
Prospects of graduates

Application of graduates in the economic study programme Management:

In the balkar management degree programme, the emphasis is mainly on cognitive goals and affective goals, on factual, conceptual and procedural knowledge in the corresponding cognitive dimensions. A graduate of the Bachelor's study programme in Management possesses professional and methodological knowledge, skills and competences in the field of economics and management, which create the prerequisite for his/her sectoral specialisation and are linked to the specific requirements of practice and the labour market. These are:


  • characterize basic economic laws;
  • describe legal standards, guidelines and laws;
  • specify the principles of double-entry bookkeeping;
  • explain the meaning and function of economic forecasting;
  • acquire theoretical, general and methodological knowledge in the field of corporate finance;
  • specify the creation of economic analyses and the tools used in this process;
  • specify the statistical methods used in analyses and forecasts of the economy;
  • characterise the business environment in the Slovak Republic and the EU;
  • define the economics of a business entity in general;
  • assess the financial credibility of an enterprise;
  • characterise and justify the significance and impact of changes in individual elements of the environment on the enterprise and the business itself;
  • explain the principles of developing a marketing strategy for a trade and services business;
  • characterize the process of creating organizational structures, declarative explanation of the suitability of a particular organizational structure;
  • characterize individual leadership theories, individual leadership styles, including examples;
  • define innovative ICT, mobile and online marketing campaign and analytics tools and technologies;
  • describe the principles of managing, measuring performance and controlling the activities of job roles in an enterprise;
  • understand the need for human resource management in practice and ensure this need is shared by other departments in the enterprise;
  • recognise the possible role of the human resources management unit and its competences;
  • define the subjects of human resources management;
  • describe the activities of the unit and the distribution of work tasks between the different job roles;
  • specify the differences and define the specificities of marketing across the different media to which it is applied;
  • define methods of market research, competitive analysis and consumer research;
  • describe the principles of management; performance measurement and control of the activities of job positions in the marketing department of a business and service enterprise;


  • describe the activities of the unit and the distribution of work tasks among the various job positions;
  • process statistical reports and information documents;
  • use the principles of budgeting and costing;
  • ensure the economy of the business entity;
  • analyse business indicators;
  • evaluate the economic result;
  • to prepare a financial and economic analysis of a business;
  • propose measures to correct undesirable development of the monitored indicator;
  • create the business concept of the organisation;
  • present proposed conclusions in solving specific problems;
  • identify discrepancies in economic indicators;
  • apply mathematical operations and statistical operations;
  • apply legislation in relevant areas;
  • apply the principles of financial management and controlling;
  • apply the principles of double-entry bookkeeping;
  • apply in practice basic business activities;
  • apply the basic principles of marketing;
  • design concepts for individual advertising campaigns and promotions;
  • prepare assignments and requirements for advertising agencies;
  • organise the work of the marketing department staff;
  • assess staff proposals for marketing processes, activities and tools;
  • create career plans;
  • apply employee care options and assist in the development of necessary documents;
  • create an employee benefits portfolio and manage them to design various options and situational trends used for specific human resource management needs (homeoffice options, offshoring, talent management, online testing, etc.).


  • Ability to ensure collaboration with other departments in the organization;
  • ability to coordinate and manage people;
  • ability to organize and plan the work of a team;
  • accountability for the results of their work and the team;
  • consistency and independence in solving work tasks;
  • accuracy in working with data, numbers and various information;
  • responsibility for compliance with relevant legislation, internal and external regulations and established principles;
  • responsibility for their decisions and the impact of proposals on the economics of the business;
  • ability to solve and analyse problems independently;
  • responsibility for the performance of their tasks and responsibilities;
  • ability and interest in lifelong learning;
  • the ability to have a strong customer orientation;
  • ability to be adaptable and flexible;
  • ability to work in a confidential environment;
  • the ability to acquire, shape, function, use, organize personnel work, the working abilities of individuals;
  • ability to perform all activities where the focus is on staff and where synergy is involved with other functional areas;

Graduate Application:

On the domestic and European labour market, the graduate finds employment in the following positions:

Bank Card, Payment and Trade Settlement Specialist
Leasing Advisor
Retirement Savings Specialist

Administration, Economics and Management:

