557 study programms - Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Informatics
Biomedical Informatics
(full-time, Ing.)Graduates of the study programme will gain knowledge of informatics and its applications in medicine and biomedicine. They will be able to find employment at various levels of management and…
Computer Engineering
(full-time, Ing.)Graduates of the Computer Engineering programme will acquire a wide range of theoretical knowledge in areas related to computer engineering. Graduates are prepared to enter practical professional…
Informatics and Management
(full-time, Bc.)Nowadays the informatics has a very important role for the success of a business in the market. The study program Informatics and Management is a great combination of basic knowledge in the field of…
Information and Network Technologies
(full-time, Bc.)Informatics is a study programme which directly responds to the demand and supply of today´s market. The students will gain not only the theoretical knowledge, necessary for understanding of…
Computer Engineering
(full-time, Bc.)Graduates of Computer Engineering programme are ready to continue in the Master´s degree programmes. They will find a job at different levels og management in companies focusing on development and…
Information Systems
(full-time, Ing.)Master´s study programme Information Systems prepares graduates to find and present their own solutions to problems in the research, development, design and design of decision support software,…
(full-time, Bc.)Informatics is a study programme which directly responds to the demand and supply of today´s market. The students will gain not only the theoretical knowledge, necessary for understanding of…
Applied Informatics
(full-time, PhD.)A graduate of Doctoral study by obtaining university education of a third level in the programme of Applied informatics Masters scientific methods of research in the area of applied informatics with…
Applied Network Engineering
(full-time, Ing.)Graduates of the programme will gain advanced theoretical knowledge and practical skills in operation of information and communication systems, network technologies and infrastructure, design and…
Intelligent Information Systems
(full-time, Ing.)Graduates of the Intelligent Information Systems programme will gain advanced knowledge of computer science and decision support tools using data and modelling tools such as machine learning,…
Applied Informatics
(external, PhD.)A graduate of Doctoral study by obtaining university education of a third level in the programme of Applied informatics Masters scientific methods of research in the area of applied informatics with…
Applied mathematics
(full-time, PhD.)Študijný odbor Aplikovaná matematika na FMFI odráža potrebu praxe na dostatok absolventov ovládajúcich nielen základné matematické disciplíny, ale aj schopných aplikovať matematické poznatky v iných…
Geometry and topology
(full-time, PhD.)Geometria je jednou z najstarších vied. Je to matematická disciplína, modelujúca a skúmajúca priestor v najvšeobecnejšom zmysle a geometrické útvary v priestore ako také i vo vzájomných vzťahoch.…
(full-time, PhD.)Doktorandské štúdium informatiky je určené hlavne tým, ktorí sa chcú venovať výskumu v oblasti informatiky, čiže riešeniu nových problémov, o ktorých zatiaľ nikto nerozmýšľal, alebo ich ešte nikto…