
Prospects of graduates

Graduates of bachelor's degree programme, field of study law:

The Bachelor's study programme fully reflects the areas and scope of knowledge, skills and competences that profile the graduate of the study programme of the first degree of higher education studies in accordance with the relevant level of the National Qualification Framework set out in the annex to the Decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Slovak Republic No. 244/2019 Coll. on the system of study disciplines of the Slovak Republic: SKKR 6.

The Bachelor's degree programme in the field of study Law is the starting point for the subsequent Master's degree programme. The above fact is also based on respect for the legal requirements for the practice of legal professions.

The graduate of the bachelor's study programme acquires knowledge of the theory of law and the theory of the state, knowledge of the overview of the development and specifics of legal thinking, knows the basics of the methodology of working with legal and legal text and the basics of the processes of the creation, implementation and application of law. It also acquires knowledge of the various branches of public and private law (administrative law, criminal law, public international law, constitutional law, civil law, family law, commercial law, labour law, etc.) with a focus on the substantive legal basis (except for administrative procedural law, which is already studied at the bachelor's level). The study of substantive law is the starting point for the subsequent master's degree, which is mainly focused on the study of procedural law.

The graduate will understand the sectoral division of the legal order on the basis of the subject and method of regulation, as well as the interrelationships of the individual branches of law and the construction principles of the legal order. The graduate will learn how to work with both legal and non-legal text, be able to create his/her own legal text, understand legal terminology and specific legal and legal professional language and expression, not only at the level of a passive recipient, but also at the level of an active user. The graduate acquires the skills of orientation in the legal system, in professional literature and in judicial practice, together with the skill of analysis and synthesis of the individual components of the legal order. He/she will acquire the necessary skills to identify the relevant legal rule and solve a specific legal problem on its basis, using the subsumptive syllogism. The graduate can interpret a legal text, work with legal interpretation techniques, draw a legally relevant conclusion as a solution to a specific legal case and argue for and against possible solutions in an appropriate, logical and generally acceptable manner. The graduate can define a factual and legal problem, abstract a factual problem into a legal qualification, i.e. name it in legal concepts and terms, subordinate it to the relevant legal norm, institute and normative regulation, subordinate them to the correct legal categories, distinguish them from other related legal categories, and finally, using legal methods, he/she is able to retrospectively apply the non-actual state to the relevant legal solution. He/she is able to work independently and in a team, to think critically and to evaluate both a factual and a legal situation/legal problem, also taking into account other normative systems (morality).The skills and competences acquired during the study enable the graduate to combine and combine knowledge from different branches of law, to assess a factual (social) and legal problem and to make a qualified legal conclusion. The acquired skills and competences are also transferable to the solution of new legal problems. The graduate is able to present a legal problem publicly at an appropriate material and formal level in oral and written form, respecting the standards of scientific and professional work and the principles of academic integrity. Knowledge outcomes are ensured and guaranteed by the completion of required and elective courses. Skills and competences outcomes are specifically supported by courses focusing on scientific methodology, ethical dilemmas, the preparation and production of the thesis and practical clinical courses. The bachelor's degree is intended for students who have obtained a complete secondary education or a complete secondary vocational education.

The bachelor's degree is intended for students who have obtained a complete secondary education or a complete secondary vocational education.

More details on the graduate profile and indicated occupations :

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Conditions of admission

Conditions for admission to the Bachelor's degree programme in the academic year 2025/2026

The basic condition of admission to the three-year bachelor's study programme in the full-time
and part-time form of study (completed by obtaining the degree "Bc."), which is followed, after fulfilling the
established conditions, by a two-year master's study programme in full-time and part-time form of
study, field of study law (completed by obtaining the degree "Mgr."), is the acquisition of full
secondary education or full secondary vocational education.
Another condition of admission is successful completion of the entrance examination and a matriculation
exam in Slovak or Czech language.
The entrance examination is organized in order to ensure that applicants with the necessary abilities and prerequisites are admitted to the study, so that:

