Orthodox theology
The general characteristics of the profile of the graduate of the study program ORTHODOX THEOLOGY are the ability to perform independently demanding spiritual, catechizing, recatechizing, counseling, organizational, social and missionary ministry in the Orthodox Church. In this way, he transfers his theoretical and practical knowledge into practical ecclesiastical and social life.
In the practical life of the Church, it meets the spiritual needs of the faithful in the liturgical, sacramental and prayer life, in the pastoral care of the faithful, with special attention to children and youth. It is also competent to conduct outreach activities among all sectors of the population, not only within the Church but also outside it. As a priest, he is also active in the school sector and cooperates in the educational and teaching process in coordination with the management of the various primary and secondary schools. He also works closely with the religious education teachers - catechists at primary and secondary schools in the respective religious communities. In line with current social trends, the priest also becomes a coordinator of social and charitable care for disabled citizens in their place of work, so as a qualified worker he is involved in various projects.
Many clergy also pursue doctoral studies, and they are prepared for more demanding scientific work in collaboration with faculty or foreign theological schools.
The scope of acquired knowledge of the graduate of the study programme ORTHODOX THEOLOGY consists of the basic knowledge at the level of synthesis and evaluation in the field of:
• theological, which is the prerequisite and basis for their future work,
• historical, which helps them to orient themselves correctly in the national and confessional history of our environment,
• cultural and social, which requires a correct approach to people of all classes and social status, in a correct understanding of social contexts, personality development, quality of life, and they also have a good knowledge of the systemic processes of education and their quality and effectiveness,
• social, which is particularly relevant in the current context (unemployed, homeless, handicapped, etc.)
By studying, the graduate acquires practical and methodological knowledge in a key area of the field, which serves as a basis for practice, research or artistic creation. Professional and methodological knowledge in several areas of the discipline or practice, serving as a basis for innovation and originality in practice, research or artistic endeavour.
Prospects of graduates
Graduates of the study programme ORTHODOX THEOLOGY will be employed as:
• parish priest, religious priest (clergyman, monk in the rank of priest or deacon (2636006) of the Orthodox Church, catechist, outreach worker,
• chaplain, assisting clergyman (2636009),
• spiritual administrator, administrator, parish administrator (2636005) - archdeacon, dean, administrator of an ecclesiastical community,
• supreme representative of the Church (2636002) - metropolitan, archbishop, bishop,
• manager in an ecclesiastical organisation (2636003) - protosynkel (director of the episcopal office),
• clerical member of the Church's headquarters (2636004) - synkel (secretaries of metropolitan and eparchial offices)
• in areas where a creative approach and skills in organisational, educational and research work are required,
• coordinators of social and charitable care for handicapped citizens,
• in various state offices and institutions, local authorities at home and abroad,
• in the Slovak Armed Forces as military clergymen.
(Qualification requirements to perform the above activity are subject to the requirements of the internal regulations of the Orthodox Church: https://orthodox.sk/pravoslavna-cirkev/ustava/; https://www.slov-lex.sk/pravne-predpisy/prilohy/SK/ZZ/2020/449/20210101_5289809-2.pdf; Graduates meet the qualifications to serve in the officer corps for the military specialty of military chaplaincy: https://www.epi.en/zz/2019-443#p3; Clergyman performing spiritual ministry in the university pastoral centre: https://www.slov-lex.sk/pravne-predpisy/SK/ZZ/2004/395/20040713 Article 5, paragraph 3; Graduates meet the qualification
prerequisite for the performance of the activity of a teacher of religion within the meaning of Section 11-13 of Act No. 138/2019 Coll. on pedagogical employees and professional employees and on amendment and supplementation of certain acts: https://www.minedu.sk/data/att/18688.pdf. The fulfilment of the qualification prerequisites for the performance of the pedagogical activity of a teacher of religion and religious education is explained in the opinion of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic: https://www.minedu.sk/data/files/6522_kvalif_predpoklady.pdf).
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- applicants will be admitted on the basis of their high school results
- Fee for material support of the admission procedure: printed application €30 / electronic application €20.
Conditions for international students
- knowledge of the Slovak language documented by a certificate of completion of a Slovak language course.
IBAN - SK70 8180 0000 0070 0008 1324
Coordinator for students with specific needs
ThDr. Ján Pilko, PhD.
Applicants fill in the first, second and third pages of the application form, provide a CV, birth certificate, marriage certificate (for women only) and school leaving certificate in certified copies. Proof of payment of the admissions fee must be affixed to page 3 of the application form. Only one programme of study may be applied for per application form. Foreigners with permanent residence in the Slovak Republic may also study at the faculty, but they are required to provide nostrification of the documents of acquired education. The faculty is also open to students of other faiths, or those who are seriously interested in learning about Christian teachings, the Holy Scriptures, etc.
Form of entrance exam
- applicants will be admitted on the basis of their high school results
Apply the application for study
Performance of the entrance exam
20.05.2025 - 20.05.2025
Submit additional application form
Performance of the additional entrance exam
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- leaving certificate (electronic form)
- CV (electronic form)
- medical certificate
- kópia potvrdenia o zaplatení poplatku za prijímacie konanie (electronic form)
Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: 350 €
The fee for admission procedure
application form: 30 €
E-application form: 20 €
Billing information
Banka: Štátna pokladnica
Account: 7000081324/8180
IBAN - SK70 8180 0000 0070 0008 1324
Variable symbol: 106004
Constant symbol: 0558
University of Prešov
Faculty of Orthodox Divinity
Masarykova 15
080 01 Prešov
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Responsibility for content: Mgr. Mária Laceková – maria.lacekova@unipo.sk
Last update: 10.12.2024 11:12