Social work

Social work as a field of study:
Social work is a single-discipline study aimed at preparing professionals for the field of social work at all levels. It is structured into II level of higher education studies - 4 semesters in the full-time form and 4 semesters in the external form. The study in Social Work prepares university-educated, independent workers capable of providing, coordinating and directly delivering social care and social services for all groups of the population in need of social assistance.
Social work as a scientific discipline:
Social work is a multidisciplinary field of scientific knowledge that deals with the scientific understanding of social problems - their origins, causes, possible solutions, the question of the responsibility of the citizen and the state, the optimal level and forms of assistance for the individual, group or community.
Social work as a practical field:
Social work as an everyday field of practical implementation by special working methods helps in coping with such socially problematic situations of citizens as: the need for the implementation of family care, including forms of substitute family care, assistance in dealing with material need, assistance and support for disabled citizens, assistance and support for senior citizens, assistance and support for unemployed citizens, work with children with behavioural disorders, work with citizens in penitentiary and post-penitentiary care, work with dependent citizens, etc.
The study programme is therefore aimed at acquiring the knowledge and skills that entitle the graduate of the study: to carry out practical social work in institutions, to organise, manage and ensure the development of social work focused in particular on the following sections: social prevention, social counselling, social services, social protection, mediation, supervision, management, work in professional multidisciplinary teams, participate in research in social work, monitor, evaluate and propose solutions to serious socio-pathological phenomena in society such as unemployment, poverty, crime, etc.
The scope of study consists of theoretical lectures, social-psychological trainings, professional practice, training focused on psychology, philosophy and ethics, pedagogy, law, sociology, but also on a selected range of information from health-oriented subjects, which form the so-called "social psychology". This includes a broader general basis of study and professional subjects aimed at acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills in the field of social services, social counselling and prevention of social protection, planning and development of the social network, organisation and management of the social assistance system and provision of social care, the theory and methods of social work. Teaching takes the form of lectures, exercises, seminar exercises, case study seminars, training in basic social psychological skills.

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Conditions of admission

1. University studies of the 1st (Bachelor's) degree completed by a state examination.

2. Completed application form for university studies (form: purchase at ŠEVT or download includes:

  • certified copy of the diploma (graduates of St. Elizabeth's College of Higher Education and SP will supply an uncertified copy)
  • certified copy of the state examination certificate - if issued by the college (graduates of St. Elizabeth's HEI and SP will supply an uncertified copy)
  • certified supplement to the diploma (graduates of the VŠZ and SP St. Elizabeth's will supply an uncertified copy)

    Applicants who will take the state examination after the deadline for the submission of applications shall provide a diploma (certified copy), a certificate of state examination (certified copy) - if the college issues and a supplement to the diploma (certified copy) additionally (§ 58 (1) of the Act No. 455/2012 Coll., Art.455/2012 Coll., Art. amending Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education as amended) before the enrolment deadline, so that a decision on admission to study can be sent.
    Without submitting certified copies of the diploma, the certificate of the state examination and the supplement to the diploma, the applicant will not be admitted/enrolled in the study (§ 59 (3) of Act No. 455/2012 Coll., as amended), the applicant will not be admitted/enrolled in the study (§ 59 (3) of Act No. amending Act no. 131/2002 Coll. on higher education as amended).
  • student applicants who have studied at a foreign university - Decision on recognition of the equivalence of the educational document (photocopy of the decision must be officially certified) and at the same time they also provide an uncertified copy of the foreign educational document,
  • Curriculum Vitae (signed)
  • certification of medical fitness to practise - from a doctor (for medical fields only)
  • the applicant for the external form of study shall indicate in the application form on page 2 the details of employment
  • proof of payment of the admission fee by deposit into an account

General information about the admission procedure:

  • the college reserves the right not to open the first year of a programme of study for which a sufficient number of applicants have not applied
  • an applicant who has paid the admissions fee, has been sent an admission decision and does not enrol will not be refunded
  • the fee will also not be refunded to applicants who are not admitted on the basis of an incomplete application
  • the registered application form with documents remains on file and in the archives of the college - it is not returned

Specific conditions of admission:

  • higher education studies of the 1st (Bachelor's) degree completed by state examination in the field of study Social Work or in another field of study with the condition of passing the difference courses from the Bachelor's degree. degree in Social Work

The college reserves the right to make changes during the ongoing admission process, before the closing date for submission of applications for admission.

Additional information

School does not accept electronic applications !

Undergraduate applicationsshould be sent to:

St. Elizabeth's College of Health and Social Work

Study Department

Palackého No. 1, P. O. BOX 104

810 00 Bratislava

In person submission of the application:

Delivery office of the University of St. Elizabeth, Nám. 1. mája č. 1, Bratislava

Contact the study department: STUDY DEPARTMENT.

Without entrance examinations

Conditions of admission without the entrance exam

Admission interviews are held only for selected study programmes - as specified in the Specific Conditions of Admission.

General information on the admission exam

Admission interviews are held only for selected study programmes - as specified in the Specific Conditions of Admission.

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  • Bachelor diploma (paper form)

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: 878 €
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 878 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 65 €

Billing information

St. Elizabeth's College Reduces winter term tuition fees in the 1st year of study in the academic year 2025/2026

  • by 10% for prospective 1st (B.Sc.) degree students who send their application file by 28.2.2025 (inclusive)
  • by 10% for candidates for 2nd (Mgr.) degree who send their application file by 31.3.2025 (inclusive)

In addition to tuition fees, students are required to pay enrollment fees annually. The amount of the enrolment fee is:

  • for the 1st (Bachelor's) degree 139 €.
  • for 2nd (Mgr.) degree 209 €.

For more detailed information, please refer to Rector's Directive 1/2025 on the amount of tuition and fees associated with studying at the St. Elizabeth's University of Health and Social Work in Bratislava, n.o. in the academic year 2025/2026.


  1. Account number:
    IBAN: SK02 1100 0000 0026 2674 8634
    Bank address: Tatra banka, a.s.
    , Hodžovo nám. 3, 811 06 Bratislava

  2. Variable symbol:
    date of birth (in the form DDMMYYYY), or birth number
    - graduates of VŠZ and SP St. Elizabeth's will indicate their student identification number
  3. In the memo field, indicate the name of the applicant

School does not accept electronic applications !

Always up-to-date news about university St. Elizabeth University of Healt and Social Work on your email.
We will send you all the information about important events and deadlines.

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Detail of the study program

Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. More information

Detail of the study program


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Responsibility for content: Ing. Dagmar Mylbachrová –
Last update: 10.01.2025 13:54

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