Theory of architectural and indoor engineering
The graduate of the program masters the scientific methods of theory and design of structures of civil engineering and technical equipment of buildings on the basis of a detailed overview of the current state of the solution of the problem at home and abroad, with emphasis on their environmental aspects and economic efficiency. It focuses on the ability to clearly formulate a scientific problem, the subject and goal of research and development in the field of structural design of buildings and the creation of the built environment and to solve the formulated problem with an awareness of the social, ethical, legal and economic contexts of scientific work. His/her knowledge includes scientific experimentation - computational, laboratory and in situ experimentation and methods of its evaluation. The graduate is able to clearly articulate the contribution of research outputs to the development of the discipline, the field of study and to construction practice.
Prospects of graduates
Graduate placement
- Leader of a creative research team
- independent researcher in universities, colleges, academies of science, research and development departments
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The basic condition for admission to doctoral studies is the completion of a degree II study programme or a study programme pursuant to Section 53(3) of Act No.131/2002 Coll. on higher education and on amendment and supplementation of certain acts, as amended. Another condition is adequate knowledge of one world language (of the applicant's choice) and successful completion of the admissions procedure. For graduates of other disciplines, the structure of the courses taken in the graduate study programme and their professional and research activities are assessed to ensure their eligibility to continue doctoral studies.
Additional information
The entrance exam consists of a language part and a vocational part. The language part of the examination is conducted in the form of a test. Its purpose is to verify knowledge of a foreign language. The professional part of the examination takes the form of a professional presentation (10-12 slides) on the topic of the dissertation for which the applicant is applying. The candidate may consult the content of the presentation with the supervisor of the topic. The professional level of the presentation is evaluated by the admissions committee of the given study programme.
Conditions for international students
Coordinator for students with specific needs
Doc. Ing. Eva Panulinová, PhD. email:
Form of entrance exam
Admission to doctoral studies takes place through an admission procedure. It includes an entrance examination, which the applicant is obliged to pass on the day of the admission procedure. The examination has two parts, language and vocational. On the basis of the results, the admissions board for the programme will decide whether or not to recommend the applicant for admission. The final decision on admission or non-admission is the responsibility of the dean of the faculty.
Apply the application for study
01.02.2023 - 23.06.2023
Performance of the entrance exam
04.07.2023 - 04.07.2023
Always up-to-date news about university The Technical University of Košice on your email.
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- CV (electronic form)
- verified copy of the degree for applicant of other universities (electronic form)
- certified copy of certificate to candidates from other universities (electronic form)
- photocopy of the Diploma Supplement to candidates from other universities (electronic form)
- doklad o zaplatení poplatku za prijímacie konanie, zoznam publikovaných odborných a vedeckých prác (electronic form)
Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 1000 €
The fee for admission procedure
E-application form: 30 €
Always up-to-date news about university The Technical University of Košice on your email.
We will send you all the information about important events and deadlines.
Responsibility for content: RNDr. Katarína Krajníková, PhD. –
Last update: 13.11.2023 16:28