Teacher Training in Physical Education in Combination
This study program must be combined with one of the following study programs:
- učiteľstvo maďarského jazyka a literatúry (v kombinácii)
- učiteľstvo rusínskeho jazyka a literatúry (v kombinácii)
Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences - Teaching of Subjects Biology
Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences - Teaching of Subjects Physics
Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences - Teaching of Subjects geography
Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences - Teaching of Subjects Pedagogy
Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences - Teaching of Subjects Technical
Faculty of Arts - Teaching of Subjects of English language and Literature
Faculty of Arts - Teaching of Subjects of History
Faculty of Arts - Teaching of Subjects of Aesthetic Education
Filozofická fakulta - učiteľstvo francúzskeho jazyka a literatúry (v kombinácii)
Filozofická fakulta - učiteľstvo hudobného umenia (v kombinácii)
Faculty of Arts - Teaching of Subjects of German language and Literature
Faculty of Arts - Teaching of Subjects of Russian language
Faculty of Arts - Teaching of Subjects Slovak language and literature
Faculty of Arts - Teaching of Subjects Ukrainian language and Literature
Faculty of Arts - Teacher of Subjekt of citizenship education
Faculty of Arts - Teacher of Subjekt of art education
Master's degree graduate of the study programme Teaching of physical education in combination:
- acquires education for the performance of professional activity in the category of teacher of the second stage of primary school and secondary school of the subject of physical and sports education and the subject of the approbation,
- can be employed as an instructor, a practitioner of sports recreational activities and as a methodologist and inspector in the field of education and training.
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acquisition of a first cycle university degree in the same study programme in the field of study of teaching and educational sciences,
medical certificate issued by a sports physician about the applicant's medical fitness to study a study programme in the field of physical education (not older than 6 months from the application deadline) is required only in the case of applicants who have not completed their bachelor's studies at the Faculty of Sport of the University of Prešov
Without entrance examinations
Coordinator for students with specific needs
doc. PaedDr. Erika Chovanová, PhD.
Applicants are admitted to study Physical Education without an entrance exam after meeting the admission requirements.
In the event that the number of applicants exceeds the capacity of the faculty, preference will be given to applicants with a better grade point average during the Bachelor's degree and the state examination.
Conditions for admission to study courses that are studied in combination with physical education are determined by the faculty or institute at which the respective study programmes are accredited.
Further information is available at: https://www.unipo.sk/public/media/26820/Mgr_uc_Tv_komb_24_25.pdf
Form of entrance exam
Without entrance exam.
Apply the application for study
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- medical certificate (paper form)
- overená kópia bakalárskeho diplomu (paper form)
- overená kópia vysvedčenia o štátnej skúške (paper form)
- overená kópia dodatku k diplomu o absolvovaní bakalárskeho študijného programu (paper form)
Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 1300 €
The fee for admission procedure
application form: 35 €
E-application form: 30 €
Billing information
Bank: State Treasury
Account number in the form of IBAN: SK43 8180 0000 0070 0019 9568
Variable symbol:1070 Specific symbol: 0308 SWIFT:SPSRSKBA
The tuition fee in the full-time form of study for exceeding the standard length of study at the second level of study and concurrent study is determined by the Price List of tuition fees and fees associated with study at the University of Presov for the relevant academic year.
Contact person:PhDr. Marcela Brindzková - Education Officer
+421 51 75 63 181
email: marcela.brindzkova@unipo.sk
Always up-to-date news about university University of Presov in Presov on your email.
We will send you all the information about important events and deadlines.
Responsibility for content: MUDr. Bibiana Vadašová, PhD. – bibiana.vadasova@unipo.sk
Last update: 24.01.2025 11:19