University of Presov in Presov

Faculty of Education

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Study programmes

Faculty profile

The Faculty of Education, University of Presov in Presov is a public higher education institution. It is one of the profiling and establishing faculties of University of Presov in Presov. Currently, it is the only one in Slovakia that exclusively specialises in training teacher experts in pre-primary, primary and special education. The priorities are the importance of teacher training and modernisation of methodology and didactic approaches particularly in terms of the current state of our education.

The Faculty of Education, University of Presov in Presov prepares pedagogical staff (undergraduates) for their work in pre-school institutions, school clubs, after-school centres; specialists for the field of compensatory pre-primary and primary education of socially and culturally disadvantaged children; educators in special education institutions, health care and social care institutions, young offender institutions and pedagogical staff working with individuals with mental disabilities. Graduate jobs include primary teacher positions (first four grades in primary school); primary education methodologists; managing and organisational staff in pre- school institutions; methodologists and research staff in pre-school institutions; special needs kindergartens; special needs primary school teachers, primary school teachers at diagnostic and re-education centres, curative education sanatoriums or other institutions providing care for psychosocially disadvantaged children and youth.

The faculty is eligible to carry out bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree programmes in both internal and external form and to award individuals with academic and scientific - pedagogical titles. It is also eligible to award the undertaking of graduation, habilitation and professor appointments procedures in the study programme of Pre-school and Elementary Pedagogy and Special Pedagogy. The faculty offers continuing and qualifying exams to the pedagogical staff.

The employees of the Faculty of Education are fully aware of the role of science and research in their work profile. Scientific-research and art activities are fast developing areas at the faculty. The priority is in particular research in pre-school, elementary and special pedagogy and in theory of education of individual subjects in terms of pedagogical and psychological aspects, and art activities. The scientific - pedagogical profile of the faculty and its good results in terms of grant schemes have also been acknowledged by the Academic Ranking and Rating Agency (ARRA) (dated November 29, 2012 – an excellent third position out of nine assessed faculties of education). The faculty has established itself in an international context, has concluded bilateral agreements with international institutions, provides ERASMUS programme, creates conditions for academic and student mobilities and scholarship programmes, conceptually and operationally manages study programmes of foreign students, maintains contact with representatives of international relations departments at partner universities and schools of higher education abroad, with the aim to increase quality of education and research activities of the faculty employees. The faculty actively participates in providing for children needs through Presov Child's University. It belongs to the international network of child's universities. The visions and objectives of further faculty development are elaborated in basic conceptual documents in accordance with the high school law and with the high school developmental concept in the Slovak republic.


Assoc. Prof. M. Sc. Jana BURGEROVÁ, Ph. D.
The Dean of the Faculty

Admission procedure

Pre-school and Elementary pedagogy and Pedagogy of psychosocially disturbed Bc., full-time

Deadline for applications: 31.03.2025
Deadline of examination: 22.04.2025 – 25.04.2025

Pedagogy for Primary education Mgr., full-time

Deadline for applications: 31.03.2025
Deadline of examination: 22.04.2025 – 25.04.2025

Special pedagogy Bc., full-time

Deadline for applications: 31.03.2025
Deadline of examination: 22.04.2025 – 25.04.2025

Special pedagogy Mgr., full-time

Deadline for applications: 31.03.2025
Deadline of examination: 22.04.2025 – 25.04.2025

Pre-school and Elementary pedagogy Bc., external

Deadline for applications: 31.03.2025
Deadline of examination: 22.04.2025 – 25.04.2025

Pre-school and Elementary pedagogy and Pedagogy of psychosocially disturbed Mgr., external

Deadline for applications: 31.03.2025
Deadline of examination: 22.04.2025 – 25.04.2025

Pre-school and Elementary pedagogy and Pedagogy of psychosocially disturbed Bc., external

Deadline for applications: 31.03.2025
Deadline of examination: 22.04.2025 – 25.04.2025

Pedagogy for Primary education Mgr., external

Deadline for applications: 31.03.2025
Deadline of examination: 22.04.2025 – 25.04.2025

Special pedagogy Bc., external

Deadline for applications: 31.03.2025
Deadline of examination: 22.04.2025 – 25.04.2025

Special pedagogy Mgr., external

Deadline for applications: 31.03.2025
Deadline of examination: 22.04.2025 – 25.04.2025

Accommodation and boarding



Študentský domov a jedáleň PU ako účelové zariadenie Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove poskytuje ubytovanie študentom vo svojich prevádzkach:

  • Ulica 17. novembra č. 11, Prešov,
  • Ulica 17. novembra č. 13, Prešov,
  • Námestie mládeže č. 2, Prešov,
  • Exnárova ulica č. 36, Prešov.

Bližšie informácie k UBYTOVANIU a STRAVOVANIU študentov PU v Prešove:

Študentský domov a jedáleň Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove

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University detail


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0910 288 664
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037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)



Responsibility for content: Mgr. Alžbeta Sabolová (
Last update: 02.02.2023 14:00

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