
The Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Prešov is an institution whose main task is to educate students in accredited non-medical study programmes at the level of contemporary knowledge, scientific and research results.

The graduate of the midwifery study programme will be employed as a midwife in nursing practice in inpatient gynaecological and obstetric units, in primary care of women, in management, in research, in education and training. May work privately and independently within the current regulations. A midwife may undertake further education in specialist training and continuing education.
Obtains a full first degree in midwifery with a focus on health care delivery.

Prospects of graduates

The midwife knows and independently provides individual care for women and children -preventive, supportive, curative, rehabilitative or auxiliary- to women, especially in pregnancy, during childbirth, in the postpartum period, as well as to their families and specific groups of women by the method of the nursing process, maintains and promotes the optimal state of health of women and their children, as well as of families and specific groups and communities of women in various situations requiring the care of a midwife. Acquires the active participation of women, their families, specific groups and communities of women in the process of maintaining and promoting health, treatment and care, monitors the need for care of the woman and child, including the education of women, their families, specific groups and communities of women, in collaboration with each other, ensures the maximum quality of care in accordance with ethical principles, the rights of patients and children, with an emphasis on maximum quality and performance. She/he is able to think critically and work with the results of various researches.
A graduate of the Bachelor's degree in midwifery, after a defined professional practice, can specialize in the specialization fields specified in the Government Regulation No.213 of 2002 on the further education of health care workers.

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Conditions of admission

1. secondary education completed with matriculation

2. a written test in human biology within the scope of the grammar school curriculum (min. 60% pass rate) or the SCIO General Studies Proficiency (GSP) test in the framework of the
National Benchmark Examinations (NBPs) provided by Scio.

3. Applicants who have a grade point average of 1.50 or less without an entrance exam(Applicants shall provide school-confirmed end-of-year report cards for grades 1-3 and mid-year report cards for grade 4 or 5 of high school with their application. If the school does not certify the benefit, applicants must provide officially certified school reports). If applicants do not provide the above, they will be required to take a written test in human biology - point 2).

The applicants must also submit a written test in human biology - point 2).

4. fulfilment of the criteria of medical fitness for the profession according to the Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic No.364/2009, which establishes the criteria of medical fitness for applicants for medical study fields.

Additional information

SCIO's General Studies Aptitude Test (GSAT) in the National Comparative Examinations (NCEs), is being conducted by SCIO on six dates (before the faculty admission date) during the academic year 2021/2022 and in several cities in Slovakia. It is possible to take the NTS test more than once, and applicants will always be credited with the best result (minimum pass mark is 50th percentile).

If a student succeeds on the SCIO test, i.e. achieves a 50th percentile or higher,he or she no longer takes the faculty's written test in biology, but the faculty will give full credit for the admissions process.

If a student fail the SCIO test, the student has the option of taking the faculty written test in biology on the given admission date, and the faculty will not consider the SCIO test score.

Testing dates, sample tests, and the requirements for signing up for testing are posted at http://www.scio.sk/nps/. Signing up for the SCIO test and paying the associated costs is the responsibility of each applicant.

The Faculty does not organise these tests and does not register or invite candidates to take them. A candidate who duly applies for the examination will receive an invitation to the examination approximately 10 days before the examination by email from SCIO. The candidate does not submit his/her result to the faculty. The candidate's result is handed over to the faculty exclusively by SCIO. However, each candidate must give his/her consent to SCIO to hand over his/her results (he/she will do so as part of the application form for the HE examination)


SCIO tests are optional and are not a condition for admission, the applicant does not have to take them !!!

Conditions for international students

- written test of human biology within the scope of the grammar school curriculum in Slovak language or SCIO test

In addition to the application form, foreign students must also provide proof of recognition of completed education. The decision on recognition of education from a foreign secondary school will be issued by the Regional Education Office in the Slovak Republic.

The following documents shall be submitted with the application: certificate of medical fitness, curriculum vitae, high school diploma, curriculum vitae and proof of payment of the admission fee.

