Found 330 study programmes
Business Management and Economics
(full-time, Bc.)Characteristics The graduate of the Bachelor's degree programme in Business Management and Economics has knowledge and skills in the field of business economics, business management and engineering…
COMPUTER AIDED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies Technical University of Košice with the seat in
(external, Ing.)The study at Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies Technical University of Košice with the seat in Prešov is based on the credit method of evaluation. The first degree of university study is bachelor…
Applied Mechanics
(full-time, PhD.)Characteristics The graduate of the study programme Applied Mechanics in the 3rd stage of higher education has knowledge in the field of modelling, simulation and optimization of machines and…
INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies Technical University of Košice with the seat in Prešov (709080000)
(full-time, Bc.)The study at Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies Technical University of Košice with the seat in Prešov is based on the credit method of evaluation. The first degree of university study is bachelor…
Kvalita a bezpečnosť
(full-time, PhD.)Characteristics A graduate of the 3rd degree Quality and Safety study program can apply scientific management methods and the philosophy of a comprehensive approach to ensuring and improving quality…
Applied Mechanics
(external, PhD.)Characteristics The graduate of the study programme Applied Mechanics in the 3rd stage of higher education has knowledge in the field of modelling, simulation and optimization of machines and…
Priemyselná mechatronika
(external, PhD.)Characteristics A graduate of the Industrial Mechatronics study program in the third stage of university studies has knowledge in the field of mechanics, electronics, control, sensors, converters,…
Quality and Safety (kvalita a bezpečnosť)
(external, PhD., Anglický)Characteristics A graduate of the 3rd degree Quality and Safety study program can apply scientific management methods and the philosophy of a comprehensive approach to ensuring and improving quality…
Quality and Safety (kvalita a bezpečnosť)
(full-time, PhD., Anglický)Characteristics A graduate of the 3rd degree Quality and Safety study program can apply scientific management methods and the philosophy of a comprehensive approach to ensuring and improving quality…
Industrial mechatronics (priemyselná mechatronika)
(full-time, PhD., Anglický)Characteristics A graduate of the Industrial Mechatronics study program in the third stage of university studies has knowledge in the field of mechanics, electronics, control, sensors, converters,…
COMPUTER AIDED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies Technical University of Košice with the seat in
(full-time, Ing.)The study at Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies Technical University of Košice with the seat in Prešov is based on the credit method of evaluation. The first degree of university study is bachelor…
INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies Technical University of Košice with the seat in Prešov (709080000)
(external, Ing.)The study at Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies Technical University of Košice with the seat in Prešov is based on the credit method of evaluation. The first degree of university study is bachelor…
AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies Technical University of Košice with the seat in Prešov
(full-time, Ing.)The study at Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies Technical University of Košice with the seat in Prešov is based on the credit method of evaluation. The first degree of university study is bachelor…
(external, PhD.)Graduates of the PhD programme Computer Aided Manufacturing Technologies are being prepared for work in research and development departments of manufacturing enterprises using newest information…
Industrial electrical engineering
(full-time, Bc.)Absolvent študijného programu Priemyselná elektrotechnika má vedomosti o elektrotechnike, informatike a manažmente a rozumie nastolenému problému. Získava, popisuje, interpretuje, navrhuje,…
Energetické stroje a zariadenia
(external, PhD.)Characteristics The Power Machines and Equipment study program and installations offers the opportunity to obtain a third degree of higher education. The third level of study, which is more…
Industrial mechatronics (priemyselná mechatronika)
(external, PhD., Anglický)Characteristics A graduate of the Industrial Mechatronics study program in the third stage of university studies has knowledge in the field of mechanics, electronics, control, sensors, converters,…
SMART TECHNOLOGIES IN INDUSTRY, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies Technical University of Košice with the seat in Prešov (70
(full-time, Bc.)The study at Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies Technical University of Košice with the seat in Prešov is based on the credit method of evaluation. The first degree of university study is bachelor…
INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGIES IN INDUSTRY, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies Technical University of Košice with the seat in Preš
(full-time, Ing.)The study at Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies Technical University of Košice with the seat in Prešov is based on the credit method of evaluation. The first degree of university study is bachelor…
RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies Technical University of Košice with the seat in Prešov
(full-time, Ing.)The study at Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies Technical University of Košice with the seat in Prešov is based on the credit method of evaluation. The first degree of university study is bachelor…
(full-time, Bc.)Absolvent bakalárskeho študijného program Elektroenergetika má vedomosti v oblasti prírodovedného základu, na ktorý nadväzujú znalosti z teoretickej elektrotechniky ako aj odborných predmetov…
Computer Aided Manufacturing Technologies
(full-time, Bc.)Štúdium na Fakulte výrobných technológií TU v Košiciach so sídlom v Prešove je založené na kreditovom spôsobe hodnotenia. Prvý stupeň vysokoškolského štúdia je bakalárske štúdium, druhý stupeň…
Biomedicínske inžinierstvo
(full-time, PhD.)Characteristics The curriculum contains information and knowledge from the study field of electrical engineering enriched with knowledge from the field of mechanical engineering. Within the field of…