Found 11 study programmes
Social and Occupational Psychology
(full-time, Bc.)WHAT IS OUR PSYCHOLOGY? We specialize in applied psychology, that is, solution-focused psychology practical problems. Most of our graduates work in areas such as HR, human resources, marketing or…
Health Psychology
(external, PhD., Anglický)Theoretical knowledge In the third level of study, the focus is on a thorough orientation to past and current trends, concepts and theories about social and psychological phenomena, along with their…
Social and Occupational Psychology
(full-time, Mgr.)WHAT IS OUR PSYCHOLOGY? We specialize in applied psychology, that is, psychology focused on practical problem solving. Most of our graduates work in areas such as HR, human resources, marketing or…
Health Psychology
(full-time, PhD.)Theoretical knowledge In the third level of study, the focus is on a thorough orientation to past and current trends, concepts and theories about social and psychological phenomena, along with their…
Health Psychology
(external, PhD.)Theoretical knowledge In the third level of study, the focus is on a thorough orientation to past and current trends, concepts and theories about social and psychological phenomena, along with their…
Social and Work Psychology
(full-time, Bc., Anglický)The study program is available for Slovak as well as for foreign citizens. The diploma will be recognized in the EU member states. The emphasis is put on the relationship of theory and practise. The…
Health Psychology
(full-time, PhD., Anglický)Theoretical knowledge In the third level of study, the focus is on a thorough orientation to past and current trends, concepts and theories about social and psychological phenomena, along with their…
(full-time, Mgr.)Štúdiom psychológie na magisterskom stupni rozviniete svoje psychodiagnostické zručnosti vo všetkých v praxi etablovaných oblastiach ako je detská, adolescentná a dospelá klinická psychológia, detská…
(full-time, Bc.)Štúdium psychológie ponúka komplexné vzdelanie v oblasti ľudskej psychiky a správania. Program je rozdelený na bakalárske štúdium, ktoré trvá tri roky, a magisterské štúdium, ktoré trvá dva roky.…