Na akademický rok 2025/2026 je otváraných 553 študijných programov
Analytical Chemistry
(full-time, PhD.)The study program instigates principles of scientific work, scientific formularization of problem and coupling between research - development - application - interpretation, ethical and social issues…
Analytická chémia
(external, PhD., Anglický)Študijný program Analytická chémia podnecuje zásady vedeckej práce a väzby výskum - vývoj - aplikácia - interpretácia, etické a spoločenské stránky vedeckej práce, prezentáciu a publikovanie…
Analytical Chemistry
(full-time, PhD., Anglický)The study program instigates principles of scientific work, scientific formularization of problem and coupling between research - development - application - interpretation, ethical and social issues…
Analytical Chemistry
(external, PhD.)The study program instigates principles of scientific work, scientific formularization of problem and coupling between research - development - application - interpretation, ethical and social issues…
Anorganická chémia
(external, PhD., Anglický)Študijný program je zameraný na riešenie vedeckých problémov anorganickej chémie, je orientovaný na väzbu výskum - vývoj - výroba - využite - recyklácia nových anorganických, bioanorganických,…
Inorganic Chemistry
(full-time, PhD.)The field of study is aimed at the solution of scientific problems in inorganic chemistry it is oriented on the interconnection research-development-production-utilization-recycling of new inorganic,…
Inorganic Chemistry
(external, PhD.)The field of study is aimed at the solution of scientific problems in inorganic chemistry it is oriented on the interconnection research-development-production-utilization-recycling of new inorganic,…