Payroll Clerk
Human Resources Administrator
Manager of Recruitment and Selection
Manager of Personnel Administration and Employee Relations
Manager of Economic Administration and Property Maintenance
Specialist in Statistics (except Monetary and Financial Statistics)
Manager of Economic Administration and Property Maintenance
Specialist in Statistics (except Monetary and Financial Statistics)
/>Manager of asset management and maintenance
Accounting specialist
Specialist business economist
Process optimisation specialist
Specialist in work optimisation and rationalisation
Specialist in controlling
Specialist in remuneration and benefits
Specialist in national economy
Assistant to the auditor

Sales, Marketing:

Marketing Manager
Public Relations Manager
Wholesale Operations Manager
Quality Manager
Mystery Shopper
Research, Development and Technical Development Manager in Manufacturing

IT and Telecommunications:

Information Technology Sales Manager

In the National Occupational Framework in the areas of management, corporate finance, accounting, control and statistics, public administration, local government, personnel, administration and customer service, economic administration, operations, the relevant level of the Slovak Qualifications Framework (level 6) corresponds to the occupations that could be performed by a graduate of the management study programme.

A student after graduation is prepared primarily for the following occupations:

Managers in human resources
Managers in sales and marketing
Managers in other services not elsewhere specified
Financial analysts and specialists in finance, Insurance and other financial services
Specialist in the sale of insurance products and services
Project specialist (project manager)
Management and organisation analysts
Digital transformation specialist
Digital transformation specialist
Management and organisation analysts
Work optimisation and rationalisation specialist (standard setter)
Strategy and development specialists (no professional experience required)
Specialist in business network development and coordination
Human resources specialist (generalist)
Specialist Human Resources Planning and Controlling
Compensation and Benefits Specialist
Personnel Administration and Employee Relations Specialist
Advertising and Marketing Specialists
Product Specialist
Specialist Marketing Analysis and Market Research
Financial Transactions and Securities Specialist
Payments Specialist
Accounting Specialist
Budget Specialist
Statisticians, Mathematicians and related professionals
Insurance sales professionals
Insurance sales support professionals
Insurance sales support professionals
Employment and employment services professionals
European Employment Services (EURES) professionals
Clerical Supervisor
Customer Service Supervisor
Customer Service Supervisor
Public administration professionals not elsewhere classified

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Conditions of admission

Conditions for admission to study in the 1st cycle of studies (Bachelor's degree):

The basic condition for admission to the study is the acquisition of a complete secondary education or a complete secondary vocational education, including the matriculation examination.

The admission procedure for the Bachelor's degree is held without an entrance examination, i.e. applicants for the Bachelor's degree will be admitted in the admission procedure without taking an entrance examination. All applicants who apply to study at FMEO PU are ranked in order of admission to the respective study programme to which they have applied (there is only one rank for each given study programme) and will be admitted on the basis of their results on the matriculation certificate and the position in the order of admission assigned on that basis, within the limits set by the teaching capacity of the faculty. The applicant's overall position in the final ranking is calculated based on a set algorithm, which is published on the Faculty's website (

Priority (outside the evaluation by the algorithm) will be given to allapplicants who:

  • have been enrolled by default and have achieved an arithmetic average of less than 1.5 marks on the matriculation certificate at any secondary school;
  • were enrolled in and took the optional SCIO test (see for more information) "General Study Prerequisites" (or Municipal Study Prerequisites) and achieved a percentile of more than 50, inclusive.

Required documents:

1. A duly and fully completed electronic application form submitted through MAIS ( or paper application form delivered to the faculty address by the deadline, including the attachments mentioned in the following points. When submitting an electronic application via MAIS, the application must also be printed, hand-signed and mailed to the faculty's address.

2. Officially certified photocopy of the certificate of matriculation examination, which must be sent by post or delivered in person to the FMEO PU.

- Candidates who will take the matriculation exam in school. 2024/2025, immediately after the matriculation examination shall mail or personally deliver to the address of FMEO PU an officially certified copy of the matriculation certificate with grades.

- Applicants who graduated from secondary school outside the territory of the Slovak Republic are obliged to deliver translated and certified documents on the attainment of full secondary education with a matriculation diploma or full secondary vocational education with a matriculation diploma and at the same time Decision on recognition of the equivalence of documents on education for the purpose of continuation of studies (the so-called "Decision on recognition of the equivalence of documents on education for the purpose of continuation of studies" (the so-called "Decision on recognition of the equivalence of documents on education for the purpose of continuation of studies"). (information from the Department of Education regarding the recognition of educational documents is available at

3. Structured CV (possible to upload as an attachment to the e-application form).
4. Proof of payment of the admission fee (uploadable as attachments to the e-application form).