1. consists of a test in the following subjects: history, fundamentals of law, fundamentals of sociology, psychology,
philosophy and economics; it also tests the socio-political, legal and cultural overview
as well as the logic of the applicant's thinking,
2. the maximum number of points a candidate can achieve is 800 points,
3. the time limit for completing the test is 30 minutes,
4. a list of literature on which the test questions are based will be sent out by the faculty to all candidates in a timely manner and will also be published on the faculty's website,
5. the faculty, after the test has been completed and handed in, will allow the candidate, in the presence of a computer
operator from among the faculty's teachers, to ascertain the correctness/incorrectness of the answers to the
test questions and the amount of the test score on the day of the entrance examination,
6. The results of the entrance examination will be published on the faculty's website,
7. Candidates who demonstrate the highest level of ability to study,
i.e. achieve the highest number of points, will be admitted to the study,
8. Those applicants who have not passed the matriculation examination in Slovak or Czech language must also pass a test in Slovak language as part of the admission procedure,
which will be prepared by the faculty.

Additional information

The University of Trnava, Faculty of Law (hereinafter referred to as "the Faculty") in the academic year 2025/2026 opens the following bachelor study programmes:
- three-year bachelor study programme, study field of law in full-time form
- three-year bachelor study programme, study field of law in part-time form
The bachelor's study programme in the external form of study will be carried out with the payment of
tuition fees. The amount of the annual tuition fee will be determined in accordance with the measure of the Ministry of Education of the
University of Trnava in Trnava.
The full-time form of study requires the student's daily participation in lectures,
practical exercises and other forms of teaching according to the specified timetable. The external
form of study requires student participation in lectures. Both forms of study are
equivalent both in terms of study requirements, curriculum content and
the possibility of application in practice.
The Faculty plans, depending on the amount of allocated budget and
the fulfilment of the basic and other conditions of admission to study, to admit at least 150 students to the full-time form of study and at least 50 students to the external form of study in the academic year
On the application form, it is necessary to clearly indicate which form of study the applicant is interested in, whether for admission to the full-time form of study or for admission to the external form of study.
The application form is submitted separately for the full-time form of study and separately for the external form of study.

Conditions for international students

An applicant who has completed secondary school studies abroad shall submit nostrified documents of education in accordance with Act No 422/2015 on the recognition of documents of education and on the recognition of professional qualifications and on the amendment and supplementation of certain acts.

Conditions for admission of foreigners, foreign students or students who have completed secondary school studies abroad are the same as the conditions for admission of students who have completed secondary school studies in the Slovak Republic and are citizens of the Slovak Republic.

Those applicants who have not passed the matriculation examination in Slovak or Czech language must also pass a test in Slovak language prepared by the faculty as part of the admission procedure

Conditions of admission without the entrance exam

Each applicant for the Bachelor's degree programme must pass an entrance examination.

Coordinator for students with specific needs

Coordinator for work with disabled students
doc. JUDr. Viktor Križan, PhD.

