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Study programmes

English for Translation in the Business Sector ( full-time 3 roky )
English Language and Culture ( external 4 roky )
English Language and Culture ( external 3 roky )
English Language and Culture – French Language and Culture ( francúzsky jazyk a kultúra (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
English Language and Culture - German Language and Culture ( nemecký jazyk a kultúra (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
English Language and Culture - History ( full-time 3 roky )
English Language and Culture - Philosophy ( full-time 3 roky )
English Language and Culture – Russian Language and Culture ( ruský jazyk a kultúra (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
French Language and Culture – Russian Language and Culture ( ruský jazyk a kultúra (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
German Language and Culture ( full-time 3 roky )
German Language and Culture ( external 3 roky )
German Language and Culture – French Language and Culture ( francúzsky jazyk a kultúra (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
German Language and Culture – Russian Language and Culture ( ruský jazyk a kultúra (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
History ( full-time 3 roky )
Philosophy - History ( full-time 3 roky )
Slovak for the Linguistic and Cultural Competence of International Students ( full-time 3 roky )
Slovak Language and Culture – English Language and Culture ( anglický jazyk a kultúra (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Slovak Language and Culture – French Language and Culture ( francúzsky jazyk a kultúra (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Slovak Language and Culture – German Language and Culture ( nemecký jazyk a kultúra (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Slovak Language and Culture – Russian Language and Culture ( ruský jazyk a kultúra (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Slovak Language and Literature - History ( full-time 3 roky )
Slovak Language and Literature - Philosophy ( full-time 3 roky )
Sociology and Social Anthropology ( full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of English Language and Literature and Teaching of French Language and Literature ( učiteľstvo francúzskeho jazyka a literatúry (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of English Language and Literature and Teaching of German Language and Literature ( učiteľstvo nemeckého jazyka a literatúry (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of English Language and Literature and Teaching of History ( učiteľstvo histórie (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of English Language and Literature and Teaching of Philosophy and Civics ( učiteľstvo filozofie a občianskej náuky (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of English Language and Literature and Teaching of Physical Education ( full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of English Language and Literature and Teaching of Physical Education ( učiteľstvo telesnej výchovy (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of English Language and Literature and Teaching of Psychology ( učiteľstvo psychológie (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of English Language and Literature and Teaching of Russian Language and Literature ( učiteľstvo ruského jazyka a literatúry (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of English Language and Literature and Teaching of Slovak Language and Literature ( učiteľstvo slovenského jazyka a literatúry (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of French Language and Literature and Teaching of History ( učiteľstvo histórie (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of French Language and Literature and Teaching of Psychology ( učiteľstvo psychológie (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of French Language and Literature and Teaching of Russian Language and Literature ( učiteľstvo ruského jazyka a literatúry (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of German Language and Literature and Teaching of French Language and Literature ( učiteľstvo francúzskeho jazyka a literatúry (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of German Language and Literature and Teaching of History ( učiteľstvo histórie (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of German Language and Literature and Teaching of Philosophy and Civics ( učiteľstvo filozofie a občianskej náuky (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of German Language and Literature and Teaching of Physical Education ( učiteľstvo telesnej výchovy (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of German Language and Literature and Teaching of Psychology ( učiteľstvo psychológie (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of German Language and Literature and Teaching of Russian Language and Literature ( učiteľstvo ruského jazyka a literatúry (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of History and Teaching of Biology ( učiteľstvo biológie (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of History and Teaching of Geography ( učiteľstvo geografie (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of History and Teaching of Information Technology ( učiteľstvo informatiky (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of History and Teaching of Philosophy and Civics ( učiteľstvo filozofie a občianskej náuky (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of History and Teaching of Physical Education ( full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of History and Teaching of Physics ( učiteľstvo fyziky (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of Philosophy and Civics and Teaching of Biology ( učiteľstvo biológie (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of Philosophy and Civics and Teaching of Geography ( učiteľstvo geografie (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of Philosophy and Civics and Teaching of Mathematics ( učiteľstvo matematiky (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of Philosophy and Civics and Teaching of Physics ( učiteľstvo fyziky (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of Philosophy and Civics and Teaching of Psychology ( učiteľstvo psychológie (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of Russian Language and Literature and Teaching of History ( učiteľstvo histórie (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of Russian Language and Literature and Teaching of Physical Education ( učiteľstvo telesnej výchovy (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of Slovak Language and Literature and Teaching of Biology ( učiteľstvo biológie (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of Slovak Language and Literature and Teaching of Chemistry ( učiteľstvo chémie (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of Slovak Language and Literature and Teaching of French Language and Literature ( učiteľstvo francúzskeho jazyka a literatúry (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of Slovak Language and Literature and Teaching of Geography ( učiteľstvo geografie (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of Slovak Language and Literature and Teaching of German Language and Literature ( učiteľstvo nemeckého jazyka a literatúry (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of Slovak Language and Literature and Teaching of History ( učiteľstvo histórie (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of Slovak Language and Literature and Teaching of Mathematics ( učiteľstvo matematiky (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of Slovak Language and Literature and Teaching of Philosophy and Civics ( učiteľstvo filozofie a občianskej náuky (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of Slovak Language and Literature and Teaching of Physics ( učiteľstvo fyziky (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of Slovak Language and Literature and Teaching of Russian Language and Literature ( učiteľstvo ruského jazyka a literatúry (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
Teaching of Slovak Language and Literature and Teaching Technics ( učiteľstvo techniky (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )
učiteľstvo histórie a učiteľstvo matematiky ( učiteľstvo matematiky (v kombinácii), full-time 3 roky )

