bachelor graduates are (according to the selected block of compulsory elective subjects) oriented and profiled predominantly in one of the areas in which they have specialised in depth during their studies: (1) business, marketing and business psychology, (2) digital marketing, (3) tourism and hospitality management, (4) human resource management, (5) environmental management.

After the completion of the 2nd degree (Master's degree), graduates can apply for higher economic and managerial positions, as well as in research and educational institutions, if they have the personal prerequisites and experience. According to the selected block of compulsory elective subjects, they are oriented and profiled predominantly in one of the mentioned areas in which they have specialised in depth during their studies: (1) business, marketing and business psychology, (2) human resources management, (3) tourism and hotel management, (4) environmental management.

On the basis of the Doctoral Rigorous Procedure in the Economic Management study programme in the field of study Economics and Management, the graduate will receive the academic degree "PhDr."

After completing the doctoral studies, i.e. the 3rd level of studies, graduates can apply at universities and other scientific research institutes, as well as at those top professional positions in the management of organizations in practice, where this highest level of studies together with personal prerequisites is required.

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Conditions of admission

B) Conditions of admission to the 2nd cycle of studies (Master's studies)

The basic condition for admission to the Master's programme is the completion of the first cycle of higher education (Bachelor's degree).

Fully completed application form for the Master's degree, accompanied by attachments and sent by the deadline. The application form must be signed by the applicant and sent by one of the following methods (a) or (b):

a) Duly and completely filling out the electronic application form for studies and sending it via the Internet (the application form is available in the MAIS system at: and at the same time sending the printed and hand-signed electronic application form to the faculty address with the following attachments:

- structured CV,
- proof of payment of the admission fee,
- certified photocopy of diploma and transcript,
- statement of study results (indicating the weighted arithmetic average for the entire period of bachelor studies).

b) Sending a fully completed and handwritten and signed application form on Shevt's form to the faculty address with the following attachments:

- structured CV,
- proof of payment of the admission fee,
- certified photocopy of diploma and transcript,
- statement of academic results (indicating the weighted arithmetic average for the entire period of undergraduate studies).

  • An applicant interested in a degree programme in English shall complete the published application form in English "An application form for Master's study in English" (
  • The administrative fee for the admission procedure shall be paid by applicants by bank transfer or postal money order, and proof of payment of the fee must be attached to the application form.
  • The administrative fee for the admission procedure shall be paid by applicants by bank transfer or postal money order.
  • If the applicant fails to deliver all the above documents related to admission to the study, he/she will be excluded from the admission procedure.
  • Master's degree applicants who will take the state final examination of the 1st degree of university studies (Bachelor's degree) in the academic year 2021/2022 shall apply for the study by sending the application form(as well as other applicants for the study) by 31.05.2022 and no later than 15.06.2022 by 15.06.2022. 2022 send officially certified documents of successful completion of higher education studies of the first degree - i.e. an officially certified photocopy of the diploma, the state examination certificate and the statement of study results (with an indication of the weighted arithmetic average for the entire period of bachelor's studies) and other attachments to the application form (structured curriculum vitae, proof of payment of the fee for material support of the admissions procedure).
  • A candidate for studies at the Faculty of Management, Economics and Business of the University of Prešov may submit even more applications for studies at this faculty - this also applies to study programmes and the form of study.
  • Further information regarding the admission of applicants to the Master's programme will be published on the faculty's website (, which we recommend to monitor permanently.
  • Applicants with specific needs are advised to contact the Coordinator for Students with Specific Needs, who is Mgr. Vladimír Čema, PhD. MBA (e-mail:
  • An applicant who has received a decision of non-admission may submit a request for a review of this decision. The application should be submitted to the Dean of the Faculty within eight days from the date of receipt of the decision on non-admission.

Additional information

A candidate may submit multiple applications to the faculty for study, i.e. for several study programmes, or for both forms of study (full-time and part-time). The application form must be duly and completely completed and accompanied by the required annexes. Applicants must pay the administrative fee for the admission procedure by bank transfer or postal money order, and proof of payment of the fee must be attached to the application form. The application form in printed form must be signed by the applicant in his/her own handwriting.

Conditions for international students

Conditions of admission for foreign applicants for studies in Slovak language and for applicants for studies in English language (in case they did not complete their previous education in Slovak Republic or Czech Republic):

An applicant for a master's degree who has completed a first degree study outside the territory of the Slovak Republic is considered to be a foreign applicant. For the conditions of the admission procedure for the second degree study is not considered to be a foreign applicant:

- an applicant who has completed studies in the Czech Republic, if the studies were conducted in the Czech language,
- an applicant who has completed studies at a foreign higher education institution in the Slovak Republic, if the studies were conducted in the Slovak or Czech language.