In case the applicant fails to deliver all the above mentioned documents related to admission, he/she will be eliminated from the admission process.

If the applicant for the Bachelor's study does not present such a matriculation certificate, on which one of the passed subjects is Slovak language (this is especially the case for foreign applicants), he/she is required to undergo a LANGUAGE ABILITY ASSESSMENT at the faculty to study the Bachelor's study programme in Slovak language.

Certification of linguistic competence to study a study programme in the Slovak language cannot be replaced by any certificates in the Slovak language. The dates for the verification of linguistic competence to study a Bachelor's degree programme in the Slovak language are set out in the introduction to this document. If an applicant does not attend the language proficiency test or fails the language proficiency test to study the study programme in the Slovak language, he/she will be eliminated from the admission list.

An applicant who fails to present a standard school leaving certificate, i.e. Such a certificate, which contains specific grades for individual subjects and at the same time the name of the secondary school attended (especially for foreign applicants), is obliged to take the DIFFERENCE TEST, which fulfils the role of a test of general study prerequisites, which is carried out from a selected part of the basic curriculum of the Slovak grammar school, namely from the part of the subject Civic Education - Basics of Economics and Economics. All topics of the differential test of the above mentioned selected part of the basic curriculum from the above mentioned subject will be published on the faculty's website in the section Education/Information for applicants ( If an applicant has passed the differentials test and the matriculation certificate submitted by the deadline contains the matriculation marks, the matriculation certificate submitted by the applicant will be taken into account for the purpose of ranking for admission. The dates of the differentials test are given in the introduction to this document.

The language proficiency test and the differentials test may be taken only once during the entire admission procedure for the academic year 2025/2026 (even in the case of applications for several programmes of study) and only on one of the five dates listed in the introductory sections of this text


Related Notes:

All those candidates are also required to attend the language proficiency test exclusively on only one of the above five dates (14.04.2025, 05.05.2025, 23.05.2025, 05.06.2025, 16.06.2025, 05.06.2025, 16.06.2025.2025), who are still studying at that time and only in the course of the year 2025 will be finishing their studies at such a secondary school, which will not issue them (does not issue) a matriculation certificate after the completion of their studies, where one of the grades is a mark from the Slovak language.

For these applicants, verification of language proficiency on one of the above mentioned dates at the Faculty of Management, Economics and Business may temporally precede the date of their matriculation (but no other dates for verification of language proficiency are planned by the faculty in 2025).

Analogically, this applies to the obligation to take the differential test at the same time and on the same dates for those candidates who will be completing their studies at a secondary school that will not issue them a matriculation certificate with grades and/or the name of the secondary school after the completion of their studies.

Invitation to the language proficiency test and the differential test together shall be sent by the faculty to the candidate at least 14 days before the date of the procedure.

Final Information:

The application form must be submitted completely filled in including attachments by the specified deadline and in case of electronic application, the application form should also be printed, signed and delivered or sent to the address of FMEO PU. Applicants are strongly advised to include their own e-mail address and telephone number in the application form. In case the applicant fails to deliver all the required documents related to admission, he/she will be eliminated from the admission process. Applicants must pay the administrative fee for the admission procedure by bank transfer or postal money order, and proof of payment of the fee must be attached to the application form.

The decision on the results of the admission procedure will be made in writing within 30 days after verification of the fulfilment of the conditions (including legislative ones) for admission to the study.

Admission to the study is decided by the dean of the faculty on the proposal of the admission committee. The members of the admissions committee are appointed by the dean of the faculty.

A candidate who has received a decision of non-admission may submit an application for a review of this decision. The application shall be submitted to the Dean of the Faculty within eight days from the date of receipt of the non-admission decision.

Under Section 58(9) of Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education and on Amendments and Additions to Certain Acts, the faculty has the right to request information from admitted applicants as to whether they will be enrolled for studies. In view of the above, an applicant who receives an admission decision is obliged to inform the faculty within 7 days of receipt of the admission decision whether he/she will enrol in the study. If the applicant does not express interest in the study or does not provide the information within the time specified by law, his/her right to enrol in the study programme in question shall expire.

Further information regarding the admission of applicants to the Bachelor's degree programme will be published on the faculty's website (, which we recommend to follow permanently.

