
The Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Prešov is an institution whose main task is to educate students in accredited non-medical study programmes at the level of contemporary knowledge, scientific and research results.

The graduate of the 1st degree of the study programme in physiotherapy is a qualified university health worker with a broad professional profile. He/she is proficient in basic examination and treatment procedures and methods in physiotherapy, balneology and medical rehabilitation. He/she is prepared to independently perform activities requiring professional erudition, independence in work, decision-making, personal responsibility in medical rehabilitation, primary, secondary and follow-up health care, preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, counselling and educational activities. Indicates, plans and performs basic techniques, methodologies, physiotherapy procedures and performances, basic physiotherapy and balneology methods, hydrotherapy, occupational therapy, electrotherapy, kinesiotherapy. The graduate will be employed in hospital and polyclinic facilities, spa treatment facilities, in professional treatment and rehabilitation institutes, other facilities that provide preventive and curative health care, or health protection and promotion. The graduate has the prerequisites for further university, specialisation and continuing education.

Prospects of graduates

Definition of the core knowledge for the field of physiotherapy (1st level)

The core topics of the core knowledge of the 1st degree are primarily related to the theory and practice of physiotherapy.

Characteristics of the field of study

Physiotherapy is a field of study from the system of fields of study administered by the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic, as a field of knowledge (par. 50 (1) of Act No. 131/2002) in which the graduate of the study programme (par. 51 (1) of Act No. 131/2002) acquires the professional competence to perform his/her original profession, or prepares to continue in further higher education.

Scope of the field of study

Core Units:
Physiotherapy Disciplines:

rehabilitation propedeutics, rehabilitation nursing, human needs and the nursing process, general physiotherapy and physical therapy, nursing practice, continuous professional and vacation practice (1st year)

  • special physiotherapy, health physical education, basics of palpation and therapeutic massage, prosthetics and orthotics, reconditioning and relaxation programmes, clinical professional practice, continuous professional and holiday practice (2nd year)

  • applied physiotherapy, occupational therapy, social and occupational rehabilitation, TV and sport for the disabled, kinesiology, basics of physiotherapy and balneology, rehabilitation engineering, physical education medicine, clinical professional practice, continuous professional and holiday practice (3rd year)

Other topics of the core knowledge of the field of study (1st degree)

  • biomedical sciences: anatomy and physiology, biology and biochemistry, biophysics and biomechanics, clinical physiology and pathophysiology, internal medicine and geriatrics, selected surgical disciplines, gynaecology and obstetrics, neurology, paediatrics, pharmacology, clinical neurophysiology, microbiology, epidemiology and hygiene, psychiatry, nutritional sciences, radiodiagnostics

  • humanitarian and behavioural sciences: foundations of philosophy and ethics, psychology and pedagogy, clinical psychology and psychotherapy, theory and didactics of physical education, law, legislation and economics in professional activity, research in physiotherapy

  • language and information technology: information and communication technology, Latin language, foreign language.

It is recommended that this knowledge constitutes 3/5 ECTS credits of the study programme.

Definition of the graduate profile - general characteristics

General characteristics of the graduate profile:

A physiotherapist is a qualified health professional who has the professional competence to carry out preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic methods and procedures of physiotherapy. He/she is competent to work as part of a healthcare team or independently in planning, implementing, coordinating and evaluating the physiotherapy process in primary, secondary and follow-up healthcare.
In addition to in-depth theoretical training with an emphasis on kinesiological and neurophysiological issues, the graduate will acquire the necessary practical skills in a wide range of kinesiotherapy and physical therapy methods and procedures, and the ability to think and act in a complex professional manner, including the assessment of the effect of therapy in the physiotherapy process.

A physiotherapist is competent to practise primarily by:

  • is proficient in professional physiotherapy activities in primary, secondary and follow-up health care,
  • plans, implements and delivers a comprehensive physiotherapy process,
  • uses methods focusing on the maintenance, consolidation and restoration of health,
  • contributes creatively to the development of physiotherapy,
  • works creatively in a team and manages a physiotherapy team,
  • participates in solving research problems in physiotherapy.

Graduate Knowledge Range

  • master the anatomy and physiology of the individual systems of the human body with emphasis on the locomotor system,
  • know kinesiology (kinanthropomotorics), biomechanics, biochemistry and biophysics in relation to motor expression,
  • have adequate knowledge of medical disciplines and of the basic pathomorphological and pathophysiological manifestations of disease processes and conditions in the human body and their therapy,
  • have a profound knowledge of physical culture and physical education,
  • master the procedures, standards and principles of comprehensive physiotherapeutic care,
  • control the correct movement lifestyle and be able to guide their future patients through appropriate pedagogical action in order to ensure the prevention or therapy of secondary changes caused by functional and structural disorders of the musculoskeletal system,
  • plan, implement and provide a comprehensive physiotherapy process,
  • to master a broad system of methods and techniques of functional diagnosis of the locomotor system and internal systems, to be able to analyze and synthesize in the kinesiological analysis and evaluation of the neuromuscular system,
  • master a wide system of methods of kinesiotherapy and manual therapy techniques and be able to apply them in the process of physiotherapeutic care in individual medical disciplines, in the prevention of functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system, in physical education and sports,
  • to master the applications of electro-, photo-, thermo-, balneo-, climatic- and hydrotherapy,
  • know how to assess the significance of his/her therapeutic approach, to be able to correct and update it.

