Found 20 study programmes
Forest Ecosystem Services
(full-time, PhD.)Annotation The subject composition of the study plan as well as other activities of the PhD student correspond to the description of the branch of study. They are the subjects focused on particular…
Forestry Phytology
(full-time, PhD.)Annotation The aim of the study programme is providing a complete university education of the 3rd(PhD) degree. The graduate has to master scientific methods of the basic botanical and ecological…
Forest Management
(full-time, PhD.)Annotation The aim of the study programme is to provide a complete university education of the 3rd(PhD) degree. The graduate of the study branch of Forest Management has to master the scientific…
Adaptive Forestry
(full-time, Ing.)Annotation The subjects of the study programme are built up so that they cover all the spheres of forest ecosystem management from the viewpoint of society´s demands for production and non…
Forest Management
(external, PhD.)Annotation The aim of the study programme is to provide a complete university education of the 3rd(PhD) degree. The graduate of the study branch of Forest Management has to master the scientific…
Applied Zoology and Wildlife Management
(full-time, Ing.)Annotation The subjects of the study programme are built up so that they improve basic knowledge obtained in the preparatory subjects of the Bachelor´s degree, especially from the sphere of applied…
Forestry Phytology
(full-time, PhD., Anglický)Annotation The aim of the study programme is providing a complete university education of the 3rd(PhD) degree. The graduate has to master scientific methods of the basic botanical and ecological…
Applied Zoology and Wildlife Management
(external, Ing.)Annotation The subjects of the study programme are built up so that they improve basic knowledge obtained in the preparatory subjects of the Bachelor´s degree, especially from the sphere of applied…
Adaptive Forestry
(external, Ing.)Annotation The subjects of the study programme are built up so that they cover all the spheres of forest ecosystem management from the viewpoint of society´s demands for production and non…
Forest Ecology
(full-time, Ing.)Annotation The compulsory and compulsorily optional subjects within the study programme of Forest Ecology correspond to the content of the branch of study of Forestry for the 2nd degree in all…
Forest Ecosystem Services
(external, PhD.)Annotation The subject composition of the study plan as well as other activities of the PhD student correspond to the description of the branch of study. They are the subjects focused on particular…
Forestry Phytology
(external, PhD., Anglický)Annotation The aim of the study programme is providing a complete university education of the 3rd(PhD) degree. The graduate has to master scientific methods of the basic botanical and ecological…
Forestry Phytology
(external, PhD.)Annotation The aim of the study programme is providing a complete university education of the 3rd(PhD) degree. The graduate has to master scientific methods of the basic botanical and ecological…
(external, Bc.)Annotation The subjects of the study programme are built up so that they cover all the spheres of forest ecosystem management from the viewpoint of society´s demands for production and non…
Applied Zoology and Wildlife Management
(full-time, Bc.)Annotation Subjects of the branch of study provide a complex survey of knowledge needed to understand and master the problems of applied zoology, wildlife management, and forest management.
Applied Zoology and Wildlife Management
(external, Bc.)Annotation Subjects of the branch of study provide a complex survey of knowledge needed to understand and master the problems of applied zoology, wildlife management, and forest management.
(full-time, Bc.)Annotation The subjects of the study programme are built up so that they cover all the spheres of forest ecosystem management from the viewpoint of society´s demands for production and non…
Geoinformačné a mapovacie techniky v lesníctve
(full-time, Ing.)Absolventi inžinierskeho programu Geoinformačné a mapovacie techniky v lesníctve získajú jednak prehlbujúce poznatky ako aj ďalšie praktické skúsenosti z lesníckych disciplín a oblastí ale najmä…
Ekológia lesa
(full-time, PhD.)Ekológia lesa predstavuje integrovaný študijný odbor, ktorý skúma ekosystém lesa, ekologické základy jeho produkcie a trvalej udržateľnosti, kde nadväzuje na poznatky z Geológie, Bioklimatológie, …
Ekológia lesa
(external, PhD.)Ekológia lesa predstavuje integrovaný študijný odbor, ktorý skúma ekosystém lesa, ekologické základy jeho produkcie a trvalej udržateľnosti, kde nadväzuje na poznatky z Geológie, Bioklimatológie, …