Ekonomika a manažment verejnej správy

The purpose of the Economics and Management in Public Administration educational program is to prepare qualified experts so that their profile corresponds to the requirements for expected competencies, knowledge and skills in the future. Therefore, the emphasis is on digital and green skills and working with public sector data.
Graduates of the study program can work in a leading position in central, regional and local institutions of public administration, public and non-profit sector, in cultural institutions.

The acquired education predisposes graduates especially for positions requiring knowledge in the field of economics and management.
Economics provides answers to questions about how the economy works and how consumers, firms, and governments make resource allocation decisions. Understanding the functioning of national, local and regional economies is necessary for understanding public policy making, business and changes in economic systems around the world. This justifies the use of methods used in economics - quantitative, qualitative and experimental.
Management deals with the effective use and coordination of resources and workforce in the organization and the fulfillment of set goals. It takes into account mutual relations and interactions both within the organization and in relation to the external environment, and in this study program specifically in the operation of public administration and local self-government. Students learn about theories, models and processes of decision making and planning. The managerial aspect of the study program allows students to evaluate and develop their own abilities in relation to the work of others, lead work teams, take responsibility for evaluating and improving work processes.

Graduates should master international standards of economic analysis, bring complex solutions to the challenges of regional and local development and management. They should also master the basic methods and techniques of regional and spatial analyses, econometrics (linear, logistic and spatial regression models), data collection methods (including economic experiments), writing and project management. Graduates have mastered and understand the basic key topics and concepts in economics, business ethics, environmental studies, political science, sociology and law.

Prospects of graduates

The aim of the Economics and Management in Public Administration training programme is to prepare qualified professionals their profile corresponds to the requirements for the expected competencies, knowledge and skills in the future.
Graduates should have an educational background that predisposes them to positions requiring knowledge in the field of economics and management.
Economics provides answers to questions about how the economy works and how consumers, firms and governments make decisions about the allocation of resources. Understanding how national, local, and regional economies work is necessary for understanding public policy making, business, and changes in economic systems around the world. This justifies the use of methods used in economics - quantitative, qualitative and experimental.
Management is concerned with the efficient use and coordination of resources and manpower in an organization and the accomplishment of stated objectives. It takes into account the interrelationships and interactions both within the organisation and in relation to the external environment and, in this programme of study, specifically in the operation of public administration and local government. Students learn about theories, models and processes of decision-making and planning. The managerial aspect of the programme enables students to evaluate and develop their own skills in relation to the work of others, to lead work teams, and to take responsibility for evaluating and improving work processes.

Graduates should be proficient in international standards of economic analysis, bringing complex solutions to regional and local development and management challenges. They should also be proficient in basic methods and techniques of regional and spatial analysis, econometrics (linear, logistic and spatial regression models), data collection methods (including economic experiments), project writing and management. Graduates have mastered and understood basic key topics and concepts in economics, business ethics, environmental studies, political science, sociology, and law.

Upon completion of the program, graduates should possess important transferable competencies - critical thinking, problem identification and problem-solving, working under pressure, moral and civic integrity, project management - in order to be employable in the more broadly defined field of economics and management. At the same time, however, the curriculum is targeted to develop mindsets and skills for the benefit of social development, quality of life, and responsibility towards resources, nature and the environment. Well-informed policy-making must be based on reliable data to make policy decisions understandable, impact-assessed and sustainable. Working with data of different kinds, both public and commercial, collecting your own data, post-processing it using appropriate methods, visualising, presenting and interpreting it, is absolutely key.

Students are able to choose a pathway depending on their ideas for future employment through two specialisations - Sustainable Development and Public Sector Lab. The first specialization highlights the themes of quality of life, social, cultural and sustainable development. The second gives the opportunity to learn different methods and approaches in working with data, especially in the public sector, and is based on specific requirements defined by both state and local government.