Additional knowledge, skills and abilities of the graduate:

  • possess basic and specific information and knowledge of the social and behavioral sciences as they relate to physical therapy,
  • educate patients in the promotion, protection, and restoration of health,
  • know foreign languages,
  • master professionally effective communication and professional behaviour and conduct,
  • master basic nursing techniques, be able to provide qualified first aid for injuries, life and health threatening conditions, mass casualties and weapons of mass destruction,
  • be able to think and act consistently in a preventive manner in health matters,
  • master the management of physiotherapy,
  • master the use of information technology, in professional activities,
    • to acquire a deeply moral-ethical and humane approach to people, especially to the sick, physically, mentally handicapped and handicapped,
    • the ability to empathize, to show love and respect for people, to understand their problems, to provide comfort and emotional support, to take into account their personality,
    • the ability to think independently, to react promptly, to act purposefully, deliberately and decisively,
    • the ability to apply and use the knowledge and skills acquired in professional practice,
    • be able to make changes, take risks and take responsibility,
    • solve professional tasks independently, creatively and conceptually, work creatively in a team and manage a physiotherapy team,
    • communicate at a professional level,
    • shape one's own personality and continuously educate oneself, acquire information, work with it and creatively transform it,
    • shape and educate others, know how to motivate and win them for active cooperation in strengthening health,
    • to take an interest in the development of his/her field, to study the literature and contribute to it in a creative way, to participate in the solution of research problems in physiotherapy.

Definition of the graduate's areas of application

The graduate of the field of study acquires the basic qualification for the exercise of the profession of physiotherapist. He/she will be employed as a physiotherapist in hospital and outpatient facilities, in health resorts, in specialist hospitals and rehabilitation institutes, or in other facilities providing preventive and curative health care, health protection and health promotion. Furthermore, it can be applied in professional management, research and in education and training of physiotherapists.

A graduate of the bachelor's degree in physiotherapy, after a defined professional practice, can specialize in the specialization fields specified in the Slovak Government Regulation No.213 of 2004 on further education of health care workers.
He/she shall obtain a complete first-level university education in physiotherapy with an orientation towards health care provision.

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Conditions of admission


External study candidates will be admitted after fulfilling the prescribed conditions:

1. completed full secondary vocational education with a matriculation diploma in the field of study rehabilitation worker, or higher vocational education in the field of study diploma physiotherapist completed by a graduation examination (the applicant shall provide a matriculation certificate and a diploma)
2. employment in the medical profession of physiotherapist for a fixed weekly working time in a medical institution
3. employer's confirmation of employment - to be attached to the application

foreign students must pass the admission procedure, namely written test in human biology within the scope of gymnasium curriculum (in Slovak language) and movement aptitude test - swimming 100 m.

4. fulfilment of the criteria of medical fitness for the profession according to the Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic No.364/2009, which establishes the criteria of medical fitness for applicants for medical study fields (applicants shall submit to the application form the recommendation of a medical practitioner for study in the given field).

Additional information

Information for applicants for Bachelor's studies

The application form must contain the following:

1/ Application(form):

paper application form (admission fee 35 EUR) applicants shall purchase the university application form designed for undergraduate studies at the form shops (e.g. ŠEVT), thoroughly fill in all its parts, attach other required documents and send it to the address of the Faculty of Health Professions of PU


electronic application form (admission fee 30 EUR) applicants fill in and submit the electronic application form on the website of the University Portal: or on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Slovak Republic: Then it is necessary to print out the submitted electronic application form, attach to it all other required documents and send it by post to the address of the Faculty of Health Professions of the PU.

Without receipt of the printed e-application form along with other requisites, the e-application form is invalid and the candidate will not be included in the admission process!

2/ Evidence of merit:

Applicants applying for external form of study do not need to fill in or provide evidence of high school grades. As proof of completion of secondary education, they shall submit only an officially certified matriculation certificate

with their application form.

3/ Other application documents (included in the application form):

- Proof of payment of admission fee

- recommendation of a general practitioner for studying in the given field

- structured CV

- proof of Slovak language proficiency- B1 level - to be provided by foreign applicants (except applicants from the Czech Republic) (see ch. 1.4)

- the application form must be handwritten signed by the applicant (page 3).

4/ In case the applicant wishes to apply for more than one study programme at the faculty, he/she must submit a separate application for each study programme separately and pay the application fee for each application separately.

