Graduates from this study programme are trained in scientific methods of description, analysis and evaluation of settlement systems and landscape areas from the point of view of spatial planning, landscape ecology, socioecology, historical development and social psychology. He/she is ready to research the process of spatial development and to identify rules and natural regularities of its development. He/she can creatively proposes new means of access to problems, new tools and methods for regulation of spatial development with emphasis on sustainability and new procedures, methods and means that can be used in planning, projection and management of spatial development of landscape areas. The graduate can find employment in science of urban planning, in education of this specification, in practice of land use and spatial planning, and in management of spatial planning practice. He/she is ready to solve specific tasks of social and economic development related to localisation of economic activities.

Prospects of graduates

Graduate of PhD. Study is able to make research in the processes of spatial development, to identify the principles and regularities. The graduate can design new approaches, new tools and methods of spatial development regulation, with the emphasis on safeguarding its sustainability. The graduate is also able to develop new ways, methods and instruments that can be utilised in the planning practice, design and management of spatial development of territorial units at the local, regional, national and European levels. The graduate can find the employment opportunities in the science, in the education and practice of land-use and spatial planning and in the management of spatial development in the agencies and institutions at the local, regional, national and European levels.

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Conditions of admission

The entrance test is on June 28, 2018.

 Examination committee will meet on June 28, 2018 and will assess the course of entrance exam. The meeting will be closed; an applicant will be evaluated on the basis of these criteria:

  •  theoretical-professional abilities and predispositions for scientific and art work and overall professional level which he/she showed at the interview about chosen topic of dissertation work – maximum 30 points
  • level of language knowledge - maximum 30 points
  • extent and quality of publication  activity - maximum 20 points
  • results in student scientific and professional work competitions - maximum 10 points
  • participation in foreign student mobility (Socrates/Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci), participation in students' workshops, summer school - maximum 10 points
  • Based on the results of the admissions test, applicants who achieve at least 60 points may be admitted to the study.

Additional information

Dissertation topics will be posted on the electronic application and Web IM STU since April 1, 2018.


Coordinator for students with specific needs

Ing. arch. Zuzana Čerešňová, PhD.

+421 908 948 626

General information on the admission exam
  1.  Deadline for submission of application forms for the study and obligatory documents
  • Application forms are sent to the address:  Slovenská technická univerzita, Ústav manažmentu, študijné oddelenie, Vazovova 5, 812 43 Bratislava until 31/05/2018.
  • Applicants for doctoral study programme fill the form "Application for university study", or an electronic application form. It is recommended to submit the electronic application form (e-application form). Printing and subsequent sending of the printed electronic application form to the address stated in subparagraph 1 together with required enclosures in subparagraph 4) are inevitable conditions for successful electronic submission of e-application formfor the study in STU.
    • Another condition is to submit a complex application documents required by IM STU including following annexes:
      • proof of entrance exam fee payment
      • structured c.v. and motivation letter
      • verified copy of state examination certificate
      • verified copy of university diploma
      • verified copy of annex to university diploma or verified copy of list of completed subjects and exams
      • certificate of language knowledge / foreign language test certificate
      • framework project related to the topic of the dissertation work
      • list of own published and non published works, professional opinions on these works
    • Applicants who graduated abroad, in accordance with § 36 or 39 of the Act no. 422/2015 Coll. Recognition of Diplomas and Professional Qualifications and on amendment of certain acts to support a decision on the application for recognition of education certificates.

    • If the application does not contain all data or any of the required documents listed in this section is not attached to the application, IM STU is authorized in writing challenge the applicant to remedy the deficiencies of the application and complete the missing documents within the specific time. If the applicant does not meet this obligation within the deadline, he will be provided with the decision on non-admission to study ŠP due to not meeting the conditions for admission.

      • applicant with special needs must submit an application for the evaluation of his specific needs and set in the extent of support services according to admissions within the meaning of the rector regulation number 5/2013-SR -with-specific-potrebami.html?page_id = 6717 in order to create an appropriate conditions for passing the university entrance exam. Applicants with specific needs will have special method of entrance exam based on their specific needs.
    • .

Form of entrance exam

Framework content of entrance test

  • theoretical-professional dispute to a chosen topic of the dissertation work
  • evaluation of english language abilities of the applicant (in the frame of theoretical-professional dispute to the chosen topic of the dissertation work).

  • Apply the application for study

    01.04.2018 - 31.05.2018

  • Performance of the entrance exam


  • Performance of the additional entrance exam


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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

Current number of filed applications:

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 100 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 20 €
E-application form: 20 €

Billing information

Bank connection

Beneficiary´s IBAN:SK8881800000007000084007

Beneficiary´s Account Name: Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave

Beneficiary´s Account Name: Vazovova 5, 812 43 Bratislava

Country Code: SK

BIC/SWIFT-Beneficiary Bank Code: SPSRSKBA

Beneficiary Bank: Štátna pokladnica

                              Radlinského 32

                              810 05 Bratislava


 Variable symbol (payment without electronic application form): 9073001819

Variable symbol (payment for electronic application form generated via AIS): number of electronic application form generated by AIS system


Studies in the state language                                                                  € 20   

Studies in a foreign language                                                                   € 70



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Detail of the study program

The first three years of your studies could be funded by a scholarship of up to €9,000. More information

Detail of the study program


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Responsibility for content: Mgr. Katarína Matúšková –
Last update: 02.04.2019 17:02

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