Teaching of Religious Education

This study program must be combined with one of the following study programs:

  • Faculty of Arts - Teaching of Subjects english language and literature
  • Faculty of Arts - Teaching of Subjects of German language and Literature
  • Filozofická fakulta - učiteľstvo slovenského jazyka a literatúry (v kombinácii)

Study Programme of Teaching of Religious Education is offered in a double-major in combination with several languages:

- the Slovak language and literature

- the German language and literature

- the English language and literature

- the French language and literature

All of the combinations mentioned are taught in a full-time form not only in the Bachelor level of studies, but also in the subsequent Master level of studies which the graduates complete with the Master degree (Mgr.). All of these programs are organised in cooperation with the Pedagogical Faculty of the Comenius University.

Prospects of graduates

The graduate of the Bachelor of Religious Education Teacher Studies Combined Program is primarily prepared to continue his/her studies in this field at the 2nd level of higher education. However, he/she may also find employment as an assistant teacher or teacher's assistant, as an assistant teacher in children's nursery schools, Christian clubs or other missionary and catechetical activities of the Church, as a leisure time animator, or as a worker in state and public administration.

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Conditions of admission

The basic condition for admission to the Bachelor's and the combined Master's degree is a complete secondary education completed by the matriculation examination. A notarised copy of the matriculation certificate is the required proof of educational attainment. Foreign applicants (except graduates of secondary schools in the Czech Republic) are required to submit a decision on the recognition of education for the purpose of continuing their studies in the Slovak Republic. More information at: https://www.minedu.sk/23276-sk/akademicke-uznavanie-dokladov-ovzdelani-a-stupna-vzdelania/ We accept only notarised copies of documents - The admission procedure for a candidate for studies begins with the delivery of his/her application form to the EBF UK in Bratislava. The applicant submits his/her application electronically via the eApplication portal. The application form as well as detailed instructions for its completion can be found on the faculty's website (www.fevth.uniba.sk). After uploading the electronic application form into the system, the applicant prints it out, signs it and delivers it with the required attachments (proof of completed education, proof of payment of the admission fee) to the address of the Study Department of the Faculty of Arts in Bratislava.

Additional information

The course of study is planned as a double-major course of Master level studies of teaching with a duration of 5 years for combination of subjects with German and Slovak. The goal of the studies is to achieve teacher's qualification for teaching Evangelical Lutheran religion and another subject (German, Slovak) at elementary and secondary church and state schools. The subjects required for achieving the qualification to teach Evangelical Lutheran religion are studied for at the EBF UK and the subjects required for achieving the qualification in the other subject and for achieving the teacher's competence are studied for at the Pedagogical Faculty of the Comenius University in Bratislava (based on a mutual agreement with PdF UK). The students attend a specified selection of courses from the programme of "Evangelical Lutheran Theology", which are adequately reduced with respect to the prospective pedagogical and catechetic activities of a teacher of religion.

Conditions for international students

Conditions for admission of foreign students are the same as the conditions for admission of citizens of the Slovak Republic, with the exception of foreigners - self-payers and scholarship holders of the Government of the Slovak Republic, for whom the admission examination may also take the form of an admission interview.

Without entrance examinations

Conditions of admission without the entrance exam

In the event that the number of applicants for a study programme exceeds the capacity of the faculty, the selection of applicants will be based on the results of the entrance examination.
- The entrance examination for all open study programmes at the faculty has a uniform form, aimed at verifying the applicant's academic prerequisites for university studies. In some study programmes, it is supplemented by an examination on specific prerequisites for the study of the given study programme.

Coordinator for students with specific needs

Mgr. Milan Jurík, PhD.

General information on the admission exam

An applicant can apply for a maximum of three study programmes in one application form. In the application form, the applicant must list the priority of the study programmes as well as the form of study. If an applicant meets the conditions for acceptance to both study programmes, she or he will be accepted to the programme applied for with a higher priority. The applicant must state in the application form all school-leaving subjects applied for as well as the level of the external part of the school-leaving exam (A, B or C) selected by the applicant. The applicant must indicate in the application form that she or he applies for the 1st (Bachelor ) level of university studies (teaching programmes and social assistance) or for joint studies in the programme of Evangelical Theology.

An ordered list will be compiled from the applicants included in the admission procedure according to the results of the external part of the school-leaving exam and the criteria provided in paragraph (2). The score limit for acceptance will be determined by the admission procedure 's committee. When including applicants among the accepted ones the order of interest in study programmes in the application is taken into consideration.

Applicants who took the external part of the school-leaving exam in both A-level profiled subjects (first group) will be accepted preferentially. If their number if greater than the planned number of accepted students, only such number of applicants will be accepted according to the order of success which is agreed as the number of accepted students. In case the number of students is smaller, applicants from the second group will be accepted according to the order of success until the planned number of accepted students is reached.

When compiling the order in the second group, those applicants will be preferred who have taken the school-leaving exam at least in one A-level profiled subject in the external part to those applicants who took the school-leaving exam in levels B and C in two profiled subjects.

An applicant who fails to submit a verified copy of the school leaving exam certificate on time due to reasons attributable to another party (such as a delay in issuance of the school-leaving exam's report) must inform the Dean about this fact in a due time and request an additional deadline for submission of documents, but not later than September 2nd, 2010.

Form of entrance exam


  • Apply the application for study

    01.01.2025 - 31.03.2025

  • Submit additional application form

    01.06.2025 - 25.07.2025

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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

  • leaving certificate (paper form)
  • CV (electronic form)

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 1320 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 40 €
E-application form: 40 €

Billing information

Bank:State Treasury


Constant Symbol:3818

Variable Symbol:39786511

Please indicate in the message for the recipient: prijimacky (and the applicant's name)

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Detail of the study program

Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. More information

Detail of the study program


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Responsibility for content: Mgr. Vlastislav Svoboda – svoboda@fevth.uniba.sk
Last update: 12.12.2024 11:01

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