University of Economics in Bratislava

Faculty of Business Economics of the University of Economics with seat in Košice

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Study programmes

Business Economics and Management ( full-time 3 roky )
Business Economics and Management | Michalovce ( full-time 3 roky )
Commercial Entrepreneurship ( full-time 3 roky )
ekonomika a manažment podniku | Michalovce ( external 3 roky )
ekonomika a manažment podniku ( external 3 roky )

Faculty profile

The Faculty of Business Economics of the University of Economics in Bratislava with seat in Košice, is a scientific and educational workplace preparing future economists for businesses, companies and institutions as well as state administration. At the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Economics in Bratislava with seat in Košice, it is currently possible to study in all three degrees of study - bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies in the field of Economy and Management in study programmes:

- at the 1st degree of study - Economics and Business Management - full-time and part-time form (Košice, Michalovce) and Commercial Entrepreneurship - full-time form (Košice),

- at the 2nd degree of study – Corporate Financial Management - full-time and part-time form (Košice, Michalovce) and Corporate Business and Marketing - full-time form of study (Košice),

- at the 3rd degree of study - Economics and Business Management - full-time and part-time form (Košice).

The Faculty of Business Economics of the University of Economics in Bratislava with seat in Košice (PHF EU) is a scientific and educational workplace preparing future economists for businesses, companies and institutions as well as state administration.

The profile of the faculty and its field of study was based primarily on the needs of economic practice, which requires not only highly qualified, but also flexible and independent thinking professionals able to take their place in a relatively wide range of economic activities. In this respect, the faculty pays special attention to profiling focused on marketing and management in the corporate and non-corporate spheres.

In order to achieve these goals effectively, the organization and forms of education are adapted to them.

In 1952, the University of Economics in Bratislava established a consulting center for study alongside employment in Košice. This center was the forerunner of the foundation of today's faculty. PHF EU was established in 1992 as part of the transformation of the University of Economics in Bratislava. PHF EU is the oldest educational institution of economic and managerial education in Eastern Slovakia. At present, it provides training for university educated economists and managers at all three levels of study in full-time and part-time form of study. Based on previous results in pedagogical, scientific research and publication, as well as in foreign relations and cooperation with economic practice, PHF EU has become an important center in the field of education of economists and business managers, businesses and institutions. The results achieved in the field of educational and scientific research, in qualification growth, publishing activity and in international contacts, but also in close cooperation with companies, are a guarantee of further qualitative development of the faculty.

PHF EU provides education in newly built premises within the duly accredited study programmes in Košice and at the pedagogical workplace in Michalovce.

The fact that we are a viable faculty and our existence in this region is justified, as evidenced by the number of graduates who have successfully completed bachelor's, master's or doctoral studies over the years. Many of our graduates have found employment as renowned economists or managers in the management of businesses, foreign companies, scientific institutions, many are involved in governance. It is the ability of our graduates to work in real life, which motivates applicants to study at our faculty every year. With regard to the structure and content of subjects, graduates of the faculty gain the ability to orientate themselves in the issues of economics of various types of enterprises and institutions and to operate effectively at all levels of management.

Support of mobility of PHF EU students is in accordance with the faculty's intention to create conditions for study and lecture stays of students and teachers of the faculty abroad. Mobility contributes to the dissemination and exchange of scientific knowledge and makes the faculty more attractive to students.

A significant change in the faculty's work with talented students is the creation of a special group of talented students "Honoris", for which the faculty provides an extended teaching program. The aim of this innovation is to prepare students of the 2nd degree for more effective management of doctoral studies.

Since 2008 PHF EU has implemented and uses a quality management system according to STN EN ISO 9001: 2009, which helps to improve its processes. Continuous improvement of our processes also includes regular evaluation according to the CAF 2006 model. The faculty management system based on the principles of the CAF quality model directs the activities of the faculty to continuous improvement of pedagogical activities, scientific research activities and the need to apply acquired knowledge in practice.

The faculty was awarded the “National Prize of the Slovak Republic for Quality” in 2008 - the award “Award for Performance Improvement” and in 2010 the award “Awarded Finalist of the National Award of the Slovak Republic for Quality 2010”. These awards were awarded to the faculty based on the evaluation of the National Prize of the Slovak Republic for Quality in the category C3 - other public sector organizations in which it participated. At the same time, building and improving management systems at the faculty commits to use modern quality management systems.


Admission procedure

Commercial Entrepreneurship Bc., full-time

Deadline for applications: 28.02.2025
Deadline of examination: 25.03.2025 – 25.03.2025

Commercial Entrepreneurship Bc., full-time

Deadline for applications: 30.04.2025
Deadline of examination: 16.06.2025 – 20.06.2025

Business Economics and Management Bc., full-time

Deadline for applications: 30.04.2025
Deadline of examination: 16.06.2025 – 20.06.2025

Ekonomika a manažment podniku Bc., external

Deadline for applications: 30.04.2025
Deadline of examination: 16.06.2025 – 20.06.2025

Accommodation and boarding


The purpose-built facility of the Faculty of Business Economics of the University of Economics in Bratislava with seat in Košice is the Student Home on Bella Street 1 in Košice.

Student home of J. L. Bella in Košice

(name of the Student Home according to the Deed of Foundation of 15 July 2005):


University of Economics in Bratislava

Student Home of J. L. Bella

Bellova 1

040 01 Košice

Other services

The Faculty of Business Economics of the University of Economics in Bratislava with seat in Košice also lives in its own life, not only pedagogical or scientific. The team of employees and enthusiastic colleagues and PhD students, also in cooperation with the Student Parliament of Economists, regularly prepares interesting and motivating events for students, new applicants and their employees.




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University detail


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)



Responsibility for content: doc. Ing. Mgr. Zuzana Juhászová, PhD. (
Last update: 17.10.2024 14:40

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