Found 12 study programmes
Architecture and Urban Design
(full-time, Bc.)The Architecture and Urban Design study programme is primarily aimed at preparing the graduate for the same engineering study programme (MSc degree study) or for related study programmes within the…
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(full-time, Ing. arch.)Absolvovaním študijného programu absolvent získal: vedomosti z teórie a dejín architektúry a umenia; súbor technických vedomostí z oblasti konštrukcií a technického vybavenia budov; primerané…
Architecture and Urban Design
(full-time, Bc., Anglický)Field of study: Architecture and Urban DesignStudy programme: Architecture and Urban DesignLevel of study: first (BSc.)Form of study: full timeStandard time of study: 4 yearsAcademic title after…
Building Structures and Architecture
(full-time, Bc.)Acquisition of professional education in the field of design and implementation of civil engineering structures necessary for the exercise of the profession or for advancement to the engineering…
Building Structures and Architecture
(full-time, Ing.)Získanie odborného vzdelania v oblasti projektovania, realizácie a riadenia výstavby a prevádzky pozemných stavieb potrebného pre výkon povolania alebo na postup do doktorandského stupňa štúdia.
(external, PhD.)The Architecture programme deals with the theoretical research of architecture, experimental design methods, architectural typology research, assessment of environment, sustainability in architecture…
(full-time, PhD., Anglický)The programme is pluralistic in nature and allows for individual graduate profiling. It forms the top theoretical stage of the education of an architect-designer and at the same time provides the…
(external, PhD., Anglický)The programme is pluralistic in nature and allows for individual graduate profiling. It forms the top theoretical stage of the education of an architect-designer and at the same time provides the…
(full-time, PhD.)The Architecture programme deals with the theoretical research of architecture, experimental design methods, architectural typology research, assessment of environment, sustainability in architecture…
Architecture and Urbanism
(full-time, Bc.)The study is realised in the joint study programme "architecture and urbanism". The graduate from Bachelor study (Bc.) is educated in the basic level of knowledge from the branch and may enter into…
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Architecture and Urbanism
(full-time, Ing. arch.)The study is realised in the joint study programme "Architecture and Urbanism". The graduate from engineer study (Ing. arch.) complies with the criteria of the European Council Directive No. 85/384…