Found 16 study programmes
Social Anthropology
(full-time, Bc.)Prečo študovať sociálnu antropológiu? ANTROPOLÓGIA JE NAJKOMPLEXNEJŠIA VEDA O ĽUDSKEJ KULTÚRE A SPOLOČNOSTI Ľudia všade na svete žijú a tvoria kultúry a spoločnosti. Veda, ktorá ich skúma, sa…
Social Anthropology
(full-time, Mgr.)Why study social anthropology? ANTHROPOLOGY IS THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE SCIENCE OF HUMAN CULTURE AND SOCIETY People everywhere in the world live in and create cultures and societies. The science that…
(full-time, Bc.)Bakalárske štúdium sociológie vám poskytne hlboké poznatky a zručnosti v oblasti sociológie, vrátane sociologickej teórie, dejín a metód výskumu. Získate tiež základné vedomosti z príbuzných…
(full-time, Mgr.)Študijný program vás pripraví na zvládnutie teoretických a metodologických postupov skúmania sociálnych javov a analýzy aktuálnych sociálnych problémov na úrovni Slovenska, jeho regiónov, ako aj…
(full-time, Bc.)The Bachelor's degree programme focuses on acquiring the basic theoretical knowledge to understand and actively use basic sociological concepts and theories, as well as the practical methodological…
Theory and methodology of sociology
(full-time, PhD.)The field of study includes knowledge concerning the basic levels, subsystems and processes in society and its segments, as well as methodological approaches and methodological rules of sociological…
Theory and methodology of sociology
(external, PhD.)The field of study includes knowledge concerning the basic levels, subsystems and processes in society and its segments, as well as methodological approaches and methodological rules of sociological…