Faculty of Central European Studies

Study programmes
Central European Areal Studies ( full-time 3 roky ) |
Central European Areal Studies ( external 4 roky ) |
Theory of Teaching Hungarian Language and Literature ( full-time 3 roky ) |
Foreign language study programs are not provided.
Faculty profile
Faculty of Central European Studies at Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra develops its activities in the spirit of multiculturalism and mutual understanding. Base mission of the faculty is to provide both high-quality theoretic education and practical experience and skills needed for active participation in scientific, economic and social life development. According to the above goal, the faculty educates highly erudite teachers for schools with Hungarian tuition language on one hand and professionals with wide language knowledge who can assert themselves in various fields of culture, public administration, tourism and in the third sector on the other one.
Admission procedure
Teacher Training of Hungarian Language and Literature and Chemistry Bc., full-time
Hungarian Language and Culture and German Language and Culture Bc., full-time
Teacher Training of Hungarian Language and Literature and Psychology Bc., full-time
Teacher Training of Hungarian Language and Literature and Economic Subjects Bc., full-time
Teacher Training of Hungarian Language and Literature and Fine Arts Bc., full-time
Teacher Training of Hungarian Language and Literature and Music Art Bc., full-time
Hungarian Language and Culture and English Language and Culture Bc., full-time
Teacher Training of Hungarian Language and Literature and Pedagogy Bc., full-time
Teacher Training of Hungarian Language and Literature and Ecology Bc., full-time
Teacher Training of Hungarian Language and Literature and Civic Education Bc., full-time
Accommodation and boarding
Student Dormitory UKF Nitra (Dormitory NITRA) is UKF facility for accommodating its students, staff, international teachers and guests. Dormitory NITRA is situated only 5 minutes by walk from the university rectorate building and very close to the centre of the town and to the exhibition area Agrokomplex.
Student Dormitory ZOBOR (Dormitory ZOBOR) is UKF facility for accommodating its students, staff, international teachers and guests. Dormitory ZOBOR is situated near the Faculty of Education and University Library not very far from the centre of the town.
There is a university canteen in Dormitory NITRA and in Dormitory ZOBOR serving lunches to students and staff as well as buffet for purchase of some food stuff. Canteen is able to prepare refreshments for reasonable price.
Other services
International Relations Office (IRO) represents the key element in coordinating and developing of international cooperation of UKF as a whole and its promotion towards the external international public. IRO cooperates with faculty level (with Vice-deans for international relations, faculty and departmental Erasmus coordinators) depending on the given tasks. In cooperation with student organisation - ESN UKF section, IRO constantly improves conditions for stay of international students and staff.
The University Library is a scientific, information, bibliographic, coordinating and advisory center to support the teaching and research processes at the University. The library and information services are provided to teachers and scientists, doctoral students, students of all forms of study and other professionals.
Responsibility for content: PhDr. Lenka Štvrtecká, PhD. (lstvrtecka@ukf.sk)
Last update: 24.09.2024 10:18