Architecture and Urban Design

The Architecture and Urban Design study programme is primarily aimed at preparing the graduate for the same engineering study programme (MSc degree study) or for related study programmes within the field. The graduates, under the supervision of an authorised architect or other competent person, can work on architectural or urban design proposals or projects. They are able to prepare and evaluate the initial resources and documents required for the architectural and urban design projects. They have basic knowledge in the history of architecture, urban design and arts, in structural engineering, and in social science and humanities related to architecture and urban planning and design. They are trained in computer-aided design and they are familiar with the basic legislation relating to architectural and urban planning design and practice.

Prospects of graduates

Bachelor degree graduate study is eligible to:
- Independently evaluate the architectural projects and realization of simple construction projects,
- architectural projects in larger scale as well as projects and plans for urban planning can be processed under the supervision of a certified architect (all work and activities connected with the preparation and implementation of the design phase of architectural work, especially elaboration of detailed project documentation degrees)
- To be able to apply to the lower positions in the state administration and self-government in areas related to the subject of study in the preparation of decisions (Department of Territorial Development and Construction Regulations, Department of the Environment)
- Apply in the presentation, professional and business activities in the supply and trading companies, operating in the construction industry.

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Conditions of admission

Basic condition: completed secondary education (graduation from secondary grammar school) or completed secondary vocational education (secondary vocational school) ended with secondary school leaving exam (applicants taking the state exam after the date of the entrance exam will document the secondary school leaving exam certificate additionally, other submit it as part of the application).

Further conditions:

- successful passing of the entrance exam,

- payment of a fee for the material and admin costs of the admission procedure.

The admission procedure begins in accordance with § 58, par. 2 of Act no. 131/2002 Coll. on universities on the day of submitting the complete application for study.



Conditions for international students

1. A document proving the remittance of the fee for the material and admin costs of the admission procedure.

2. An applicant who passed his/her high school final exambefore 2019 will submit his/her application for study together with a notarized copy of the school-leaving certificate(in paper form not in electronic one),

3. An applicant who applies to study repeatedly after the expulsion from or abandonment of his/her studies at FAD STU submits a new application together with a certified copy of the high-school leaving certificate.

3. In accordance with Act no. 422/2015 Coll both citizens of the Slovak Republic and foreigners who have completed previous studies abroadand apply for study at FAD STU, shall submit a certified copy of the issued document (deed).

4. Equivalence of education at a foreign secondary school, translated into Slovak (Act on the Recognition of Evidence of Education and on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications and on Amendments to Certain Acts). Verification of equivalence is performed by the district office in the seat of the region. (For the procedure and application forms, see: zahranici.html? Page_id = 5545)

5. A certified document on the achieved command of the Slovak language minimum at B2 levelaccording to the valid Common European Framework of Reference for Languages has to be attached to the application by those foreign and Slovak-citizen applicants who have not passed the high-school final exam in subject „Slovak language“.

6. An electronic version of the portfolio of assignmentssubmitted via AIS and elaborated according to the requirements specified for individual fields of study and with the applicant’s solemn declaration confirming the authorship of the applicant's works / jpg or pdf format max. up to size 40MB /

7. A certificateof medical fitness for university studies is not required in the application unlessit is an applicant whose state of health requires a medical certificate for the purposes of study.

Coordinator for students with specific needs

doc. Ing. arch. Danica Končeková, PhD.
tel.: +421 903 458 272

General information on the admission exam

- only one study programme may be indicated on one application form

- if an applicant applies simultaneously to more study programmes, he/she submits to each programme a separate application and pays a fee for each program separately.

- the faculty requests the use of an electronic application. 

- the faculty will send applicants at least 3 weeks prior to the start of entrance exams to the Bachelor studies an individual invitation including details of the whole admission procedure.

- each applicant for the Bachelor studies must take the entrance exams.

