Systematic Philosophy

Learning objectives of the study programme

  1. The student will have an in-depth understanding of the state of knowledge and practices used in areas of philosophy that are relevant to his/her focal research topics.

  1. The student is able to independently, creatively, and in accordance with strict principles of scholarly integrity, conduct research, publish, and present results in philosophy and related fields as a researcher or university teacher.

  1. The student has a strong presumption that by researching or teaching in his/her area of expertise and by being able to present research results, he/she will contribute to professional debate, disseminate knowledge nationally and internationally, and in this way promote social and cultural progress.

Learning outcomes of the study programme


The student has a detailed knowledge of current domestic and international debates and controversies in his/her area of expertise in philosophy

V2The student understands in depth the key problems, hypotheses and solutions in the area of his/her expertise in philosophy

V3student has mastered the relevant principles and methods of research work that respects scientific integrity


Z1student is able to creatively formulate, test, and implement new hypotheses and arguments that respond to ongoing debates in the fieldZ2student is able to grasp and respond in a systematic and critical way to research questions and solutions currently being analyzed in his/her area of expertise

Z3student is able to present problems, solutions and arguments in his/her area of expertise in an accessible yet professionally engaging manner to the lay reader

Z4 the student is able to function in an international professional discourse and to study and present the results of his/her research in a world language


K1student is able to apply his/her knowledge and skills in independent and creative research work

K2student is able to independently identify and assess the ethical and societal aspects of research work, with knowledge of the strict principles of scientific integrity

K3student is able to design a meaningful project, contribute to its implementation and work as part of a team within the project

Prospects of graduates

Graduate Profile

The graduate of the PhD programme in Systematic Philosophy will obtain a full university education of the third degree in philosophy. The graduate has a broad knowledge of his/her research topics in philosophy, at a level appropriate to the current debate. This knowledge serves as a basis for conducting independent and creative research that respects the strict principles of scientific integrity. Graduates will be able to formulate, test and implement new hypotheses and arguments responsive to key debates in the field. They also have highly independent, creative, critical and analytical thinking skills which they apply to the changing conditions of scientific research and social practice. He or she can plan own research and work both within research and as part of a team in a variety of, mainly academic, institutions. Can present the results of their research independently, in a way that is accessible to the lay public and of professional interest, both at home and abroad. The graduate has studied philosophy in the context of the pursuit of a dialogue between reason and faith in the spirit of the Catholic intellectual tradition. The graduate can work in basic research (independent and team research), but also in education (especially as a university teacher) or in applied research in related areas of philosophy, in the non-governmental sector, etc.

  1. The college indicates the occupations for which the graduate is prepared at the time of graduation and the potential of the curriculum in terms of graduate employment:

Occupations where graduates of the School of Systematic Philosophy (external form) can be employed according to the statistical classification of occupations (SK ISCO-08_2020):2310003 assistant professor of the university, 2633001 philosopher, 2422016 specialist in the field of development of science, research and innovation

  1. Relevant external stakeholders who have provided a statement or concurring opinion on the alignment of the acquired qualification with the sector-specific requirements for the profession:

This is not the case for regulated professions.

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Conditions of admission
    - a second degree (master's, engineering or doctoral);
    - a commitment to respect the Catholic spirit of the university and the faculty;
    - successfully pass an entrance examination in the form of an oral interview on the chosen dissertation topic
    (the applicant chooses from the topics listed at the end of this document), motivation
    and the applicant's prerequisites. The interview also includes a short test of the level of proficiency in the English language.
    Minimum score for passing the entrance examination is 6 (out of 10).
    Deadline for the entrance examination (oral interview): 28 August 2024

Additional information

more on the website section Admissions

Conditions for international students

Bidders are on a level playing field

Coordinator for students with specific needs

Counselling Centre, Catholic University, Hrabovská cesta 1, 034 01 Ružomberok,, or

General information on the admission exam

The application form must be accompanied by:
a) confirmation of payment of the fee;
b) a structured CV of the applicant;
c) a list of published professional and scientific works (if the applicant has published anything so far);
d) in the case of applicants for the PhD study programme SYSTEMATIC PHILOSOPHY, also:
- a project of the dissertation (approaching the topic) in the scope of max. 1000 words,
- a list of at least 10 texts (books, state, articles) that are related to the selected topic of the dissertation and the candidate has read them;
e) in the case of candidates for the doctoral study programme HISTORY also:
- a dissertation project (an approach to the topic) in the range of 6 - 10 standard pages, which must include theses, resp. objectives of the thesis, outline of the thesis and list of sources and literature on the topic of the thesis, topicality of the research, theoretical-methodological background of the problem, the procedure for the implementation of the project, practical benefits of the research,
- list of studied literature on the selected topic in the range of 3 - 4 standard pages (does not have to be identical with the list from the project of the dissertation), which the applicant will be able to competently discuss with the committee;
f) in the case of candidates for the PhD programme in THEORY AND HISTORY OF JOURNALISM also:
- a dissertation project (approaching the topic) in the scope of max.
- a list of at least 10 texts (books, states, articles) that are related to the selected topic of the dissertation and that the candidate has read;
- samples of publication activity: it can be professional (e.g. a seminar paper, a comprehensive essay of the final thesis), scientific (e.g. a study) or journalistic.
The following should be submitted to the study department (preferably at the time of application, if possible):
a) certified copies of the documents of graduation (master's/engineer's/doctoral diploma, diploma supplement and state examination certificate), while applicants who have been issued the documents of graduation by the Faculty of Arts of KU (they have completed the required studies at the Faculty of Arts of KU) do not need to submit them;
b) in the case of applicants who have obtained the required higher education abroad, also a decision on the recognition of the foreign document of education for the purpose of study in the Slovak Republic.
Information about the further process in the admission procedure will be sent to applicants by electronic or paper mail.

Deadline for verification of the fulfilment of the admission requirements: until 30 August 2024
Written decision on the result of the admission procedure will be sent to applicants no later than 30 days after verification of the fulfilment of the admission requirements. The written decision shall be delivered to the applicants in their own hands.

An applicant may submit:
EITHER an electronic application
- via;
- such an electronic application is not printed, signed, or sent to the faculty's postal address.
OR a paper (not electronic) application
- such a paper (not electronic) application, most often on the form SEVT, is sent to the following address:

Catholic University of Ružomberok
Faculty of Arts, Study Department
Hrabovská cesta 1B
034 01 Ružomberok

Attention! If the applicant submits the application via, the application must also be sent in paper form to the address of the faculty. In this case, the fee for material support of the admission procedure is 30 €. We therefore recommend using, not

In case of further questions, you can contact

Study Department of the Faculty of Arts, KU -

  • Apply the application for study


  • Performance of the entrance exam

    28.08.2024 - 28.08.2024

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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

  • CV
  • proof of payment of the fee

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: 960 €
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 960 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 30 €
E-application form: 25 €

Billing information

Bank: State Treasury

Account: 7 000 224 399/8180

IBAN: SK70 8180 0000 0070 0022 4399

Var. symbol: 1400501

Specific symbol: date of birth in DDMMYYYYY

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Detail of the study program

The first three years of your studies could be funded by a scholarship of up to €9,000. More information

Detail of the study program


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Responsibility for content: Hana Grellnethová –
Last update: 21.06.2024 09:43

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