Found 165 study programmes
Security Management
(full-time, Bc.)The graduates are capable to perform the profession of security and managerial specialists in an organization which provide services of human and property protection and technical managers and…
Emergency services
(full-time, Bc.)The grandaunt is able to independently analyze the state and problems related to the rescue works and suggest measures and realize activities in the field of prevention against fire. The graduate is…
Crisis management
(external, Ing.)The graduates are prepared to work in management functions of state and local government in the field of crisis management. They are able to detect risks and threats, analyse and propose procedures…
Security Management
(full-time, Ing.)The graduates are able to work at middle and higher management level in state administration and local self-government, in police forces and in organizations as independent workers - specialists in…
Emergency services
(full-time, Ing.)The graduate can independently analyse the status and problems of implementation of activities and measures related to the provision of assistance in distress as well as in the field of fire…
Security Management
(full-time, PhD.)The graduate of the third degree of higher education in the study programme Security Management will gain knowledge for independent scientific and creative activity in the field of security and…
Air Transport
(full-time, Ing.)Specialization Air Transport Graduates have comprehensive knowledge and skills (including language skills) required for managerial positions in a wide range of air transport undertakings - airlines,…
Building Engineering
(full-time, Ing.)pozemné staviteľstvo špecializácia: - pozemné staviteľstvo - nosné konštrukcie budov
Crisis management
(full-time, Bc.)Undergraduate associates are qualified specialists for the sphere of regional state level government, self government executive administration, as well as private enterprises, manufacturing and…
Theory and Construction of Building Structures
(external, PhD.)Graduates of the doctoral study are highly qualified experts in the study programme Theory and Construction of Building Structures with the main focus on the theory of designing architectural…
Crisis management
(full-time, Ing.)The graduates are prepared to work in management functions of state and local government in the field of crisis management. They are able to detect risks and threats, analyse and propose procedures…
Emergency services
(full-time, PhD.)Third Degree graduates are proficient in the scientific methods of research, development, and resolution of crisis situations that arise from accidents, fires, and emergencies in complex environments…
Krízový manažment
(full-time, PhD.)Graduates of the third degree master scientific methods of guiding and solving risk and crisis situations in the environment of public administration and in the social environment in general, in the…
Emergency services
(external, PhD.)Third Degree graduates are proficient in the scientific methods of research, development, and resolution of crisis situations that arise from accidents, fires, and emergencies in complex environments…
Multimediálne technológie
(full-time, Bc.)Štúdium umožňuje získať absolventovi vedomosti a praktické zručnosti v oblasti zberu, spracovania a prezentácie digitálneho audiovizuálneho obsahu na primeranej technickej, estetickej a etickej…
Telekomunikačné a rádiokomunikačné inžinierstvo
(full-time, Ing.)Štúdium umožňuje získať vedomosti v oblasti telekomunikačných a informačných systémov a sietí s aspektom na digitálne siete s integrovanými službami, prenosové siete a optické systémy, pozemné…
Výkonové elektronické systémy
(full-time, Ing.)Štúdium umožňuje získať absolventovi vedomosti v oblasti výkonovej a aplikovanej elektroniky, programovania a využitia výpočtovej techniky, elektrických pohonov, elektrickej trakcie,…
(full-time, PhD.)Graduate of the Doctoral study by obtaining university education of the third level in the programme of Management Masters scientific methods of analysis, research, development and optimization of…
Automatizované výrobné systémy
(external, PhD.)Absolvent tretieho stupňa vysokoškolského vzdelávania študijného programu získa znalosti a zručnosti, potrebné pre výskum a vývoj automatizácie strojárskej výroby. Nadobudne teoretické poznatky z…
Parts and Mechanisms of Machines
(full-time, PhD.)The graduate of the study programme "Parts and Mechanisms of Machines" will acquire the necessary knowledge of professional subjects such as solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, thermomechanics, design…
Energetické stroje a zariadenia
(external, PhD.)Absolvent doktorandského štúdia (PhD.) po absolvovaní štúdia by mal preukazovať schopnosť posúvať dopredu teoretické znalosti v odbore a pripravenosť na samostatnú tvorivú činnosť, riešiť na vysokej…