Učiteľstvo telesnej výchovy (v kombinácii)

This study program must be combined with one of the following study programs:

  • Faculty of Arts - Teacher Training of Slovak Language and Literature and Ethics Education


Prospects of graduates


Always up-to-date news about university Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra on your email.
We will send you all the information about important events and deadlines.

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Conditions of admission


Additional information

Na prihlásenie použite informačný systém UKF: https://e-prihlaska.ukf.sk/

Conditions of admission without the entrance exam


Coordinator for students with specific needs


General information on the admission exam


Na prihlásenie použite informačný systém UKF: https://e-prihlaska.ukf.sk/

  • Apply the application for study


  • Performance of the additional entrance exam


Always up-to-date news about university Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra on your email.
We will send you all the information about important events and deadlines.

Send me news

Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

  • CV (electronic form)
  • Bachelor diploma (electronic form)
  • Vysvedčenie o štátnej skúške (electronic form)
  • dodatok k diplomu/výpis výsledkov štúdia (electronic form)
  • Potvrdenie o praxi (electronic form)
  • Doklad o zaplatení poplatku za prihlášku (electronic form)

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 664 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 30 €
E-application form: 25 €

Billing information

Na prihlásenie použite informačný systém UKF: https://e-prihlaska.ukf.sk/, prikaz na úhradu s fakturačnými údajmi vam vygeneruje automaticky.

Banka: Štátna pokladnica
IBAN: SK76 8180 0000 0070 0007 3068
SWIFT/BIC: SPSRSKBAXXX Zo zahraničia: BIC – Beneficiary ́s Bank Code: SUBASKBX

Variabilný symbol: pri elektronickej prihláške UKF informačný systém určí variabilný symbol automaticky (QR)

pri prihláške portáluVS alebo papierovej prihláške

2001xxxxxx (kde xxxxxx je dátum narodenia v tvare DDMMRR, t.j. šesť znakov bez bodky a medzier) pri dennom štúdiu
2002xxxxxx (kde xxxxxx je dátum narodenia v tvare DDMMRR, t.j. šesť znakov bez bodky a medzier) pri externom štúdiu
Správa pre prijímateľa: meno a priezvisko uchádzača.

Spôsob platby: výlučne bankovým prevodom (napr. internetbanking), nie poštou

Always up-to-date news about university Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra on your email.
We will send you all the information about important events and deadlines.

Send me news

Detail of the study program

The first three years of your studies could be funded by a scholarship of up to €9,000. More information

Detail of the study program


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Responsibility for content: Ing. Rudolf Kaniansky – aispf@ukf.sk
Last update: 13.07.2020 10:04

Draw attention to not topical data