The Dean of FAD STU may give permission to an applicant to be admitted for study at FAD STU without taking the entrance examination in case he/she had been successfully admitted to study at FAD STU (formerly FA STU) in the previous year and could not commence his/her studies due to the unfavorable situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic. After having been successfully registered for study and having submitted all documents required in point A.3, the applicant must apply the Dean for the readmittance to study in awritten form. The applicant must give the reasons for inability to commence his/her study and submit the confirmation thereof.

- a brief curriculum vitae is requested from all applicants to the Bachelor studies.

- An applicant who applies to study repeatedly after the expulsion from or abandonment of his/her studies at FAD STU submits a new application together with a certified copy of the high-school leaving certificate,

- In accordance with Act no. 422/2015 Coll both citizens of the Slovak Republic and foreigners who have completed previous studies abroadand apply for study at FAD STU, shall submit a certified copy of the issued document (deed),

- An electronic version of the portfolio of assignment ssubmitted via AIS and elaborated according to the requirements specified for individual fields of study and with the applicant’s solemn declaration confirming the authorship of the applicant's works / jpg or pdf format max. up to size 40MB /

- A certified document on the achieved command of the Slovak language minimum at B2 level according to the valid Common European Framework of Reference for Languages has to be attached to the application by those foreign and Slovak-citizen applicants who have not passed the high-school final exam in subject „Slovak language“

- Equivalence of education at a foreign secondary school, translated into Slovak (Act on the Recognition of Evidence of Education and on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications and on Amendments to Certain Acts). Verification of equivalence is performed by the district office in the seat of the region.

- A certificate of medical fitness for university studies is not required in the application unlessit is an applicant whose state of health requires a medical certificate for the purposes of study.


Form of entrance exam

anonymous, talent, one-day


First Round

1. model linear pencil drawing - still-life,

2. model linear pencil drawing - bust,

3. composition of geometrical solids (spatial composition design -pencil drawing),

4a. spatial imagery test
4b. general knowledge aboutarchitecture, arts and design.

Applicants who advance to the second round will be notified of this fact by an email sent to their e-mail address givenin the applicant's application as soon as possible, min. 10 days before the date of the 2nd round(oral interview).

Second Round: Oral Interview

The second round will take the form of an oral interview in order to verify the knowledge and artistic qualificationsof the applicant for the study of architecture and urbanism. The content and form of the elaborated documentation, the ability of argumentation and communication, etc. are evaluated. The candidate submits to the commission a portfolio of his/herworks, i.e.a set of author's home or school works (selection of max. 20 fine-art works in A3 or A2 format). Part of the portfolio is up to the free choiceof the applicant while as its another part has a prescribed assignment.The portfolio must contain a solemn declaration of the applicant on the authorship of the submitted works.

The dates for the oral interview are binding and can only be changed due to illness / or other serious reasons. The request for a replacement date must be accompanied by proof of illness or other evidence of serious justification /

  • Apply the application for study

    26.09.2024 - 30.11.2024

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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

Current number of filed applications:

  • leaving certificate (paper form, electronic form)
  • CV (electronic form)
  • uznanie ekvivalencie vzdelania získaného na zahraničnej strednej škole vykonáva okresný úrad v sídle kraja a je potrebné ho doložiť najneskôr v deň zápisu. (paper form)
  • elektronickú verziu portfóliadomácich prác podanú prostredníctvom AIS aspracovanú podľa požiadaviek špecifikovaných pre jednotlivé študijné odbory asčestným prehlásením uchádzača potvrdzujúceautorstvo prác uchádzača /jpg alebo pdf formát max. do veľkosti (electronic form)

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Doplňujúce informácie k ročnému školnému:
Úplné znenie smernice rektora STU o školnom a poplatkoch:
prejsť na internú smernicu školy

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 50 €
E-application form: 50 €

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Detail of the study program

Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. More information

Detail of the study program


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Responsibility for content: doc. Ing. arch. Ján Ilkovič, PhD. –
Last update: 13.03.2025 02:51

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