Found 16 study programmes
Sociálna práca
(full-time, Mgr.)The graduate has extensive knowledge of theories of social work in the context of their historical development, in relation to contemporary social work and their applicability in individual fields of…
Sociálna práca
(full-time, Bc.)The graduate possesses knowledge from individual areas of the field of study and its interdisciplinary contexts at the level of synthesis, namely from the basics of theories of social work, methods,…
Social work
(external, Bc.)The graduate of the bachelor's degree programme in social work should be able to perform the following professional activities: identify, correct and solve social problems; mediate and coordinate the…
Social work
(full-time, Mgr.)The profiling of the graduate of the social work study programme is based on the assumption that the student should master the following professional activities: Identify, correct and solve social…
Social work
(full-time, Bc.)The graduate of the bachelor's degree programme in social work should be able to perform the following professional activities: identify, correct and solve social problems; mediate and coordinate the…
Social work
(full-time, PhD.)Social work is a field of study from the system of fields of study administered by the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic, as a field of knowledge in which the graduate acquires…
Charitable and missionary work
(external, PhD.)Charity and Mission Work is a doctoral program in social work. The study programme focuses mainly on theoretical knowledge and its practical application in social work with a focus on problems…
Charity and Mission Work
(full-time, PhD.)Charity and Mission Work is a doctoral program in social work. The study programme focuses mainly on theoretical knowledge and its practical application in social work with a focus on problems…
Sociálna práca
(full-time, Bc.)Absolvent disponuje vedomosťami z jednotlivých oblastí študijného odboru a jeho interdisciplinárnych súvislostí na úrovni syntézy, konkrétne zo základov teórií sociálnej…
Sociálna práca
(full-time, Mgr.)Absolvent má rozsiahle vedomosti z teórií sociálnej práce v kontexte ich historického vývoja, v prepojení na súčasnú sociálnu prácu a ich aplikovateľnosti v jednotlivých poliach sociálnej práce a k…