Additional information

A candidate may submit multiple applications to the faculty for study, i.e. for several study programmes, or for both forms of study (full-time and part-time). The application form must be duly and completely completed and accompanied by the required annexes. Applicants must pay the administrative fee for the admission procedure by bank transfer or postal money order, and proof of payment of the fee must be attached to the application form.

Note: When applying for several study programmes at FMEO PU, it is necessary to pay the fee for each application.

The application form in hard copy must be signed by the applicant in his/her own handwriting.

Conditions for international students

In the event that a candidate for Bachelor's studies does not prove such a matriculation certificate, on which one of the subjects passed is Slovak language (this is especially the case for foreign applicants), he/she is required to undergo VALIDATION OF LANGUAGE ABILITY to study a Bachelor's study programme in the Slovak language at the faculty.

Certification of linguistic competence to study the study programme in the Slovak language cannot be replaced by any certificates in the Slovak language. The dates for the verification of linguistic competence to study a Bachelor's degree programme in the Slovak language are given below. If an applicant does not attend the language proficiency test or fails the language proficiency test for the study programme in the Slovak language, he/she will be eliminated from the admission list.

An applicant who fails to present a standard school leaving certificate, i.e. Such a certificate, which contains specific grades for individual subjects and at the same time the name of the secondary school attended (especially for foreign applicants), is obliged to take the DIFFERENCE TEST, which fulfils the role of a test of general study prerequisites, which is carried out from a selected part of the basic curriculum of the Slovak grammar school, namely from the part of the subject Civic Education - Basics of Economics and Economics. All topics of the differential test of the above mentioned selected part of the basic curriculum from the above mentioned subject will be published on the faculty's website in the section Education/Information for applicants ( If an applicant has passed the differentials test and the matriculation certificate submitted by the deadline contains the matriculation marks, the matriculation certificate submitted by the applicant will be taken into account for the purpose of ranking for admission. The dates of the differentials test are given in the introduction to this document.

The language proficiency test and the differentials test may be taken only once during the entire admission procedure for the academic year 2025/2026 (even in the case of applications for several programmes of study) and only on one of the five dates listed in the introductory sections of this text


Related Notes:

All those candidates are also required to attend the language proficiency test exclusively on only one of the five dates mentioned above,14.04.2025, 05.05.2025, 23.05.2025, 05.06.2025, 16.06.2025, 16.06.2025, 16.06.2025.2025, who are still studying at that time and only during the year 2025 will be finishing their studies at such secondary school, which will not issue them (does not issue) a matriculation certificate after the completion of their studies, where one of the grades is a mark from the Slovak language.

For these applicants, verification of language proficiency on one of the above mentioned dates at the Faculty of Management, Economics and Business may temporally precede the date of their graduation (but the Faculty does not plan any other dates for verification of language proficiency in 2025).

Analogically, this applies to the obligation to take the differential test at the same time and on the same dates for those candidates who will be completing their studies at a secondary school that will not issue them a matriculation certificate with grades and/or the name of the secondary school after the completion of their studies.

Invitation to the language proficiency test and the differential test together shall be sent by the faculty to the applicant at least 14 days before the date of the examination.

Without entrance examinations

Conditions of admission without the entrance exam

see Admission procedure - method of implementation

Coordinator for students with specific needs

Applicants with specific needs are advised to contact the Coordinator for Students with Specific Needs before applying (more information on the Faculty's website under Education/Students with Specific Needs:

Form of entrance exam

without entrance exam

  • Apply the application for study


  • Send certificate to


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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

  • CV (paper form)
  • (paper form)
  • (paper form)

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: 790 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 30 €
E-application form: 30 €

Billing information

Account Number: 7000199613/8180
IBAN - SK89 8180 0000 0070 0019 9613
Variable Symbol: indicate the applicant's birth number (without slash)

(The name and surname of the applicant must be included in the message to the recipient or in the note)

Address of the payee:
University of Prešov
Faculty of Management, Economics and Business
Konštantínova 16
080 01 Prešov

Applications should be sent to:

University of Prešov
Faculty of Management, Economics and Business
Konštantínova 16
080 01 Prešov

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Detail of the study program

Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. More information

Detail of the study program


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
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(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Responsibility for content: Mgr. Marcela STRÍŠOVÁ –
Last update: 20.02.2025 12:53

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