Note: In case of ambiguity, the applicant's classification will be assessed by the committee.

Conditions of admission for foreign applicants for Master's studies in Slovak language are as follows:

The basic condition for admission to the second cycle of studies is the completion of the first cycle of studies (Bachelor's degree). In justified cases, the Academic Senate of the faculty, on the proposal of the Dean, may adapt these conditions accordingly.

The method of conducting the admission procedure for the Master's degree is specified in point B) and is the same for all applicants for the Master's degree. The specific conditions for the admission of foreign applicants to the Master's programme are set out as follows:

  1. The deadline for the submission of the application form is by 31 May 2022.
  2. Application form including attachments must be submitted in the prescribed form completely filled and signed by the candidate by the said date.
  3. The application form must be accompanied by the following documents no later than 15.06.2022:

- officially translated and authenticated documents proving the achievement of the first level of higher education (diploma, state examination certificate, document indicating the overall average of the bachelor's degree);

  • - officially translated and authenticated documents proving the achievement of the first level of higher education (diploma, state examination certificate, document indicating the overall average of the bachelor's degree);

    - a decision on recognition of the equivalence of educational documents (so-called nostrification).It is necessary to apply for nostrification: (1) the relevant faculty in Slovakia which carries out study programmes in the same fields of study or in related fields of study as those listed on the document of education or (2) the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport (if there is no higher education institution in the Slovak Republic which carries out study programmes in the same fields of study or in related fields of study as those listed on the document of education). More information at:; more detailed information:;
    - curriculum vitae (in Slovak language for studies in Slovak, in English language for studies in English);
    - proof of payment of the fee for material support of the admission procedure.

    4. Part of the admission procedure for studies in the Slovak language is the verification of the foreign applicant's linguistic competence to study the study programme in the Slovak language, which is carried out orally and in writing in the Slovak language (the form to be determined according to the current epidemiological situation) and is compulsory without exception for each applicant. It must be successfully completed by the applicant.

    5. The faculty will send an invitation to the foreign applicant for language proficiency verification at least 14 days before the date of the procedure. The applicant may only take the language proficiency test once during the entire admission procedure for the academic year 2022/2023!

    6. The Dean of the Faculty decides on admission to the study on the proposal of the Admissions Committee. The members of the admissions committee are appointed by the Dean of the Faculty.

    7. The decision on the results of the admission procedure will be made in writing within 30 days after verification of the fulfilment of the conditions (including legislative ones) for admission to the study.

    8. An applicant who has received a decision of non-admission may apply for a review of that decision. The application shall be submitted to the Dean of the Faculty within eight days from the date of receipt of the non-admission decision.

    9. A candidate who has received a decision not to be admitted to study has the right, on the basis of a written request submitted no later than 8 days after receipt of the dean's decision, to inspect the documentation of his/her admission procedure in the presence of persons authorised by the dean.

    Conditions of admission for foreign applicants for the Master's degree in English are as follows:

    The basic condition for admission to the second cycle of studies is the completion of the first cycle of studies (Bachelor's degree). The required language level for English language applicants (if they completed their undergraduate studies in a language other than English) is minimum B2 - intermediate (which must be demonstrated by a diploma or certificate, e.g. TOEFL, IELTS, etc.). In justified cases, the Academic Senate of the Faculty, on the proposal of the Dean, may adapt these conditions accordingly.

    The method of conducting the admission procedure for Master's studies is specified in point B) and is the same for all applicants for Master's studies. Accordingly, the specific conditions for the admission of applicants to the Master's programme are set out as follows:

    1. The deadline for sending the application form is by 15 February 2022
    2. Application form must be submitted fully filled in including enclosures on the prescribed form by the said date and must be signed by the candidate.
    3. An applicant interested in A programme of study in English shall complete the published application form in English "An application form for Master's study in English" (
    4. The application form must be accompanied by the following documents no later than 01.07.2022:

    - officially translated and certified documents proving the achievement of the first level of higher education (diploma, state examination certificate, transcript of marks for individual subjects);

  • - official documents proving the achievement of the first level of higher education (diploma, state examination certificate, transcript of marks for individual subjects)

    - a certificate or other document proving the required level of English language proficiency;

    - decisionon recognition of equivalence of educational documents issued by foreign schools (so-called nostrification). A document of education obtained after completion of higher education of the 1st or 2nd degree is recognised by a higher education institution in the Slovak Republic which carries out a study programme in the same or a related field of study (the decision on the equivalence of these documents of education is regulated by Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education as amended and Decree No. 238/2005 on the procedure for recognition of documents of education);

    - holders of educational documents issued in other countries (outside the Slovak Republic) are also required to:

    - Apostille- for education documents issued in states which are parties to the Convention of 5 October 1961 on the Abolition of the Requirement of Higher Attestation for Foreign Public Documents (the so-called Hague Convention),

    - Legalisation/super-legalisation - - for educational documents issued in States not party to the Hague Convention;
    - Curriculum vitae in English;
    - Proof of payment of the material support fee for the admission procedure.

