Waste processing and recycling

Graduates of the program into knowledge about the nature of the waste, the waste hierarchy applied in dealing with various type landforms of waste. At the same time become familiar with the technological process in which waste is generated, they will embrace the possibility of using different types of waste as secondary raw materials and acquire knowledge about their impacts on the environment.

Prospects of graduates

Appliest all areas of industry but also in the municipal sector, where there is waste,which must then recovered or disposed of, * in state institutions for environmental departments, departments of statistics and monitoring stations, * in private companies involved in the processing and recycling of waste, not only in the Slovak Republic.
Graduate profile

     * graduate to become professionals in the management of municipal, industrial, or hazardous waste,
     * is able to use acquired knowledge in collecting, sorting, processing and recycling of waste
     * the ability to monitor the environment, can analyze the impact of waste on the environment and quality of human life,
    *isreadytostudy programII.Instance

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Conditions of admission

The basic condition for admission to study the filling, in which the applicants hall for degree program of study (day/external).It is recommended to also provide an alternative curriculum.

The study program * engineering, may be admitted to graduate from an accredited Bachelor's degree program who has completed a state exam

Foreign applicants for the course are taken on the basis of cultural agreements or as self-payers.

Additional information

Studyingin the externalformischarged- EUR 500per academicyear.

Graduate of Bachelor's degree may continue their studies at the 2nd degree of higher education, for example. in study programs:

     * treatment and waste recycling

Conditions for international students

The basic condition for admission to study the filing, in which the applicant shall formed degree program of study (day/external). Foreign applicants for the courses taken on the basis of cultural agreements or as self - payers.  Studies can be completed in Slovak, Czech and English.


Coordinator for students with specific needs

doc. RNDr Ľubomír Pikna, PhD., tel.: 055/602 2580, fax: 055/6337 048

General information on the admission exam

A candidate for the study in (a)application * attaches the State examination certificate, diploma  and extract the results of previous  studies, respectively. Supplement (certified copy), which may be added in addition to state test before the date of the admission procedure. * indicates study program, it is advisable to also provide an alternative curriculum * A brief curriculum vitae and proof of payment for the admission process. The fee shall be paid into the account: Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Metallurgy, Letna 9, 042 00 Kosice, Bank: State Treasury, account 7000151476/8180. Postal order stub type U is stuck on the 3rd page of the application.


A candidate for study is the result of the admission procedure notified by registered letter within 30 days. Adopted an applicant has an opportunity to request accommodations in dormitories at TU Jedlíkova 5 (accommodation is allocated on the basis of crime raised out in the Technical University 2-3 bedrooms with bathrooms).


Form of entrance exam

Without the entrance examination / tests, only the result of the previous study. Taking account of the academic program Bc.study and study results.

  • Apply the application for study


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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

  • leaving certificate (electronic form)
  • CV (electronic form)
  • medical certificate

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 600 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 40 €
E-application form: 20 €

Billing information

Bank: Treasury
Account: 7000151476/8180
Variable symbol: 2
Constant symbol:0559

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Detail of the study program

Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. More information

Detail of the study program


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Responsibility for content: Ing. Lenka Girmanová, PhD. – lenka.girmanova@tuke.sk
Last update: 11.12.2024 10:36

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