Without entrance examinations

Conditions of admission without the entrance exam

Applicants who have a study average of up to 1.50 without an entrance exam (applicants must provide school-confirmed end-of-year report cards for grades 1-3 and mid-year report cards for grade 4 or grade 5 of secondary school with the application form. If the school does not certify the benefit, applicants must submit officially certified school reports). If the applicant does not provide the above information with his/her application, he/she will have to take a written test in human biology.

Human biology

General information on the admission exam

    General Information


    1/ Paper application form (admission fee 35 EUR): applicants purchase the university application form designed for undergraduate studies at the form shops, fill in all parts of it thoroughly, attach other required documents and send it to the address of the Faculty of Health Professions of PU

    a l l e b o

    Electronic application form (admission fee 30 EUR) Applicants fill in and submit the electronic application form on the website of the University of Presov https://mais.unipo.sk/eprihlaska/pages/odosielatel/rozhranie_odosielatela.mais. Subsequently, it is necessary to print the submitted electronic application form, attach all other required documents and send it by post to the address of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the PU. Without receiving the printed electronic application form together with the additional documents, the electronic application form is invalid and the applicant will not be included in the admission procedure.

    2/ Applicants applying for full-time admission must fill in and provide evidence of their high school grades for each year. The application form must include the end-of-year report cards for Years 1-3 and the mid-year report for Year 4. This benefit must be confirmed by the secondary schoolon page 3. If the secondary school does not certify the benefit, the applicant must submit notarised report cards for each year with the application form. After the matriculation examination, applicants shall submit a notarised matriculation certificate with their application form.

    3/ The following documents must be submitted with the application form:

    • original receipt of payment of the admission fee or proof of bank transfer
    • notarized copy of the matriculation certificate (if you are graduating in the current school year, you will submit the MV as soon as you have passed the matriculation exams),
    • confirmation of academic average for 1-4. year of secondary school
    • recommendation from a medical practitioner for study in the given field
    • structured curriculum vitae
    • application form must be signed in the applicant's own handwriting (page 3)

    5/ In case the applicant wants to apply for more study programmes at the Faculty of Physical Education PU in Prešov, he/she must submit a separate application for each study programme separately and pay the application fee for each application separately.

    6/Only the applicant who submits a duly completed application form, encloses all the required attachments and pays the admission fee within the set deadline will be invited to the admission examinations.

    7/ The admission fee will not be refunded by the faculty.

    8/ Please send the application form by 31.03.2023 to the following address:

    University of Prešov

    Faculty of Health Professions

    Partizánska 1

    080 01 Prešov


    Form of entrance exam

    Written test


    test in human biology within the scope of the grammar school curriculum

    • Apply the application for study


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    Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

    • leaving certificate (paper form)
    • medical certificate (paper form)
    • CV (paper form)
    • doklad o zaplatení poplatku za prijímacie konanie (paper form)
    • potvrdenie študijného priemeru za 1.-4. ročník strednej školy (paper form)

    Annual tuition fees
    Standard length of study: cost free
    Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 1000 €

    The fee for admission procedure
    application form: 35 €
    E-application form: 30 €

    Billing information

    account number IBAN: SK 11 8180 0000 0070 0008 2677


    variable symbol: 21080

    Money institution: Štátna pokladnica Radlinského 32 810 05 Bratislava

    Address for sending the application form:

    University of Prešov

    Faculty of Health Sciences

    Partizánska 1

    08001 Prešov

    Always up-to-date news about university University of Presov in Presov on your email.
    We will send you all the information about important events and deadlines.

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    Detail of the study program

    The first three years of your studies could be funded by a scholarship of up to €9,000. More information

    Detail of the study program


    0911 154 882
    0910 288 664
    037 / 6414881
    037 / 6414890
    (7.30 - 15.30 h.)


    Responsibility for content: Beáta Oľšavská – beata.olsavska@unipo.sk
    Last update: 09.02.2024 14:25

    Draw attention to not topical data