Teaching of Chemistry and Teaching of Deutch Language and Literature

This study program must be combined with one of the following study programs:

  • Faculty of Arts - Teaching of German Language and Literature and Teaching of History
Prospects of graduates

Teacher of Chemistry
The graduate of the Bachelor's degree of Teacher of Chemistry (combined) has adequate theoretical and practical knowledge of selected chemical disciplines (general, inorganic, organic, physical, analytical and biochemistry), as well as of the propedeutics of science education and the field of digital technologies. It has both basic scientific knowledge in chemistry and in the profile educational areas. He is familiar with the current national curricula, focusing not only on chemistry, but also on the subjects of the educational area of Man and Nature. Has developed socially accepted civic attitudes and a positive attitude towards the teaching profession. The graduate meets the competence model defined by the national and European Qualifications Framework. The graduate obtains the qualification of a pedagogical assistant teacher with a focus on chemistry with an overlap with science subjects, especially in the educational area of Man and Nature. He/she is prepared for the study of chemistry teaching in the 2nd cycle of higher education.

Teaching of French Language and Literature
The graduate of the Combined Diploma in Teaching of French Language and Literature in the 1st cycle of higher education will strengthen his/her practical language receptive and productive skills and will acquire key contextualized knowledge of the language, history, culture, literature and realities of France and Francophone countries. Acquire basic skills in the didactics of the French language: know the differences between the French and Slovak school systems, be able to recognise the different phases of a lesson and identify/select specific activities developing the four basic language competences, be able to navigate key documents at European (SERR) and national level (SBP, SKVP).
The graduate is able to perform the function of a pedagogical assistant to a French language teacher, or to use his/her linguistic knowledge in extracurricular extracurricular activities for children and in language schools.
The graduate is able to work as a teaching assistant for a French language teacher.

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Conditions of admission

The admission examination for the first degree of study in both full-time and part-time form of study
in the academic year 2025/2026 will take place as follows:
1. applicants for study programmes of the Faculty of Business Administration of the MBU may be admitted without admission examinations on the basis of the proposal of the person responsible for the study programme in case the number of applicants for the study programme does not exceed the planned number. The basic condition for their admission will be the successful completion of secondary school by passing the matriculation examination;
2. if the number of applicants registered for a given study programme significantly exceeds the planned capacity of the faculty, applicants will be admitted on the basis of the results of the entrance examination (written tests). The entrance examination may also be conducted online. The decision on the form of the entrance examination is the responsibility of the person responsible for the study programme. The successful candidate must achieve a minimum pass mark of 50 % in the written test (in the case of a combined subject teaching programme, the pass mark relates to the test for each subject).

The written tests will be written:
- in mathematics within the scope of the grammar school curriculum for the study of mathematics, mathematics teaching,
- in physics within the scope of the grammar school curriculum for the study of physics teaching,
- in the overview of the technical application of mathematics and physics for the study of technology teaching,
- in biology within the scope of the grammar school curriculum for the study of biology teaching,
- in biology and ecology within the scope of the high school curriculum for the study of environmental biology,
- in chemistry within the scope of the high school curriculum for the study of teaching chemistry, forensic and criminal chemistry,
- in geography within the scope of the high school curriculum for the study of teaching geography,
- in elementary science subjects: geography, biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics for the study of the geopotential of regions,
- from mathematics and computer science within the scope of the grammar school curriculum for the study of the teaching of computer science, applied computer science and software development,
- from pedagogy at the level of a graduate of the secondary school of education and from the overview of the technical application of mathematics and physics for the study of the teaching of practical training.

Conditions of admission to teacher study programmes, where one of the approbation subjects is a subject implemented at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Maribor (www.pdf.umb.sk).

Conditions of admission to teacher study programmes, where one of the approbation subjects is a subject implemented at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at the University of Maribor (www.pdf.umb.sk).ff.umb.sk).

Conditions of admission to teacher study programmes where one of the subjects of admission is physical education implemented at FTVŠaZ UMB can be found on the faculty's website (www.ftvsz.umb.sk).