telephone: 033/5939 647

mobile:0908/787 312


General information on the admission exam
  1. The applicant should send the completed application form together with a CV to the following address:
    Trnava University in Trnava, Faculty of Law, Hornopotočná 23, 918 43 Trnava
    by 31 March 2025. Instead of submitting a written application, the applicant may also submit an application in electronic form without a guaranteed electronic signature by the same deadline.
    A candidate who submits an electronic application is also obliged to send a duly completed and signed application form in written form (a printed version of the electronic application) and a confirmation of payment of the application fee to the address of the Faculty's seat.
    The electronic application form is published on the University's website.
    2. The administrative fee in the amount of 40 EUR (38 EUR in case of electronic application), which is intended for the reimbursement of the costs of the admission procedure, shall be paid by the applicant for studies by wire transfer, indicating the account number: Štátna pokladnica SK88 8180 0000 0070 0024 1244, variable symbol - the registration number of the applicant's application generated through the electronic application, where the letter "R" is omitted
    (e.g. for 0213R07650 it will be 021307650), or without the symbol, if the applicant
    delivers the application only by post, the specific symbol 50002. The fee may also be paid by postal order to the address of the Faculty of Law, University of Trnava, Hornopotočná 23, 918 43 Trnava, reference number 008727686. In case of the applicant's non-attendance at the entrance examination, the fee will not be refunded.
    3. The faculty will send detailed information about the entrance examination to the registered candidate at least one month before the admission procedure.
    4. A candidate who has already completed his/her secondary school studies shall submit a certified copy of his/her matriculation certificate together with the application form. An applicant who is graduating in 2025 shall submit a certified copy of the graduation certificate in person, at the presentation on the day of the entrance examination. A candidate who has submitted an application in electronic form shall submit a certified copy of his/her matriculation certificate in person on the day of the entrance examination.

    The conditions set out in point 4 will be refined according to the current epidemiological situation.
    5. The school's confirmation of the applicant's academic record and medical certificate of health are not required.
    6. The applicant who has completed secondary school studies abroad shall submit nostrified
    documents of education in accordance with Act No. 422/2015 Coll. on the Recognition of Educational Proofs and on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications and on Amendments and Additions to Certain Acts.
    7. The conditions of admission of foreigners, foreign students or students who have completed secondary school studies abroad are the same as the conditions of admission of students who have completed secondary school studies in the Slovak Republic and are citizens of the Slovak Republic.
    8. The entrance exam will be held from 3 June 2025 - 13 June 2025; in case of time conflicts, the faculty reserves the possibility to change the date of the entrance exam.

Form of entrance exam
  1. It consists of a written test of the following subjects: history, fundamentals of law, fundamentals of sociology, psychology, philosophy and economics; it also tests the socio-political, legal and cultural overview as well as the logic of the applicant's thinking,
  2. the maximum number of points that a candidate can achieve is 800 points,
  3. time limit for completing the test is 30 minutes,
  4. the faculty will distribute the list of literature on which the written test questions are based to all candidates in a timely manner and will also publish the list on its website,
  5. after the written test has been completed and handed in, the faculty shall allow the candidate, in the presence of a computer operator from among the faculty's teachers, to ascertain the correctness/incorrectness of the answers to the questions of the test and the amount of the score of the results of the test on the day of the entrance examination,
  6. the results of the entrance examination will be published on the faculty's website,
  7. the applicants who demonstrate the highest level of aptitude for the study, i.e. achieve the highest number of points, will be admitted to the study.


  • Apply the application for study

    01.12.2024 - 31.03.2025

  • Performance of the entrance exam

    03.06.2025 - 13.06.2025

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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

  • CV (paper form)
  • doklad o platbe (paper form)
  • leaving certificate (paper form)

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: 890 €
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 1100 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 40 €
E-application form: 38 €

Billing information

Admission fee: 40,- €

(€38,- in case of electronic application)

Reference number:008727686 / if paying by postal order/

Account: SK88 8180 0000 0070 0024 1244
Specific symbol: 50002

Variable Symbol: automatically generated variable symbol for payment

for the applicant = applicant's personal number generated through the online application form.

Symbol is not to be entered if the applicant delivers the application by post.

Additional data.

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Detail of the study program

Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. More information

Detail of the study program

  • There are days left until the submission of a later application.
  • Add to Favorites
  • Academic year: 2025/2026
  • University Trnava University in Trnava Faculty of Law
  • Form of study: external
  • Anticipated number to be accepted: 50
  • Program code: 185029
  • Field of study: Law
  • Level of study: 1.
  • Length of study: 3
  • Method of Study: combined
  • Graduate Degree: Bc.
  • Information about teaching languages: Slovak


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Responsibility for content: Mgr. Andrea Mašková –
Last update: 06.12.2024 08:08

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