Discrete Mathematics
A graduate of the doctoral study programme Discrete Mathematics has deep and wide theoretical as well as methodological knowledge in the area of discrete mathematics, he/she has mastered theoretical foundations of discrete mathematics and its real world applications. He/she is familiar with the scientific research methods in the field. He/she is able to discover deep properties of discrete structures and to propose mathematical models in different scientific (but not only) fields. He/she is well prepared to solve practical problems of discrete nature by proposing original ideas and solutions. He/she is familiar with research presentation methods including publishing in scientific journals and lecturing in scientific conferences. A graduate is able to keep the contacts with recent developments in his/her research fields and to influence in a positive way his/her professional career.
He/she can assert himself/herself very well as a university teacher, as a team researcher, and also as a private company employee (a member of a managerial multidisciplinary team, an architect of underlying mathematical models, a software developer, and so on) oriented mainly to applications of methods of discrete mathematics.
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Always up-to-date news about university Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice on your email.
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- Diploma (paper form)
- Potvrdenie o odbornej praxi (paper form)
- Potvrdenie o štátnej skúške (paper form)
- Rámcový projekt dizertačnej práce (paper form)
- Výpis výsledkov štúdia (paper form)
- Curriculum Vitae (CV) (paper form)
Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
The fee for admission procedure
application form: 50 €
E-application form: 30 €
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Responsibility for content: RNDr. Katarína Nováková – katarina.novakova@upjs.sk
Last update: 23.02.2025 16:05