    Note: Study programmes in English will only open if sufficient applicants are admitted.

    1. The Faculty may impose additional conditions for admission to individual programmes of study in order to ensure that applicants with the necessary abilities and aptitudes are admitted to study. The conditions set and the method of verifying their fulfilment must allow the selection of applicants who demonstrate the highest degree of aptitude for the study.
  • Admission to study is decided by the Dean of the Faculty on the proposal of the Admissions Committee. The members of the admissions committee are appointed by the dean of the faculty.
  • The decision on the results of the admission procedure will be made in writing within 30 days after verification of the fulfilment of the conditions (including legislative ones) for admission to the study.
  • A candidate who has received a decision of non-admission may submit a request for a review of that decision. The application shall be submitted to the Dean of the Faculty within eight days from the date of receipt of the non-admission decision.
  • A candidate who has received a decision of non-admission to study has the right, on the basis of a written request submitted no later than 8 days from the receipt of the decision of the Dean, to inspect the documentation of his/her admission procedure in the presence of persons authorised by the Dean.

Conditions of admission without the entrance exam

see Admission procedure - method of implementation

Coordinator for students with specific needs

Applicants with specific needs are advised to contact the Specific Needs Coordinator before applying, who is:

Mgr. Vladimír Čema, PhD. MBA

General information on the admission exam

Method of admission to the Master's programme:

Student applicants can take the REQUIRED SCIO test if they wish to do so (more details at

Automatic and preferential admission will be granted to all those applicants for the 2nd degree (Master's) who pass the optional SCIO test "General Academic Prerequisites" (resp. General study prerequisites) achieve a percentile of more than 50 (inclusive) - this is admission irrespective of the average of marks in the bachelor's state examination, irrespective of the overall study average, subject to the condition of submitting their state examination certificate and diploma of completion of the first cycle (bachelor's degree) of higher education.

These applicants will be admitted without evaluation by the algorithm, but their enrolment will be conditional upon proof of completion of Level 1 of their undergraduate studies.

The rank order for admission to the Master's programme is formed for all applicants on the basis of the average of the marks in the Bachelor's State Examination and the overall average of the Bachelor's degree. The arithmetic average of the candidate's state bachelor's examination marks and the weighted full-study average produces, on the basis of an algorithm published on the faculty's website (, a final numerical value that produces the overall joint ranking of all applicants for a master's degree in a given form of study.

Accepted will be all those applicants for the master's degree who are ranked in the overall order from the best resulting numerical value (lowest) to the specified number of applicants according to the faculty's capacity, which creates a limit to the maximum number of admitted applicants for the master's degree.

According to the same algorithm described above, 4 separate overall rankings will be created for the admission of the best applicants:

- separate ranking for applicants for full-time study in Slovak language for the study programme Management,
- separate ranking for applicants for full-time study in Slovak language for the study programme Management,
- separate ranking for applicants for full-time study in English language for the study programme Management,
- separate ranking for applicants for full-time study in English language for the study programme Management.
- separate ranking for applicants for full-time study in English language for the study programme Management.

The method of admission procedure for the Master's degree (Mgr.) in English is the same as for other applicants for the Master's degree. The applicants will be informed about any change approved by the Academic Senate of the Faculty on the website of the Faculty of Management, Economics and Business of PU in Prešov.

Form of entrance exam

Written - in case that the applicant will perform a differential test


If the candidate takes the differential test:

the test topic outlines are posted on the college website:

  • Apply the application for study


  • Send certificate to


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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

  • CV (paper form)
  • (paper form)
  • verified copy of the degree for applicant of other universities (paper form)
  • certified copy of certificate to candidates from other universities (paper form)
  • (paper form)

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 1000 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 30 €
E-application form: 30 €

Billing information

Account number: 7000199613/8180
IBAN - SK89 8180 0000 0070 0019 9613
Variable symbol: indicate the applicant's birth number (without slash)

(The name and surname of the applicant must be indicated in the message to the recipient or in the note)

Address of the payee:
University of Prešov
Faculty of Management, Economics and Business
Konštantínova 16
080 01 Prešov

Applications should be sent to:

University of Prešov
Faculty of Management, Economics and Business
Konštantínova 16
080 01 Prešov

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Detail of the study program

The first three years of your studies could be funded by a scholarship of up to €9,000. More information

Detail of the study program


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Responsibility for content: Mgr. Marcela STRÍŠOVÁ –
Last update: 17.06.2024 07:50

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