The study programme adopts a multifaceted approach, offering traditional teaching methods linked to research as well as the development of relevant practical skills.
The programme is designed to prepare students for work in the professional sphere after graduation and also provides graduates with the research background necessary for an academic career. It educates students in new approaches and methodologies to ensure their success in applying to PhD programmes.
The training programme profiles graduates as highly qualified professionals - public administration experts and analysts who are able to comprehensively integrate knowledge of public administration and regional development, as well as scientific research skills and professional activities for the preparation and implementation of regional development programmes. Graduates will acquire
● a thorough grounding in the  principles of economics and management  applied to the  real-world problems;
● basic key topics and concepts in economics, business ethics, environmental studies, political science, sociology and law;
● multidisciplinary approaches combining expertise in both economics and the social sciences;
● important transferable competences;
● in-depth theoretical knowledge and advanced analytical skills needed to work in a complex, challenging and important area of economic and public policy;
● the ability to contribute to societal development by designing and implementing new solutions to complex  problems.

The programme provides students with extensive knowledge in economics, econometrics, data collection and analysis, planning, financial management, management, social innovation, marketing, project design and management.
Upon completion of the programme, students should have acquired:

(i) Knowledge
● on regional and local development and governance in meeting public interest and developing innovative solutions based on democratic values and civic spirit related to achieving growth and development;
● the reasons for the significant differences in economic levels between countries and regions and why a large proportion of the world's population lives in material deprivation;
● decision-making processes in the public and private sectors, where economic and social issues are decided politically or collectively, considering the benefits and impacts of their decisions on the well-being of society as a whole as well as on the well-being of individuals;
● on models of good governance, mechanisms of cooperation and participation, global threats and trends;
international standards for economic analysis, financial management and evaluation of projects and the impacts of public decisions
● on programme management, planning, justification of objectives, monitoring and evaluation.
● on the application of theoretical knowledge in the development of a technical basis for decision-making of profit and non-profit organizations;

(ii) Skills
● have the ability to use the methods and tools of national, regional and municipal policy and to assess the effectiveness, efficiency and economy of proposed measures based on the analysis of economic data and applicable laws;
● be able to analyse and comprehensively address EU and national regional development and governance challenges, apply regional development theories and implement conclusions;
● be able to critically and systematically evaluate regional development processes and regional governance trends at the local and international levels, anticipate governance changes, evaluate alternative solutions and their possible social and ethical implications;
● know the basic methods and techniques of regional analysis, methods of regional and spatial analysis and research and statistical methods; be able to select and apply appropriate methods of research and data collection;
● be able to design and implement innovative programmes for economic and human development on the basis of the research carried out, including evaluation of their impact using appropriately defined methods;
● be able to apply knowledge, critical thinking and initiative in management positions in production, service, business, public administration as well as NGOs;
● be able to write and submit a project, manage a project, plan project outputs and their quality, coordinate and control the results of work, analyse risks and opportunities, and co-determine costs and funding opportunities for projects.
● have the ability to evaluate projects and the impact of public decisions (cost-benefit analysis, risk analysis, economic impact and benefit analysis, value for money)

(iii) Competences
● critically evaluate the appropriateness of policy decision-making mechanisms in specific situations, consider the limits of collective decision-making mechanisms, and recognize actions that contribute to the enhancement of social welfare.
● have general logical and analytical thinking skills applicable to complex decisions, responding to change in a rapidly changing world, and the ability to promote new ideas to foster innovation in organizations of different types;
● be able to assess the credibility of information, analyse it critically and make appropriate decisions based on the information;
Recognise and take into account social preferences, culture, values and attitudes and behavioural aspects and better understand the behaviour and decisions of other people, groups, communities and cultures.
● play an educational role by explaining to local decision-makers the rationality and usefulness of economic and social reforms in their local context;
● integrate holistically the core key themes and concepts from economics, business ethics, environmental studies, political science, sociology and law.

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Conditions of admission


Without entrance examinations

Conditions of admission without the entrance exam


Coordinator for students with specific needs

PhDr. Radka Čopková, PhD.
Kontakt: radka.copkova@tuke.sk
Telefón: +421 55 602 2286

General information on the admission exam


  • Apply the application for study


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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

  • Bachelor diploma (electronic form)
  • CV (electronic form)
  • Confirmation of application fee (electronic form)

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: 6000 €
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 6000 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 60 €
E-application form: 50 €

Billing information

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Číslo účtu na poukázanie poplatku: IBAN: SK29 8180 0000 0070 0015 1417
Variabilný symbol: 2025
Konštantný symbol: 0308

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Detail of the study program

Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. More information

Detail of the study program


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Responsibility for content: doc. Ing. Júlia Ďurčová, PhD. – julia.durcova@tuke.sk
Last update: 03.02.2025 13:56

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