Conditions for international students

According to Act No.422/2015 Coll. on the Recognition of Educational Proofs and on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts, applicants who have completed a previous degree abroad are obliged to submit a recognition of an educational document obtained outside the territory of the Slovak Republic. The decision on the recognition of educational qualifications must be submitted by the accepted applicant no later than on the day of enrolment. Recognition of a document of education of a graduate of a secondary school abroad is within the competence of the Regional Education Office, which issues a decision after all conditions have been met. Recognition of a university graduate's education document (1st cycle and 2nd cycle in the case of continuation at a higher level) abroad is the responsibility of the university, which will issue a decision once all the conditions have been met. An exception is made for documents obtained on the territory of the Czech Republic, for which recognition is not required.
Applicants who have been granted asylum, subsidiary protection or temporary refuge (hereinafter also referred to as "persons with special legal status") in accordance with Section 56 of Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education and on Amendments and Additions to Certain Acts, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Act on Higher Education"), the condition of attainment of a complete secondary education or a complete secondary vocational education for the purpose pursuant to Section 56, Paragraph 1, of the Act on Higher Education may be met by a person with a special status of "refugee status". 1 of the Higher Education Act by means of an affidavit in accordance with Methodological Instruction No 4/2022 Special Conditions and Procedures of the MBU and its Faculties in Relation to Persons Granted Asylum, Subsidiary Protection or Temporary Shelter and a General Studies Aptitude Test.

Conditions of admission without the entrance exam

Candidates enrolled in study programmes of the Faculty of Business Administration of the MBU may be admitted without entrance examinations on the basis of a proposal of the person responsible for the study programme if the number of applicants for the study programme does not exceed the planned number. The basic condition for their admission will be the successful completion of secondary school by passing the matriculation examination.

Coordinator for students with specific needs


doc. PaedDr. Patrik Voštinár, PhD. (no. dv. F 131); 048/ 446 7124;
email: patrik.vostinar@umb.sk


written form

  • Apply the application for study

    01.11.2024 - 30.04.2025

  • Performance of the entrance exam

    11.06.2025 - 13.06.2025

  • Send certificate to


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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

  • Maturitné vysvedčenie (paper form)
  • Proof of Payment (paper form)
  • Vysvedčenie z posledného ročníka (paper form)
  • Curriculum vitae (paper form)

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 1200 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 35 €
E-application form: 32 €

Billing information

Billing information (also posted at www.platby.umb.sk):
1. Payment of the fee from EU countries:
Account name: Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica
Name and address of the bank: the State Treasury, Radlinského 32, 810 05 Bratislava 15
Account/IBAN number: SK75 8180 0000 0070 0009 5590
VS (variable symbol): 5031 (for applicants for bachelor studies)
KS (constant symbol): 0308 - non-cash payments
S (specific symbol): birth number (for applicants from the Slovak Republic) date of birth in DDMMYYY (for foreign applicants)
Recipient message: applicant's name and surname
Account name: Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica
Name and address of the bank: Všeobecná úverová banka, a. s, Mlynské Nivy 1, 829 90 Bratislava
Account number/IBAN: SK75 8180 0000 0070 0009 5590
VS (variable symbol): 5031 (for applicants for Bachelor's studies)
KS (constant symbol): 0308 - non-cash payments
ŠS (specific symbol): birth number (for applicants from the Slovak Republic) date of birth in the form DDMMRR (for foreign applicants)
Recipient message: name and surname of the applicant

Payment by postal order is not accepted due to the impossibility to identify the payer in the University's information system.
The payment of the admission fee must be made by bank transfer by the applicant or his/her authorised person no later than the last day on which the application form can be sent. An application for studies without payment of the admission fee in the specified amount will not be accepted.

Always up-to-date news about university Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica on your email.
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Detail of the study program

Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. More information

Detail of the study program


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Responsibility for content: PaedDr. Beata Dobríková – beata.dobrikova@umb.sk
Last update: 14.11.2024 13:09

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