
The content of study program is in compliance with the study branch 7.4.1 Nursing.  After completion of the study program the graduate shall gain professional knowledge, capabilities and practical skills in nursing care, the knowledge about physiological functions structure, behaviour of healthy and ill man and relationships between the health of man and his environment. Having acquired the special knowledge and practical skills the graduate shall be qualified to provide independently an individualized nursing care to individuals, families, groups and communities when being healthy or ill and contribute to health support, healing or peaceful and dignified passing away. The graduates shall be qualified to extend their professional knowledge and skills within the scope of long-life education. Professional training is based on science and research achievements.

Prospects of graduates

Study program prepares a qualified health-care worker able to perform nursing care profession. This profession plays a key role in the field of health protection, health support and health recovery of a man. The graduate can find an employment as a nurse in institutional and outpatient health care facilities. The graduate can be involved in nursing care management, educational process or research. The graduate is liable to perform an independent nursing care according to valid legislative acts. After completion of nursing training set according to the valid legislative regulations the graduate is qualified to continue studying in post-qualification or specialised study.

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Conditions of admission

acquirement of a full secondary vocational education at a secondary health care school in the given branch, obligation to respect the catholic spirit of the university and faculty, at least three years of experience in the given branch, good health condition.

Conditions for international students

The conditions are the same as for the students of the Slovak Republic.

The deadline for filing the application is by 10 April, 2012.

Without entrance examinations

Conditions of admission without the entrance exam

Admission procedure without entrance exam.

Upon creation of the final order of applicants the results from the secondary school study and the results from the leaving exam of the applicant are taken into regards.

If a larger number of applicants meet the admission conditions for the study of the given study programme, those applicants will be admitted that presented the highest rate of capabilities for the study according to the admission procedure conditions for the study.

Coordinator for students with specific needs

we do not have, since the applicants must have a good health condition

General information on the admission exam

The application must include the confirmation of health ability for university study and for performing the profession in the given study programme.

Attachments to the application:

structured CV (signed by the applicant),

copies of the secondary school reports for the individual years + leaving exam certificate verified by a notary public (the calculated average for the individual years must be marked on the copy),

the fee payment slip, which must be pasted on the third page of the application (without the payment slip the application will not be registered),

the admission procedure fee shall not be returned,

the applicants for part-time study must attach a confirmation on at least three years of practice in the given field,

The applicant that at the time of filing the application performs work in public interest, shall enclose the respective confirmation of the employer to the application.

Apart from the classical (written) version of the application to university shall also send an electronic version of the application, which is available on the website of the FHC CU.

Form of entrance exam

Admission procedure without entrance exam.

  • Apply the application for study


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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

  • leaving certificate (paper form)
  • CV (paper form)
  • overené kópie stredoškolských vysvedčení (prvý až štvrtý ročník), v prípade, že nie je školou potvrdený priemer známok v prihláške (paper form, electronic form)
  • doklad o zaplatení poplatku za prijímacie konanie, bez dokladu o zaplatení nebude prihláška zaregistrovaná (paper form)
  • lekárske potvrdenie o zdravotnej spôsobilosti k vysokoškolskému štúdiu a výkonu povolania v danom študijnom odbore vrátane povinných očkovaní
  • Vzhľadom na pokračovanie uzavretia vysokých škôl do odvolania si Vás dovoľujeme informovať, že k prihláškam na štúdium na Fakulte zdravotníctva KU v RK, aktuálne nie je potrebné dokladovať potvrdenie od lekára a overené vysvedčenia, tie dodáte po odvolaní

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 700 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 45 €
E-application form: 45 €

Billing information

Bank: State Treasury

Account number: 7000240559/8180

Variable symbol: 16002010

Constant symbol: 308

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Detail of the study program

Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. More information

Detail of the study program


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Responsibility for content: Mgr. Milan Kaman –
Last update: 18.12.2023 07:13

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