Foreign language study programs are not provided.

Faculty profile

All detailed information about the admission procedure (open study programmes, all deadlines, admission conditions, theses for entrance exams, general information, graduate application....) for Bc., Mgr. and PhD degrees in full-time and part-time form can be found on our website www.ff.umb.sk - Study offer for the academic year 2022/2023...

Admission procedure

Teaching of English Language and Literature and Teaching of Physical Education Bc., full-time

Deadline for applications: 28.02.2025
Deadline of examination: 14.04.2025 – 25.04.2025

Teaching of Russian Language and Literature and Teaching of Physical Education Bc., full-time

Deadline for applications: 28.02.2025
Deadline of examination: 14.04.2025 – 25.04.2025

Teaching of German Language and Literature and Teaching of Physical Education Bc., full-time

Deadline for applications: 28.02.2025
Deadline of examination: 14.04.2025 – 25.04.2025

Slovak Language and Culture – Russian Language and Culture Bc., full-time

Deadline for applications: 30.04.2025
Deadline of examination: 09.06.2025 – 13.06.2025

Teaching of German Language and Literature and Teaching of Philosophy and Civics Mgr., full-time

Deadline for applications: 30.04.2025
Deadline of examination:

Teaching of Philosophy and Civics and Teaching of Mathematics Bc., full-time

Deadline for applications: 30.04.2025
Deadline of examination: 09.06.2025 – 13.06.2025

Teaching of History and Teaching of Biology Mgr., full-time

Deadline for applications: 30.04.2025
Deadline of examination:

Philosophy - History Bc., full-time

Deadline for applications: 30.04.2025
Deadline of examination: 09.06.2025 – 13.06.2025

Central European Historical Studies Mgr., full-time

Deadline for applications: 30.04.2025
Deadline of examination:

Teaching of Slovak Language and Literature and Teaching of Philosophy and Civics Mgr., full-time

Deadline for applications: 30.04.2025
Deadline of examination:

Accommodation and boarding


Students can get accommodation based on the set criteria in the Student Houses of Matej Bel University or privately.


Every student of the Faculty of Arts of UMB has the opportunity to eat in the canteen and cafeterias, which are located directly on the campus of the Faculty of Arts of UMB.

Other services

A candidate who registers his/her application also in the electronic system of the Faculty of MBU - https://e-prihlaska.umb.sk/ais/start.do will pay a discounted fee of 20,00 €, at the same time he/she must send it in written form by 28 February 2022 - Bc. study programmes with physical education, or by 31.3. 2022 - other Bc. study programmes (do not forget to sign the application form!).

The Faculty of Arts of Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica accepts a reduction of the electronic application fee only in case of its submission via the University's e-application form (https://e-prihlaska.umb.sk) in the Academic Information System (AiS2). In case of submission of the central e-application through theVS portal, the applicant pays the full amount.

Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. More information

University detail


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)



Responsibility for content: Mgr. Barbora Podobová (barbora.podobova@umb.sk)
Last update: 21.10.2022 14:07

Draw attention to not topical data