
Nursing is a field of study from the system of fields of study administered by the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic as a field of knowledge (§ 50 (1) of Act No. 131/2002) in which the graduate of the study programme (§ 51 (1) of Act No. 131/2002) acquires professional competence to perform his/her original profession or prepares to continue in further higher education.

Prospects of graduates

Sister - Master (II. degree) independently provides individual nursing care and develops nursing practice in all areas and facilities of the population health care system, is able to think critically and work with the results of credible research, participates in scientific research activities and uses scientifically justified working methods, procedures, techniques that can be implemented by qualified nursing professionals, identifies nursing problems that can be the subject of nursing research, uses and applies research results in nursing practice in accordance with ethical principles, patients' rights with an emphasis on maximum quality and performance .

The core topics of the core knowledge of level 2 of the undergraduate degree are primarily related to:

  • Clinical Nursing
  • Clinical subjects
  • Nursing research
  • Dissertation - state exam Mgr.

Other topics of the core knowledge of the field of study(2nd degree)

  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Pedagogy
  • Management in Nursing
  • Information Technology

General characteristics of the professional profile of the graduate (2nd degree)

Nursing graduates are able to meet the requirements of a discipline that integrates nursing theories with scientific knowledge from other disciplines necessary for the delivery of health services to the public in primary, secondary and tertiary prevention, as well as care in illness, rehabilitation and aftercare. Graduates are able to provide nursing care to individuals, families, groups or communities in health or illness and contribute to health, recovery or dying and death in peace and dignity. Professional training is based on the results of science and research. Independently conducts research and applies research findings to practice.Theoretical Knowledge(Level 2)
Nursing Graduate (Level 2):

  • possesses the theoretical and practical potential required for the development of nursing education, management, research and clinical practice
  • knows and is proficient in pedagogical principles and methods in the professional preparation of nurses, education of the individual/family/group,
  • knows the principles of management at all levels of management
  • finds and presents own solutions to problems within nursing research

Practical skills and skills (Level 2)
The nursing graduate (Level 2) will acquire the ability to:

  • independently provide and manage nursing care at all levels
  • manage nursing work at all levels
  • organise and act in the professional training of nurses
  • plan, organise and work in population health projects
  • work independently but also in interdisciplinary teams on tasks related to nursing care delivery, professional training, management

Additional Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (Level 2)
The nursing graduate (Level 2) has:

  • knowledge of the humanities disciplines - philosophy, psychology, sociology, which can be used in their work in all areas of nursing practice
  • knowledge of medical disciplines and can use it in the care of individual/family/group health
  • has knowledge and skills in working with electronic media

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Additional information

1.3 Information for Master's applicants

The application form must include the following:

1/ Application(form):

paper application form (admission fee 35 EUR) shall be purchased by applicants as a university application form intended for undergraduate studies in the form shops, thoroughly fill in all its parts, attach other required documents and send it to the address of the Faculty of Health Professions of PU


electronic application form(admission fee 30 EUR) Applicants fill in and submit the electronic application form on the website of the University Portal or on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Slovak Republic : . Then you need to print the submitted electronic application form, attach all other required documents to it and send it by post to the address of the Faculty of Health Professions of PU.

Without the receipt of the printed electronic application form along with other requisites, the electronic application form is invalid and the candidate will not be included in the admission process!

2/ Documents for application form:

- original fee payment slip (to be pasted on page 3 of the application form)

- notarized copies of the state examination certificate and diploma (in case of Bc. you are finishing your studies in the current academic year, send these documents immediately after graduation)

- structured resume

- a recommendation from a medical practitioner for study in the field

- confirmation of study average for the first 5 semesters of bachelor's studies - the faculty you graduated from will issue the confirmation; graduates of FZO PU do not need to submit this confirmation.

- proof of Slovak language proficiency - B1 level - to be provided by foreign applicants (except applicants from the Czech Republic) (see chap. 1.4)

3/ The application form must be handwritten signed by the applicant(page 3).

4/ Send the application form to the faculty address by June 15, 2025.

5/ Administrative fee for the admission process, will not be refunded to the candidates in the following cases:

a) Incomplete application (after being requested to complete the required documents )

b) if the applicant does not meet the required criteria and has applied to study anyway

c) if the applicant applies for a study programme which the faculty does not plan to implement in the given academic year

d) if he/she does not enrol

In the event that the student/applicant makes an erroneous payment, he/she will be charged the erroneous payment fee in accordance with the current PU Presov price list for the academic year in which he/she submitted the application and the remaining funds will be returned to the sender's bank account.

The length of study in the study programme in the external form at the master's degree is 2 years!

Without entrance examinations

General information on the admission exam

DAILY FORM OF STUDY - without entrance exam

Applicants for the full-time form of study will be admitted after fulfilling the prescribed conditions:

1. completion of the first degree (Bachelor's) in the nursing programme with a weighted grade point average of up to 2.00.

2. meeting the criteria of medical fitness for the profession according to Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic No.364/2009, which establishes the criteria of medical fitness for applicants for medical study fields (the applicant shall submit a certificate from a general practitioner on medical fitness to the application form).


The Dean of FZO PU reserves the possibility to modify the organization of the admission procedure depending on the number of applicants. In the case of a higher number of applicants, the overall weighted study average from the first degree of study (bachelor's form) decides on the admission.

Form of entrance exam

without entrance exam

  • Apply the application for study


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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

  • medical certificate (paper form)
  • Bachelor diploma (paper form)
  • CV (paper form)
  • doklad o zaplatení poplatku za prijímacie konanie (paper form)
  • uradne overená kópia vysvedčenia o štátnej skúške a dodatku k diplomu (paper form)
  • potvrdenie váženého študijného priemeru bakalárskeho štúdia (paper form)

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 1300 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 35 €
E-application form: 30 €

Billing information

account number IBAN: SK 11 8180 0000 0070 0008 2677


variable symbol: 21080

Money institution: Štátna pokladnica Radlinského 32 810 05 Bratislava

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Detail of the study program

Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. More information

Detail of the study program


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
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(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Responsibility for content: Beáta Oľšavská –
Last update: 17.12.2024 08:50

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