Materials Engineering

Prospects of graduates
Based on their own selection of the compulsory and elective subjects, the graduates of “Materials Engineering” study programme are specialised and trained in these specific areas:
Metallic materials
• Inorganic materials
• Polymer materials
• Textile materials
• Environmental engineering
• Computer-assisted materials engineering
• Materials a design

Study in the Materials Engineering study programme is carried out in a full-time form of study, within which the students can choose two specific educational approaches:
Approach no. 1 is predominantly for students who have sufficient or satisfactory space and time to study during the working weekdays because they can attend clas-ses, which are held from Monday to Friday by direct contact between the teacher and the student.
Approach no. 2 stends for flexibility and it is suitable and convenient for students who, due to any other responsibilities (e.g.: employment, bad health condition, spe-cial family or social conditions), are not able to attend classes during common working days and specified time. The education process is based on block educational form as well as the part of the full-time form is replaced by distance form of education (online lectures in real time or through the educational presentations, videos, tu-torials, etc., while the study resources can be found in predetermined cloud storage resources. The students have the opportunity to consult or discuss the stored mate-rials with the pedagogue through the discussion forums, individual consultations, etc. (The consultations are based on the student’s needs).

The graduate of the “Materials Engineering” engineering study programme has complex and comprehensive knowledge in the field of research and development as well as production of technical materials and technological processing of technical materials into semi-finished products and final products. Moreover, the given graduate is completely familiar with quality control and materials operational (in-service) diagnostics process, considering the main types of technical materials. The graduate has also ability to identify, specify and propose complex materials solutions (resolutions) and approaches, including environmental aspects and design of products, while he/she uses crucial knowledge on materials and moreover, he/she is familiar with managing teams of staff, leading projects independently and taking responsibility for complex solutions. An integral part of the graduate's education is knowledge relating to working with technical software packages as well as knowledge relating to numerical analysis and simulation of technological processes and material systems, including computational modeling and loading simulation of technical materials, in order to create the optimum design from the aspect of operational (in-service) load.
The graduate is completely educated for:
• work relating to the research and development worker in the area of the materials engineering, industrial engineering, application of experimental methods to study the structure and properties as well as functionality of materials;
• work relating to the research and development in the area of basic research, referring to the development of new materials, research of the physical and mechanical materials properties as well as the development of new diagnostic methods, innovative processes, sustainable technology solutions with minimum consumption of raw materials, energy and minimum waste (comprehensive processing of initial raw materials and final materials or products);
• work relating to production of manufacturing technology or management in the area of the projection and design and management of modern and environmentally acceptable industrial technological processes, progressive materials, products of consumption and technical services;
• work of a member of managerial personnel or a specialised team leading worker in the area of production problem solving, materials processing, materials quality con-trol and assurance in order to ensure the economic prosperity of the company;
• work of a specialist or a member of control administration personnel in the area of environmental engineering and sustainable development for regions, towns and vil-lages;
• work of a specialist in business area for production and technological processes, management processes as well as processes which stand for economic growth of company.

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Conditions of admission
The fundamental prerequisite or requirement for admission of student in relation to Engineering study programme (the second degree of the higher university education) is based on the completion or accomplishment of the first degree of the higher university study or education (completion or accomplishment of the Bachelor study).

Applicants for the “Materials Engineering” – full-time engineering study programme will be accepted on the basis of a selection procedure based on the results of completed (accomplished) Bachelor degree of at any higher education institutions with the same or related study programmes and study fields.

The first application deadline: 20.11.2023 - 30.06.2024

Next application deadline: 01.07.2024 - 15.08.2024

The admission procedure: based on a selection procedure.

Currently, you can only apply using:

Additional information
Full-time and part-time applicants for engineering study will be admitted on the basis of the results of the admission procedure which will be predominantly based on the appraisal of accomplished or completed bachelor study at higher education institutions with the same or related study programmes and study fields.
To be accepted and admitted officially, all applicants have to keep and meet the requirements or prerequisites which are introduced hereinafter.

The application form can be filled up and sent via:

To accept the application form, it is necessaryto pay administrative fee for entrance examination in the sum of 20.00 € and it has to be paid by bank transfer.

To keep the official rules and measures, the given compulsory or required documents have to be also sent in the form of hard copy to the address:
Faculty of Industrial Technologies, ul. I. Krasku 491/30, 020 01 Puchov.

The given compulsory prerequisites, documents and enclosures are:
• completely filled an application form (only if you decide not to use the comfortable e-application process);
• an officially verified or recognised authentic photocopy of the state examination certificate (not obligatory for graduates of our faculty);
• an officially verified or recognised proof on completion of the 1st degree of university study (Bachelor study) – diploma (not obligatory for graduates of our faculty);
• the Diploma Supplement – the recognised proof on bachelor study results (not obligatory for graduates of our faculty);
structured Curriculum Vitae (Resume).

Conditions for international students
The conditions or requirements for admission of foreign applicants are identical with the conditions or requirements for admission of Slovak students. Furthermore, the officially recognized/verified education documents obtained abroad are required.

All important information on the official recognition/verification of education documents obtained abroad can be seen (for those who are interested in) at:
Trenčianska univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne: Uznávanie dokladov o vzdelaní (

The foreign applicant has to provide/send the given documents along with the application form for university studies or, at least, to provide them in the time of the entrance registration for studies (if they are provided later, they will not be accepted).

Coordinator for students with specific needs
doc. Ing. Dana Bakošová, PhD.
Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs
tel: 042/28 51 869

General information on the admission exam
Applicants for the “Materials Engineering” – full-time engineering study programme will be accepted on the basis of a selection procedure based on the results of completed (accomplished) Bachelor degree of at any higher education institutions with the same or related study programmes and study fields.

It is advisable to fill the application electronically via https:
After submitting, the application form does not need to be printed and mailed by post.

Mandatory application attachments:
A photocopy of the final state examination certificate.
• A photocopy of the proof on completion of the 1st degree of university study (Bachelor study) – Diploma.
• A photocopy of the Diploma Supplement on Bachelor study results.

In the case of an foreign applicant (excluding the Czech Republic), a copy of the certificate on recognition or verification of secondary education is required.

The required documents must be inserted in the attachments in the e-application, or sent to the study department of the faculty (

Form of entrance exam
The admission procedure is carried out without an entrance examination based on a selection procedure.

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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

  • Bachelor degree diploma (paper form)
  • Addendum to the first degree diploma (paper form)
  • Certificate of state examination from the first degree (paper form)
  • Nostrification (paper form)

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 1200 €

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The fee for admission procedure
application form: 20 €
E-application form: 20 €

Billing information
In the case of the e-application, the billing data of the payment relating to the administrative fee for the admission procedure in the sum of 20,- € will be automatically generated by the system in the form of a bank payment order.
The application form can be filled up and sent via:

It is mandatory to pay the given administrative admission fee within the time interval of 14 days after sending the e-application form.

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Detail of the study program

Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. More information

Detail of the study program


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Responsibility for content: Rastislav Slavik –
Last update: 13.03.2025 12:03

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