5/ Only those candidates who submit a duly completed application form, attach all the required enclosures, pay the admission fee and meet the required criteria within the stipulated deadline ( 31 March 2025) will be invited for the entrance examination. An alternative date for the entrance examination may only be requested in writing in the event of a serious medical reason, no later than 24 hours after the date of the entrance examination (the application must be accompanied by a relevant medical report of the medical problem, not a certificate of treatment). The faculty does not grant a make-up date in the event of a failed entrance examination.

6/ Administrative fee for the admission process, will not be refunded to applicants in the following cases:

a) incomplete application (after being requested to complete the required documents )

b) if the applicant does not meet the required criteria and has applied for the course anyway

c) if the applicant applies for a study programme which the faculty does not plan to implement in the given academic year

d) if he/she does not enrol for the study

If the student/applicant makes an erroneous payment, he/she will be charged a fee for the erroneous payment in accordance with the current PU Presov price list for the academic year in which he/she applied and the remaining funds will be refunded to the sender's bank account.


8/External form of study is charged according to Act No.131/2002 on Higher Education and its amendment No.363/2007 Coll. The amount of tuition fees is published on the faculty's website

The length of study in the study programme in the external form at the bachelor's degree is 3 years!

Conditions for international students

1.4 Information for international applicants

Study in study programmes at the 1st and 2nd level of higher education and in full-time and external form, which is carried out in the Slovak language, requires knowledge of the Slovak language at least at the B1 level. We recommend that applicants from abroad (except applicants from the Czech Republic) verify and prove their mastery of the Slovak language by a Slovak language matriculation examination, an ECL (European Consortium for the Certificate of Attaiment in Modern Languages) certificate of Slovak language proficiency at B1 level, a certificate of Slovak language proficiency at B1 level issued by a language school included in the network of schools and school facilities of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Slovak Republic (the list is available at: ). Proficiency in the Slovak language is verified in written tests for foreign applicants.

Slovak language proficiency at B1 level:

a) in the field of comprehension:

- the candidate understands the main ideas expressed in written language on common topics encountered at work, school, leisure, etc. Understands the meaning of many radio and TV programmes on current affairs or topics related to areas of personal or professional interest if they are spoken relatively slowly and clearly

- Understands texts which contain everyday vocabulary or which relate to work or study. Can understand descriptions of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters

b) in the area of communication:

- Demonstrates ability to cope with most situations that may arise when travelling in an area where the language is spoken. Can engage unprepared in conversation about topics that he/she knows, is interested in or that relate to everyday life (e.g. family, hobbies, work, travel and current affairs)

- knows how to string phrases together in a simple way to describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and goals. He/she can give concise reasons and explanations for his/her views and plans. Can tell a story or relate the content of a book or film and describe his/her reactions.

c)in the area of written expression:

- knows how to write simple coherent sentences on topics that he/she knows well or that
are of personal interest to him/her. He/she can write private letters describing experiences and impressions.

General information on the admission exam

Applicants for external studies will be admitted after fulfilling the prescribed conditions:

1. completed full secondary vocational education with a matriculation diploma in the field of study rehabilitation worker, or higher vocational education in the field of study diploma physiotherapist completed by a graduation examination (the applicant shall provide a matriculation certificate and a diploma)
2. employment in the medical profession of physiotherapist for a fixed weekly working time in a medical institution
3. employer's confirmation of employment - to be attached to the application

Foreign students must pass the admission procedure, namely written test in human biology within the scope of the gymnasium curriculum (in Slovak language) and the test of physical aptitude - swimming 100 m.

4. fulfilment of the criteria of medical fitness for the profession according to the Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic No.364/2009, which establishes the criteria of medical fitness for applicants for medical study fields (applicants shall submit to the application form the recommendation of a medical practitioner for study in the given field).

Form of entrance exam

without entrance exam (not valid for international students)

Foreign students must pass the admission procedure, namely written test in human biology within the scope of the gymnasium curriculum (in Slovak language) and the physical aptitude test - swimming 100 m.


  • Apply the application for study


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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

  • leaving certificate (paper form)
  • CV (paper form)
  • medical certificate (paper form)
  • doklad o zaplatení poplatku za prijímacie konanie (paper form)
  • potvrdenie zamestnávateľa o pracovnom zaradení a dĺžke odbornej praxe (paper form)

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: 950 €
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 950 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 35 €
E-application form: 30 €

Billing information

account number IBAN: SK 11 8180 0000 0070 0008 2677


variable symbol: 21080

Money institution: Štátna pokladnica Radlinského 32 810 05 Bratislava

Address for sending the application form:

University of Prešov

Faculty of Health Sciences

Partizánska 1

08001 Prešov

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Detail of the study program

Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. More information

Detail of the study program


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Responsibility for content: Beáta Oľšavská –
Last update: 16.12.2024 13:01

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